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The More Violence, There Is Less Defense


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The more violence, there is less defense

Gender violence has been manifested with different acts, in the course of our history, from physical, verbal, psychological aggressions, among others, and although laws have been created, organizations that support the victims and seek to prevent these thesecases occur, these issues have not decreased, so what prevents those violated people from acting, we understand the situation?

Violence is usually a cycle that often prevents the victim from doing something about it, the injured man often ignores the first indications of a possible aggression;There are several reasons to ignore or not realize this, they begin with not so notorious actions that progressively advance, from slight insults to physical violence. This cycle presents 3 phases: tension, explosion and repentance, the first phase is in which the aggressor intends to convert the victim into a dependent on this, the second is carried out the cusp of the aggression and in the last one it is called italso effective manipulation.

Therefore, the so -called learned helplessness is caused, according to Seligman, this means "to give up", it is a feeling of impotence to any problem, the repeated exposure to an amount of violence decreases the criticism of perception, to which it could be calledhabituation, for example, we will analyze the case of habituation of the frogElevate to the point that the frog "gives up" and dies (palaces).

Despite this continuous abuse, why not ask for help, what other reasons exist, social, economic, psychological causes?, As we have mentioned a constant victim, it simply gives up, but to this is added reasons regarding the economic, referring to the absence of alternatives in terms of employment, accommodation, etc.

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In the social field, it could refer to the deficit of the judicial system in the face of this problem, or one of the most important causes: psychological, attributing what happens to their way of being, which leads them to be considered “deserving” of a deal ofunworthy for perceiving as little competent, which results in scenarios in which a family loses a mother, a daughter or sister (palaces).

Finally, many women seek to minimize aggression problems either by their family, economic stability or for fear of external opinions, for that reason I consider that this cycle of violence has been drastically increased in recent years, the opinion of society has more importantThat our own security, or on the other hand they believe that by having a traditional family this will give their children a better life, but in the end this circle only increases and disperses in a terrifying way, in Ecuador the femicide rate increases fromconsiderable way, this is usually given in low -income sectors, where women are considered more vulnerable. 

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