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The Pharmacy Of 2025: Challenges And Opportunities


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 The pharmacy understood as part of the units and cost centers of the centers and/or health services entities, testing once again the challenges in patient -centered management. This with the interest of promoting changes and improvements in favor of the automation of health services.

This interest shows the urgent need to consolidate processes, which allow to parameterize objective criteria, in relation to the impulse of new technologies, to model the pharmacy that we expect to fulfill the challenges in the coming years.

These challenges focus from outpatient care, for the timely dispensation of medicines to patients, in the case of patients with a chronic event, one of the challenges from pharmacy management is the implementation of processes related to telemedicine, the use of radiofrequency identification labels, for the geolocation of the patient in real time. These labels allow the transmission of wireless data on the patient’s clinical condition, which can be of great help to any event that puts the patient’s life at risk.

Similarly, from pharmacies we can induce the use of biosensors, which as a tool can help the notification of alerts from pharmacies to the clinical managers of health services, to follow up on adherence to the treatments of the treatments of thePatients, this as part of the future appointments in the worldwide commercial pharmacies.

Today the telemonitoring of chronic users has led to pharmacies to become scenarios for the modeling of new business strategies, in addition to considering this entity as a fundamental piece in the follow -up to patients and the issuance of alerts to the teamclinician in charge of handling the pathologies identified in users.

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The integration of pharmacies with diagnostic image centers, as well as health service centers, has allowed usHigh resolution for safe data exchange in real time, on patient management, until the issuance of criteria for the assignment of treatments prior to the pharmacy to treated patients.

Similarly, in the coming years, we see the pharmacy as active centers for the automation of patient treatment schemes, avoiding transfers, handling with a third person support, this due to the growing need to have dispensing systemsof drugs, with high sensitive capacity against metabolic changes, to adapt doses of medicines based on the state of patients, this by using biosensors that will be placed in people’s body, for the timely and adequate dispensation of the dosereal of the medication that the patient will need, which will avoid unnecessary expenses for indiscriminate drugs.

Therefore pharmacies at the hospital level, will be centers that promote the complex world of medical research and innovation, in the face of the use of biomarkers for personalized therapies, manage adverse effects on medicines on patients, make automated calculations ofdose, to avoid the overdose and polymedication of patients, only considering the general variables of age, weight and size.

From the hospital centers, pharmacies, they will manage a series of information on evidence of the real world or the famous “Real World Evidence”, to identify the main risks associated with the consumption of medicines outside the controlled environments.

With the implementation of these tools, the effect of toxicity of medicines can be reduced, as well as therapeutic failure, which must often be assumed by the patient, at the cost level, as well as for health insurance.

Then, in the face of these opportunities, the most important challenge for pharmacies is presented, to assume management from new technological tools, focused on strengthening the capacities of the personnel and/or the implementation of the use of artificial intelligence for managementof medications. The question is: the country is able to introduce smart devices, such as the robots for the parameterized management of variables focused on the optimal dispensation of medications?     

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