The Parenting Style With Attachment
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Within the different types of attachment and according to Papalia, Olds and Feldman (2005), they are, the safe attachment, where the mother or attachment figure is perceived by the baby as a safe base to explore its environment. Babies who establish this type of attach. They commonly show social with other people when the mother is present.
On the one hand, in the unsistent-ambivalent insecure attachment, the baby does not perceive the mother as a safe basis to explore her environment, but trying to remain with her attachment figure for fear of disappearing. They usually show anguish in the face of the separation of the attachment figure, but when he is returning, the child is usually ambivalent. So your reaction to the appearance can vary between positively as rejecting the attachment figure for having abandoned it (Papalia et al. 2005).
On the other hand, in the insecure- Avitative attachment the baby does not usually show anxiety about the separation of the attachment figure, nor shows any reaction when it appears. Do not be afraid of strange people, but often ignores them. Finally, the insecure-decorative attachment, where the baby does not react to the separation, or to the appearance of the attachment figure. In this type of attachment the child is cold, rigid and distant;And even when he clings to his caregiver, he does it with an expression of sadness and avoiding visual contact (Papalia et al. 2005).
According to the American Psychological Association (2018) they also excite different types.
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As they are, the raising of authoritarian parents is raising style gives great importance to norms, control and demand, but emotions and affections do not have an important role in what are interactions with their children. They are extremely rigid parents, they tend to make strict and present many rules and demands. They try to channel the behavior of their children by subjecting them to obedience and to what the father understands that it is correct. He feels in command and with the total control of his children. They do not give importance to children because they have to do what they are asked, so that the rules and norms are not reasonably explained, but impose themselves. They are in favor of negative reinforcement (punishment and threats) as a way to mold their children’s behavior. Within this raising style, the love for children is not usually expressed openly and it is not very sensitive to the needs that children present, including love needs, affection and emotional support. These children grow up being children with predisposition to irritability, distrust, fear, courage and affliction. They are insecure, with low self – esteem, with poor self-control of their emotions or behaviors and emotionally unstable.
On the other hand, there is the democratic style, in which parents seek the formation of their children through love, support, stability and security. At the same time limits are established concretely. Parenting is based on the search for reasoning that establishes an understanding. For this, active listening is used, communication and although there are rules, the opportunity to listen to children’s opinions is provided and there is always space for negotiation. These children tend to grow with confidence, enthusiasm, with high self – esteem, and with good social skills. They are characterized by healthy emotional intelligence that allows them to be empathic, as well as express, understand and control their own emotions (APA, 2018).
Contrary to what happens in the authoritarian parenting style. In another of the parenting styles, the permissive does not know how to implement any specific limit limit. Parents do not inspect, or demand any proper behavior in their children. There are no standards, there is no control, or demands. They do not provide any kind of challenges to children. In the very unlikely case that they will use punishments or threats to try to mold their children’s behavior, in a few or in any situation they will tend to fulfill them. This breeding style usually has high trends towards the affectivity and emotions of children, prioritizing their well -being in any situation. So much so that the child will be the one who will decide how the relationship between parents and children is the son who is in command of the relationship. These children tend to grow cheerful and expressive. But on the other hand they are characterized by a trend into low self – esteem, to the centrism ego since they have always been first before anything, person or situation. By not instilling limits, norms and not demanding effort, they tend to make children immature and unable to have self-control (APA, 2018).
As the latter, there is the raising style of passive or negligent parents, in this style of parenting, the main parents or caregivers are indifferent, they pay little attention to the needs of children so that the rules, limits and affection aretotally absent. Confusing children about their own behaviors and emotions. The relationship of parents with children is a distant and cold. These children tend to have low self – esteem, they are not very empathic, insecure and especially sensitive to exhibiting behavioral problems. As they do not know the importance of the rules and norms they will hardly comply with them. They present a tendency to emotional instability (APA, 2018).
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