The Main Economic, Social And Political Changes During The Middle Ages
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Through the document the Middle Ages explained to the youth of Jacques L. Goff (2007) I could show that the author addresses various issues related to the economy, religion, culture and society in which the life of the inhabitants of the Middle Ages developed.
Starting with the fact that the Middle Ages lasted thirteen centuries which understood from the 5th century to the 18th century D. C, arguing that the end of the ancient age was marked with the political fact of 46 that marked the end of the Roman Empire, which brought great invasions of the peoples from the north, east and western Europe. This era marked a before and after in the history of humanity because in the period of time that the Middle Ages lasted 3 great events that marked the modern times: the progress made to the different sciences, the beginning of the revolutionIndustrial, and the political revolutions that culminated especially with the French Revolution which was perceived as the authentic change in the history of France, Europe and the World.
All these invasions and events after the ancient age, brought various significant changes in the various environments of society, after this between the fourth century and V Rome had a religious change that marked the time, this arises after the conviction of the emperorsRomano was based on the replacement of the pagan gods with a unique God, this event meant the end of the part of paganism.
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Within the culture of the Middle Ages, we must highlight the hunting and entertainment tournaments in spring made by the gentlemen of the time with the sole purpose of gaining prestige and honor. These tournaments did not have a good acceptance by the authorities of the Catholic Church of the time, tell the Pope and the bishops, because they became somewhat violent and/or bloody, highlighting that in one of these theLife The King of France Enrique II in 1559.
The gentlemen possessed were a figure of authority at the time and was only directed by man, when the ladies was at that time from the nineteenth to the 18th century where the mother of Jesus (Virgin Mary) reached her devotion for her piety with peoplesince it was the Virgin who interceded before God for it. At this time the Catholic Church prohibited polygamy and granted women an almost important place as that of men to marry.
As for the castles and buildings, the author emphasizes that they had an imposing construction, great that the vast majority were located in the distance of the city since they occupied large amounts of land for their building. The houses, churches and castles were built of wood, which is why sometimes whole cities were burned until the 10th and twelfth century that the stones began to use as a resource for construction. After the 10th century the Catholic Church built the cathedrals using romantic art or style and between the eleventh and thirteenth century the Gothic style was used.
Religious orders were founded from the thirteenth century which were known as the orders of the Franciscans and the Dominicans. During this time the bishops and cardinals could have a woman and son being this forbidden from the 12th century.
At this time as in all times there was a social inequality and the classification of people according to their social and economic status, they were divided into the clergy and laity considered the men of God, the lords and bourgeois considered men of high societyAnd the servants who were peasants and artisans. During this time that gave an economic rebirth after agricultural production, crafts which brought the birth of the fairs whose main function was the change of currency, with specialized and skillful people that brought the bourgeoisie and the manor rigorously, it was not untilthe twelfth century that the peasants when they had the right to negotiate their freedom which gave him status of servant and not a slave, although they had to pay taxes to the bourgeois and lords which force him to move to other places in search of fortune.
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