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The Power Of Medical Hypnosis As Alternative Medicine


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Together with humanity, medical sciences evolve with the passing of the years. Traditional practical methods are carried out every day in the surgical halls of clinics and hospitals, however, an unusual idea has taken control of how a more accelerated and natural way of treating minimally invasive surgeries could be used: medical hypnosisor hypnoseedation.

Hypnosis is a method that is mostly used in the area of psychology where a specialist named Hipnotherapist manages to make the patient bend his will and enter a state of unconsciousness, he is not asleep or awake, but follows the orders implemented by saidspecialist. In medicine as such, medical hypnosis is used to induce a patient who requires an operation in a kind of trance combined with a local anesthetic instead of using general anesthesia avoiding the ravages that this cause.

The benefits that the practice of medical hypnosis brings are several, on the one hand the patients have an early recovery, reduction of post -operation symptoms, among others, on the other the hospitals services would be benefited somewhat more in the field of saving resourcesAnd a new method to offer people with special circumstances.


In its historical concept, bioenergetic or natural medicine has been studied and practiced by ancestral civilizations, such as Greeks, Celts and Egyptians, since the beginning of time, but it was not until the anesthesiologist Marc GaryIn modern medicine.

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Gary (2013) Express:

Hypnosis is good for everyone: the patient has the opportunity to speak freely and be heard. The professional and / or the caregiver offers the patient another approach, opens the door to ‘another dialogue’ that renews his practice, that motivates him, that fights against the isolation that induces IT and therefore makes it possible to rule out Burnout syndrome. (p.6)

In its social concept, a new sedation procedure is sought that reduces surgical or medical aggressiveoperating room. On the other hand, it is known that in people who have suffered substance abuse or present some type of reaction to anesthetic chemical agents, the use of such components is not recommended, so a safer and more effective method could be offered such as hypnonestisia.

Medical hypnosis arises from the eagerness of medical staff to provide excellent service, where the health of any type of individual is not compromised and their recovery is completely successful.

Definition of the study case

Through this case study, the importance of implementing medical hypnosis in the area of health will be analyzed, focusing mainly on using it on minor surgeries or on those where it is necessary that the patient shows that none of their physical abilities have been seenaffected due to intervention.

It is necessary to understand that tranquility, communication and trust between doctor-patient are fundamental concepts throughout the three periods of a surgical act;When a patient is induced in a phase of hypnotic insensitivity he deposits his well -being in the hands of the specialist and concentrates his consciousness in a pleasant place, one that transmits happiness and calm. This not only facilitates its pre and post operative process but stimulates its brain capacity and imagination.

Also, for its economic part, it shows the reduction of costs that would exist in hospitals due to the practice of this technique in an operation. As a consequence, the recovery and hospital stay phase decreases its duration contrary to when a traditional analgesic method is used. Without hesitation, the cost of health is quite high when it comes to care by a private hospital, so the use of this alternative would represent a less significant cost for the individual who is treated.


"There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated, the more power it is exercised on a point ”(Vivekananda, 2019)

There is no doubt that medical technology advances by leaps and bounds with each year that happens but we must not put aside the knowledge that our ancestors have left. The study and application of hypnosis in other branches in addition to psychology is not a very common reality in the world, however, the amount of advantages that its application provides in areas such as health, social and somewhat economic are sufficient to convertto medical hypnosis in an option of numbness in almost surgery.

Case study objectives

General objective.

Expose the various benefits that medical hypnosis provides as a method of analgesia and anesthesia in surgical interventions that are not invasive to the physical-methodal health of the patient both during the operation and in the recovery and hospital stay process.

Specific objectives.

Explain the procedures that are carried out during preoperative, peri -operative and postoperative periods in order to perform a correct hypnosis and if necessary, as a case of if a failure occurs.

Specify what are the advantages of the practice of this method not only during the time period in the operating room if not those that have helped previous problems such as anxiety and anguish.

Conceptual framework

In ancient times, our ancestors associated induction to trance states with witchcraft, sorcery or simple religiosity but in reality it has always been related to the healing of the body, mind and soul. From ancient Egypt to modern civilization, continuous studies have been carried out that seek to deny those myths and fears that have been created around this transcendental practice, which can become the main cause of an ineffective implementation.

The main study that drives this technique in medicine was the DR a thesis. Franz Anton Mesmer which was title Animal Magnetism, despite being branded from charlatan even by royalty he continued with his investigation that would later be the starting point of future analyzes. "His treatment was to" magnetize "the patient through physical contact, helped by the look, the gloom of the room and with proper background music" (Blanco, 2012). The person in charge of magnetization should be on top of the other, with his position positioned in his belly and lower back until the temperature rises to a certain level and the patient ends convulsed, as a consequence the person presented a better humor after the act (white, 2012). Until then, this practice was known as mesmerism in honor of this scientist so why is it known as hypnosis today?

The term hypnosis is attributed to James Braid, a Scottish neurosurgeon who achieved great advances in this field. Initially, Braid believed that this trance was given as a result of staring at a light object dueThoughts, feelings, images, sensations or behaviors entering a state of peace and tranquility (National Cancer Institute, 2018).

At present, the practice of hypnosis is not only limited to the field of psychology or psychiatry but has spread throughout various branches such as oncology, neurology but especially in the branches of surgical medicine. In the operating room, anesthesia and analgesics are important medications when proceeding to an intervention but its use represents postoperative ravages such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headache and changes in blood pressure;It also involves a longer hospital stay time as well as the increase in expenses towards the patient and the hospital.

Unlike the conversational hypnosis used by psychologists, hypnoseedation cannot be kept for long hours, so it is advisableregional. In the same way there is a relevant similarity between these techniques, both perform their procedures through three levels: verbal language, language for verbal and nonverbal language that will be essential for a successful practice (Peláez Pérez JM, Benhaiem JM, Sánchez Casado M, Bustos MolinaF, 2019).

Hypnoanesthesia is a procedure that aims to replace the use of anesthesia within the operating room and eliminate its ravages outside it. The benefits that the patient brings are the following: In the preoperative communication between doctor-patient is of vital importance to start with hypnosis, so the patient’s world, his tastes, fears, fantasies and desires,Likewise, what are the procedures that will be carried out are reported. In the perioperative, induction to trance begins through the words of a specialist, he is given confidence to the medical team, towards surgery, towards his own well -being until finally his conscience and imagination travel to memories or happy fantasies leaving his bodyof painful sensations that will produce the operation. Finally, in the postoperative period its recovery process is accelerated and requires less drug drug.

"This technique uses patient resources such as creativity, imagination or positive reinforcement that offer confidence, especially when they are children, because they are proud to have overcome this experience" (Peláez Pérez JM, Benhaiem JM, Sánchez Casado M, Bustos MolinaF, 2019).

As the authors report, it also brings certain long -term advantages especially in children, stimulates their trust, elevates their self – esteem and helps them know how to respond in situations where their health is compromised.

Despite all studies, analysis and practices, understanding how medical hypnosis really works is still a mystery. Each person reacts in a different way to their effects, so it is necessary that the specialist relate even more with the individual before the operation but it has been possible to demonstrate that their benefits and advantages are real. The use of this technique means merging ancestral medicine with modern medicine for general an innovative procedure that aims at comfort and prompt recovery as well as helping to save money and hospital resources.

Methodological framework

The methodology used for the elaboration of the following case study is based on the use of information, documents and bibliographic data obtained from Internet sources;Those data obtained have been corroborated using virtual libraries, background background and confidence medical pages that deliver medical testimonies about the actions of medical hypnosis inside and outside the operating room. It also seeks to specify, understand, interpret and demonstrate why clinical hypnosis is an idea that continues to change the world in which we live.

Research Methods

For the elaboration of this project, the qualitative research method and logical method were clear in order to reach the objectives set out above.

Qualitative research is a method that is “characterized by being descriptive, inductive, holistic, phenomenological, structural-systemic and above all flexible, highlights more the validity than replicability, first of all identifies the deep nature of realities and its structureDynamics ”(Messiah, 2010). On the other hand, logical methodology is based on the application of deduction, analysis and synthesis techniques (Meléndrez, 2006).

Research techniques

The research techniques that have been used are:

  •  The analysis: mental compression procedure through which it seeks to decompose a complex whole in various parts and qualities .
  •  Synthesis: use mental understanding to unite the previously analyzed parties and the general characteristics they have in common .
  •  Bibliographic research: it consists of the analysis of bibliographic material related to the theme.
  •  The historical method: seeks to describe the evolution that the phenomenon to study has had. 
  •  The descriptive method: seeks to highlight the most relevant of a specific situation. 



The first thing that was carried out was the selection of the subject to study that in this case was clinical hypnosis, which was chosen due to the level of peculiarity and innovation offered to the medical-surgical field also the benefits it brings to thehealth and patient recovery period. Similarly, it brings with it the conservation of material and economic goods for health centers.

Second, relevant information is acquired from these sources which undergo a selection process from which the following questions were obtained: What is clinical hypnosis? What does it consist of? What benefits does? What are its consequences? When can it be applied? How is the procedure performed? What was the impact that I think? All these questions seek to collect more concrete and detailed information about the subject.

Therefore, the evolution that the theme has undergone with the passage of time is described, which of its characteristics have shown a significant change and because the need arises to raise this form of ancestral medicine as a form of anesthesia without chemical agents in theWorld of modern medicine dominated by technology is also answered to all the questions raised and the objectives of conducting the research that in this case would be to argue the reasons why it is beneficial to implement this practice in the health and well -being system of theindividual.

Results obtained

From the bibliographic and logical research that was carried out by citing different web pages, articles and PDF books with reference to the topic to be treated, the following results were obtained: Medical hypnosis is a procedure that seeks to replace general anesthesia or accompany local anesthesia ina lower surgical process or in some cases of medium irruption depending on how effective the practice in the patient is.

Its procedure when being carried out by a specialist is totally effective and painless, however, so that it has the expected success, it must begin to be treated before entering the operating room in order to create a connection and a relationship of trust between the doctor and patient;Thanks to this, this patient deposits his welfare in the assigned medical team and his mind can adapt to the hypnotic process in a simpler way. In the situation that hypnoseedation is not sufficient for the individual will be introduced into the local anesthesia organism that will help his intervention to be painless. On the other hand, when the operation has ended is carried out to a room where its recovery period will take place. Thanks to the testimonies of doctors and patients on surgical procedures carried out with this particular practice, it was possible to verify that the time that recovery lasts is much shorter because the different symptoms produced by general anesthesia are completely avoided by leaving the body;In addition the mood and humor with which the patient is once installed in the room in good, positive and calm so it also influences his recovery.

Economically, speaking traditional anesthetics with clinical hypnosis represents less liberation from hospital goods as well as brings with it the reduction of doses of medicines, less time and investment in hospital stay and unnecessary action by the Postaneseic Recovery Unit. This applies not only applies in private hospitals and clinics but also seeks to be implemented in that free medical care offered by the State to the population.  

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