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The Obstacles That Women Have Had Towards Gender Equity


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The obstacles that women have had towards gender equity

Currently, one of the issues that is giving much to talk about, is gender equity and the controversy it generates in society. We know that this has come back, but it was hidden under the carpet for decades and covered with the mantle of the religion and culture of each country. Many women should postpone the desire to be a mother to prioritize the study and work in order to achieve economic stability leaving and then their own dream of forming a family thinking that a child could interrupt the quality of efficacy with which you work. While it is true, motherhood is a blessing for the couple, many times responsibility only falls to the woman who is subject to the care of the baby and as homeowner that makes it impossible to continue with her work life project leaving her a future.Solo of mother. On the other hand, over the years there has been an immensity of discriminatory facts towards women in most cases, acts where man detracts from the value that the being is a woman without realizing that by disqualifying the female gender they arediscriminating against his own mother, but even with this thought a change in the mentality of the male gender is generated. There are still examples of discrimination against women, acts where they take away the power to make decisions, a job just in equal working conditions, the right to live free of violence, abuse, exploitation and abuse, which is what it ismore important. Gender equity does not advance.

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One of the factors that has generated the stagnation of gender equity is the difficulty that women have had to enter the work world, to be able to exercise an autonomous and independent person without any discrimination and with equal rights and conditions and conditions. There have been many cases where workers do not receive the same salary or the same opportunity as a worker despite having the same optimal conditions to exercise work, why are this injustice due? Another fact that demonstrates inequality towards the female gender and that is problematic in terms of the work world of women is the little social protection that is given to them because they are not treated in the same way that a man, many workers suffer mistreatment so muchphysical as psychological in their work environment and these acts are not visible by increasing the cases of women who abandon their workplace. The woman has slowly entered the work world defending her right, demonstrating her ability to equal or greater condition than the opposite gender, however, despite the constant effort and struggle of feminist power, women’s figures in the workplacemale gender having a slow progress of integration into society. According to studies, "in 2020, only 47% of women of working age participated in the labor market, compared to 74% of men, a gender gap that has remained relatively constant since 1995" (organizationof the United Nations [UN], 2020). People tend to think that women are not prepared or at the height of men considering them basic and unable to exercise successful work. The mistake is to think that intellectual capacity is evoked in gender.

This inequality and discrimination begins from the birth where the difference between the future of a girl and a boy projecting in the latter great professionals is made, thus seeing a girl only with the role of home and mother’s owner starting from her beginning of lifeWith the difference in opportunity weakening to the female gender. Due to the constant struggle, the integration of women in education has been gradually increasing in the social transformations that each country has had. In spite. "However, women are still underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and represent only a little more than 35% of graduates in these areas" (UN, 2020). The education of women has advanced by leaps and bounds, since, under statistics the number of women who are in higher education is much greater compared to that of men, even so, under this advantage over the opposite genre, womenThey are usually seen before society more disparagingly in the workplace mainly, placing in doubt their acquired capacity and knowledge, so it effectively makes it clear that it remains to improve the vision and adaptation of the population to internalize and integrate women into the world in the world.

The woman constantly has the concern of maintainPsychological. Unfortunately the cases of violence are the order of the day, that is why we ask a group of women if they have suffered some kind of violence throughout their life generated by a man, most likely the answer is the answerAffirmatively but still prefer to deny it many times for fear, fear and even shame, why does it cost so much to respond to a reality and prefer to live in a denial related to the subject? So fear can produce a simple question? Or fear is not the question but to the answer? Many women prefer to shut up when they are victims of some kind of aggression for fear of a retaliation against them, whom they will say, for fear of losing their children and even their life. It is stated that “about a third of women around the world have suffered physical and / or sexual violence by their partners;And 18% have experienced this type of violence in the last 12 months ". As the UN affirms, one of the factors that has had an important role related to this issue has been the pandemic where most cases has forced the population to take care of themselves staying at home, it is there where you should be sure preventingThe contagion without thinking that many women are unprotected in their own home with their partner or some family member, what is the use that they protect themselves from the virus when they have a much more dangerous enemy at home? While most people are protected in their home pending a vaccine to combat the virus, many women scream the vaccine that ends at once with machismo.

The woman has had and still has various obstacles to develop in society, to be able to relate as a free, authentic person with equal rights and without any fear. However, thanks to the constant struggle of women, they have allowed increasing the integration of these to the world and asserting their right of equality. Actions such as guaranteeing remuneration equality for the same positions or removing names, photos and addresses in the presentation letter in the initial phase of the selection process is a way to increase the hiring of women thus eliminating gender prejudices. It is the duty of the community in its entirety that this change continues to progress and does not stop at the work of the parents by educating from birth to their son or daughter to look with equality and instill respect to create great people of good for thelife. In conclusion, in order to move towards gender equity and equality, it is important.

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