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The Miracle Worker Book
The Miracle Worker by Gibson sends a powerful message to the readers; per the play, giving up is never an option to consider notwithstanding the challenge one faces. Captain Arthur and his wife almost gave up on their child by letting her rot away in solitary, but that was never the best solution they could come up with; there was room for improvement (Gibson 23). Humans settle for anything that is easily accessible; few people are willing to take an extra step in making situations or their lives better. Gibson implores upon the readers to not give up, making baby steps at a time would make one achieve whatever they want. All through the play, the characters are forced to choose if they are willing to continue living in their current forms or taking an extra step towards something better.
Anne Sullivan a young teacher fresh out of school encounters an experience that might discourage her or build her career. Any situation is always a double sided sword, that is, it can grow or destroy a person, and it is up to the confronted person to choose what they want out of the experience. Anne almost gave up on Helen when she decided to pack and leave; she felt her efforts were not bearing any fruits. Arthur was too much on Anne as he always wanted Anne to prove herself (Gibson 45). The family had been in contact with so many quacks who claimed they could help Helen, hence their reservation towards Anne. It is not only Arthur that Anne must prove herself to, but also Kate and James.

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The pity of Helen’s family for her prevents Annie from performing her duties.
When the family of Helen realizes that there has been an improvement in her conduct, they let Annie perform her job without interference. Having reduced the number of challenges, Annie got dedicated than ever to make her presence at the homestead count. It was not easy getting Helen to start playing ‘game’, which was an instructional language. Luckily, the ‘game’, which is the instructional manual for the deaf and blind, pushed Helen to want more (Gibson 57).
Helen was a stranger to civility, she did not know how to behave around her family, and she was in her world, which made her feel disconnected from the rest. One morning, Annie forced Helen to sit down and eat her food which she successfully did (Gibson 60). The actions of Annie put into question the impact of pity and love in people’s lives. Pity is often confused for love, but it allows for stagnation while love promotes progress. Pity forces people to settle for less, and that is not what the Kellers wanted for their daughter.
Without the determination of Helen, all the efforts put into her rehabilitation would have been in vain. Helen struggles to connect with the outside world; she has no words to use, so she often engages in tantrums to feel connected. Even after learning to be obedient Annie lacks the connection with the real world, this forces her to relapse to her old ways (Gibson 50). It is evident that Annie wants something better, she may not be speaking or acting so, but her frequent reverts to unwanted behaviors is a way of communicating that she needs more. Finally, the miracle happens, and Annie finds meaning to the finger-game, this opens the world to Annie (Gibson 90). Gibson does not fail in passing across the virtues of persistence.

Works Cited
Gibson, William. The miracle worker. Simon and Schuster, 2008.

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