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The Purpose of this Research


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The Purpose of this Research
The main objective of this research was to look into whether primary hypolactasia could be prevalent in and among a given population of the Finnish people above the age of 20 years. Hypolactasia in its own is a condition chiefly understood by lactase enzyme deficiency. This is whereby there is a lack of digestion and absorption of lactose within the small intestine. Since it has been properly documented that most of the individuals suffer from primary hypolactasia below the age of 20, this research introspect was conducted to convey evidence that hypolactasia could also be found in individuals above the age of 20. The test subjects were to be the age above 20 to obtain a unique and relevant result for current and future referencing. It is there true to state that this research was, in essence, trying to close a scientific gap that was not yet revealed by other scientists during research.
Methodology used in the Research
At first, the research was conducted with the help of lactose tolerance test with alcohol also simply abbreviated as LTTE. Then a process of elimination and inclusion of subjects with whom to carry out the research was done whereby some 42 subjects were selected from a large figure of 456 subjects. The 42 subjects seemed qualified and highly efficient for the research (consisted of 15 males and 27 females). This research had few changes as compared to other researches done a while back in that it had smaller amounts of ethanol used (i.

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e. 300 mg/kg body weight) and also used the peroxidase method in galactose analysis since it was the method conducive in the University Central Hospital of Helsinki laboratory. To recant on the amount of the ethanol used in the LTTE, it had been revealed that smaller amounts of ethanol are usually linked to accurate results as compared to larger ones.
After delivery of the samples using a thermostat to the laboratory, the interpretation of the results on the LTTE was regarding the optimal rise in both blood galactose and glucose. The main standards used to detect an escalation in blood glucose was set at 1.1mmol/l or even higher whereas the gold standard for the maximum rise in galactose level was 0.3mmol/l or higher. However, if the results indicated a drop or slump as compared to standards/limits, then it was to be understood that there was hypolactasia or maldigestion of lactose. This means that lactose has not been broken down by the lactase enzyme to yield either glucose or galactose moieties.
Moreover, if the results showed some signs of inconclusion, further research was to be conducted whereby histological and also activities of the disaccharidases was to be determined. Then finally, a genotyping analysis was to be conducted in all the subjects to determine what happens to the DNA in each of the subjects after the lactose administration. The most profound procedure for the extraction of DNA from the 35 subjects (since 7 of the subjects declined to give their blood samples for analysis) was the standard protocol and analysis was for the C/T_1390 polymorphism which had been highly linked to lactase persistence/non-persistence via mini-sequencing of the solid phase (Syvanen, Aalto-Setala, Kontula and Soderlund, 684).
Overall Results
The results of this research indicated that approximately 64% of the 42 subjects that is about 27 subjects were completely lactose tolerant whereas 5% of the test subjects (2 subjects) agreed with the main objective of the study as being lactose intolerant. The rest of the remaining 13 subjects showed a skewed kind of result terming them as inconclusive. Furthermore, it was also reported that of the 13 inconclusive subjects of which 10 volunteered for an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, for the purpose of small-intestinal disaccharidases determination; there was no sign of any form of low lactase activity.
In addition to this, the genotypic panel indicated that 1 of the test subjects had a hypolactasia genotype of C/C_13910. Normal activity of the lactase enzyme was analyzed in 13 of the subjects which had a genotype of T/T_13910, and 21 other subjects possessed the genotype C/T_13910 the heterozygous pair (Syvanen, Aalto-Setala, Kontula and Soderlund, 690).
Applicability to the Course
The course anthropological is totally diverse in its comprehension, in that, it deals with various aspects ranging from social, demographic, economic and also biological/physical aspects. This research is precisely balanced on the realm of biological/physical anthropology under a specific branch of human biology. It is in this branch of anthropology that deals with various variations in the human body that may be brought about chiefly by nutrition, evolution, health, genetic deviations among others. This branch simply outplays the mechanics of population genetics as per the research trying to clearly relay what transpires after in the genetic make of an individual with hypolactasia and others without. Therefore, this research is highly applicable to this course due to its profound relevance in one of the course’s branches.

Work Cited
Syvanen A.C, Aalto-Setala K, Harju L, Kontula K, Soderlund H. A primer-guided nucleotide incorporation assay in the genotyping of apolipoprotein E. Genomics 1990;/8:/684_92.

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