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The Meaning of College Education


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The Meaning of College Education
Education refers to skill or knowledge that an individual obtains through a learning process. It is usually marked by a diploma or a degree that is conferred to the individual by a college or a university to verify that he or she has satisfactorily completed a study course. The definition of what it means to be educated is, however, changing with time as the society evolves.
About five decades ago, the society defined being educated by the level of career success. Then, having a college education meant that one had higher chances of getting a well-paying job and living a stress-free life. Parents conformed to this belief, and most would strive to ensure that their children went through 12 years of primary and secondary education covering a span of knowledge including assorted living and physical sciences, language, history, physical education, assorted math, and literature. Upon completion, one has to go to college and major in the subject area with the potential of yielding a respectable job. The nature of one’s job was a significant factor in the definition of a college education. This is, however, changing as the society gets to interact with instances of people with no college education but very successful in life as well as others with a college education but with nothing to show except the certificates.
Today, society has developed a new set of parameters for defining college education. Unlike the earlier definition which revolved around the ability to find a respectable career, the present-day meaning of college education acknowledges that the ability to find a respectable job is controlled by other factors that have nothing to do with one’s education.

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As a result, what it means to be educated today, particularly in regards to a college education is defined based on different personal attributes.
Critical thinking plays a very significant role in the definition of what it means to be educated. One of the most appreciated learning outcomes for a college education is critical thinking. College education fosters in one the habit of objectively analyzing and evaluating situations before he or she can form a judgment. As a result, anyone with a college degree is considered to be educated if he or she can exhibit the ability to think critically through the various complex societal problems and come up with solutions that are logical. Having a college diploma or degree does not make one educated if he or she cannot think critically through situations.
Another critical parameter used to assess education today is the relevance and applicability of the knowledge set to the real world problems. In college, students acquire knowledge through the process of learning. A substantial part of the knowledge acquired in college is in the form of theory and concepts. One is considered educated if he or she can apply the theories and concepts he learnt at college to real-world problems and come up with practical solutions.
As surprising as it may seem, having a college degree or diploma alone no longer qualifies one to be considered educated. The definition of what it means to be educated today goes beyond the certificates conferred to one at the end of a course. Today, the definition of education incorporates how education has shaped an individual and helped them fit in the society. An educated person is one who has benefited from attending college through an improved ability to fit in the society and offer logical and practical solutions.

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