The Psychology Of Love, Perception And Transection
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Love is a phenomenon that occurs in the lives of people from history, so it is not something new, however its conception has evolved since the perceptions of love vary according to the sociocultural space, therefore when talking aboutCouple choice is mentioned that "an increasingly complex process has become due to the psychological and sociocultural processes involved" (Padilla-Bautista et al., 2018, p. 219). Therefore, it is important to mention those dimensions that influence the perception of love and be able to understand those premises that are considered to love, Diaz (2010) points out the following approaches:
- Historical: referring to the study of the evolution and development of each concept through cultures;Biological: linked to the basic needs of the human being for living in company and interdependent and socially.
- Psychosocial: points to the relations of the human being, as well as the attribution and social influence that affects the expectations, attitudes, perspectives, values and perception of each individual, therefore affecting the behavioral and cognitive changes that occur in the relationship ofpartner.
- Cultural: referring to the entire cultural context where the individual develops. Taking into account their subjective culture (what the individual thinks, acts and feels) as well as their objective culture (what he builds).
Given this brief citation, it is necessary to mention that there are several conceptualizations in relation to love, the same phenomenon that has been wideThis section will focus on talking about the love of a couple and love seen as a form of transcendence.
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In the first instance, the question arises what love is, because as Fromm (2018) says, love is an art that "requires knowledge and effort", in turn this author states that all people need love, but this concept we misrepresent it and we misrepresent it andAs a consequence we practice it, people are both in search of love, that it is wrongly thought that love is only the one that comes from outside, the one that is received, but rarely the act of loving is seen as something we give. So, given this need to receive love, the first premise of love arises, which consists of the efforts of people to get love, which leads him to want to excel to be worthy of being loved, so that people work theirAesthetics, seek success, power, to be more attractive to the other and that is easier to be loved, under said conception.
A second premise, part that people attribute the act of loving as something that depends on the object, but not on a capacity that must be treated, developed in each person, so it is reified to love, since the one who choosesAn attractive person according to the context may experience love, that is, everything depend on the "object" but not on the person. Another mistake about love is the false idea that falling in love is a stage that must prevail throughout the relationship, discarding that it is an intense stage but that is initial and little last.
On the other hand, tearing the meaning of love Humberto Maturana points out: “Love is the emotion that constitutes the actions of accepting the other as a legitimate other in coexistence. Therefore, to love is to open a space of recurring interactions with another in which its presence is legitimate without demands ”(Maturana, 1997, p. 73;cited in Pinto, 2012)
In addition, there is talk of love as a form of transcendence, the person transcends when he creates, builds, something simple and at the same time beautiful, because transcendence can be achieved through art and love is an art, they are two people who build worlds, as mentioned by Pinto (2012) “The love of a couple is the construction of a world invented by two strangers in which the mundane has no place” (P. 12);Added to this, in order to love once again it is mentioned that self-transcendence is necessary, that is, the development of a ability to love, see and see the other as people and not as objects, where the development of subjectivity is valuableFor self-construction and co-construction.
At the same time, Torres González, Tamara;Ojeda García (2009), citing Kelley (1983) when talking about a couple commitment they mention that “to acquire a commitment of mutual and strong couple, both parties need to show and maintain positive feelings towards each other” (P. 39), postulate that is related to the concept given to love as art, and being considered as such must be learned, developed as a true art, as it would be done as music, with painting;So it is something that for its constructive, healthy practice, work is required and this work is mutual, in which each person contributes and both build the art of loving as a couple. Seeing the other as a person, as a different being that must be respected, accepted and that both are those that drive personal growth, but do not look like an object that lacks thoughts and feelings.
In this way, the strip of selfishness, egocentrism is indispensable for loving and transcending Torres González, Tamara;Ojeda García (2009) point out that “both being willing to accommodate, sacrifice, withdraw from tempting alternatives and/or resist the price for the good of the relationship are indicators of a strong commitment” (P.40);tuning with what was said by Pinto (2012) “When I love I decide. I choose our relationship as a priority over anything else, even about myself – rather – especially about myself. Because who is unable to take off from his "I" is unable to love "(P. 10). Therefore, the other is prioritized and respect, that is, when it is in a relationship of a certain decisions they do not involve only the one who decides, but also the couple, then that ability to think about feeling and thinking must be takenon the other, because certain acts can hurt or benefit the couple, so it should not be invisible, or leave it aside. Since according to what is cited, it is necessary to shed a selfish self to co-construct a space called "ours".
- You are me, and I am you. Isn’t it evident that we "inter-somos"?
- You cultivate the flower in yourself, so that I am beautiful.
- I transform the waste in me, so that you do not have to suffer.
- I support you, you support me.
- I am in this world to offer you peace, you are in this world to bring me joy ».
- Diaz, r. (2010). Anatomy of love. 1987, 1–6.
- Fromm, e. (2018). The art of Loving. RELECTIONS, 5, 215–219.
- Padilla-Bautista, J. A., Díaz-Loving, r., Reyes-Lagunes, i., Cruz-Torres, c. AND., & Padilla-Gámez, N. (2018). Control locus in the choice of couple: an ethnopsycometric validation. PSYCHOLOGY MAGAZINE (PERU), 36 (1), 217–238.
- Pinto, b. (2012). LOVE PSYCHOLOGY. Mexican Medical Archives.
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- Torres González, Tamara;Ojeda Garcia, to. (2009). Commitment and stability in the couple: definition and dimensions within the Mexican population. Ibero -American Psychology, 17 (1), 38–47.
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