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The Reasons For Studying International Violence


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How do they conflict with the goals of peace studies theory?
The study of international violence takes organized violence as its primary focus. In other words, it involves the studying the steps that individual may take while applying international violence. Most importantly, the study focuses on ways of protecting nations and people from organized violence. Beginners in this study learn about types of weapons, effective strategies, the interface between humans and arms, and individual/group motivation. The study also helps in understanding causes of war, nuclear tactics, and military policy among others. In other words, the study of international violence helps us deal with all types of conflicts ranging from interpersonal to global level. Some of the course that students take while studying international violence challenge them to come up with skills that help in creating self-awareness and improving communication skills.
The peace studies theory enables us to comprehend the dynamics of peace and conflict. It also explains why individuals contribute to the creation of calm and just conditions at home, at work and in the world. On the other hand, students choose from many courses, for instance, those that explore theories on war and terrorism while the study of international violence. Through the peace studies theory, students learn the antiquity of peace efforts and peace-keeping social organizations, human rights as well as community-based management and resolution of conflict.

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However, the goals of the Peace Studies Theory are to encourage peaceful coexistence by way of proving that peace can be restored in in places where it does not exist. However, this conflict with the notion in the study of international violence that even though states are fundamentally sociable, there is no definite way of reducing international politics and international violence to zero.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of interdependence?
Interdependence has many advantages which include;
The increase in productivity. When countries open up their markets and incorporate outside economies, productivity is bound to increase. In one way or the other, rich countries can benefit from emerging economies while the developing countries can access rich economies and benefit from them.
Through interdependence, there is global competition and cheap imports that help maintain inflation at a lower level.
When the economies are open, innovations and new ideas can be encouraged on a global scale.
Extended opportunities. Where there is the synergy of thoughts and creativity, multiple opportunities are generated for the expansion of business footprint.
Interdependence allows intermingling between countries which means that they can learn more from each other. As a result, international bonds are strengthened, and people become more open and tolerant to each other.
Disadvantages of interdependence
In most cases, companies gravitate towards countries where wages are the lowest. As a result, wages and working conditions are pushed downwards.
Interdependence causes outsourcing of jobs from developed countries such as the USA to countries like India, resulting in high levels of unemployment in the western countries.
When there is a problem in one country, it can quickly spread to other countries causing a worldwide recession.
Many of the deals between developed countries and the emerging countries are one-sided and are unfairly weighted in ways that only favor the developed countries.
Interdependence sometimes challenges national independences and federal governments. In many cases, different countries become more and more at the sympathy of global markets while the cosmopolitan businesses continue to gain power and influence.
3. What duties, if any, do wealthy countries have toward the world’s poor?
Developed countries ought to help the less fortunate but whether this is a duty remains a matter of debate. Different people, i.e. writers, scholars, and philosophers, have differences of opinion on whether or not the rich countries have obligations towards the poor. One way in which the rich countries can manage poverty in emerging economies is through interdependence. When different countries with different economic needs depend on each other, economic growth, development, and productivity are realized. For a country to have an increase in wealth, economic integration is paramount. However, most wealthy countries understand this doctrine but due to greed and selfishness, they pretend to help, but the developing countries end up on the losing end. It is, therefore, important the governments in the developing countries measure extent to which they require foreign help.
Most sources agree that the wealthy countries have an obligation to help the poor, but they need to do more than they are doing at the moment. Most importantly, the emerging economies are also believed to be in need of other favors besides financial requirements. For instance, they need humanitarians in cases of violence and political instability. They should, therefore, feel morally obliged to help especially when human rights are violated in the developing countries. One good thing about interdependence is that countries gain from each other. Therefore, if a wealthy country has lots of investments in an emerging country, they will do everything in their power to help improve the economy or restore a peaceful coexistence. In return, the investing wealthy country benefits by other means. However, some people believe that the government in the developing countries ought to be responsible for the well-being of their people. At times, too much reliance on the rich creates economic problems rather than solving them.
4. What do you think a Muslim would say about the “unswerving embrace of objectivity and impartiality” of science and modernism (enlightenment) in general?
I believe that a Muslim would agree that enlightenment in science and all the technologies it comes with are becoming universal at such a fast rate. Muslims may be stereotyped as violent and be linked with terrorist, but they are not stupid. Developments in science depend on open communication and a shared discourse based on sagacity, collaboration not to mention an easy way of communicating. However, I think a Muslim would view it in a way suggesting that such ideals are hypocritical covers for power mongering. Whatever form of enlightenment that is at stake should in one way try to grace various historically related forms of monotheism including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. An enlightened Muslim, who does not argue in support of any particular religion, will way that all these forms of enlightenments promote parochialism and are not cosmopolitan, they promote anger instead of love and zealousness instead of rationalism.
A Muslim will most probably view these changes in Science and modernism from a democracy perspective. Evidently, the atmospherics of Jihad have ended up in a civility collapse in the name of identity. They have also led to the disintegration of comity in the name of communism. In a world where Jihad has become many peoples’ obsession, these changes are no longer seductive. The unswerving embrace of “objectivity and impartiality” of science and modernism introduces peace prosperity and relative unity. However, the Muslim would most probably be expecting changes that would bring independence, community, and identity. A Muslim will want the type of modernism that would achieve solidarity first and guarantee parochialism and promote vivacious local identity. However, Muslims secure solidarity through war against outsiders.
5. Describe how the world’s environmental problems are interrelated. Are you relatively optimistic or pessimistic about humanity’s ability to overcome these problems? Why?
Our environment keeps changing, and so does the need to understand the problems surrounding it and how they are interrelated. The environmental challenges in question include water and air pollution, deforestation, changes in climate, generation of harmful waste, and lack of biodiversity. Come to think about it; all these problems revolve around the effects of human activities on other living things. If deforestation becomes an issue in a given region, the area also suffers a lack of water and changes in climate. A large percentage of deforestation cases result from cutting down of trees for industrial use. The same industries are known to be the number one generators of harmful waste products. In most cases, they dump these waste products in rivers or places that inhabited by people.
I am very optimistic that humanity can combat these environmental problems. It is only a question of how responsible we humans can be. It is quite evident that human activities cause deforestation, water, and air pollution and affect biodiversity. For this reason, we people have the aptitude to device mechanism that will control activities causing these environmental problems. There are safe ways out of waste disposal which do not cause air and water pollution. Other methods can be used by industries to acquire energy other than cutting down trees. Although taking action at the national level is essential, solving these problems require more than that. Human survival highly depends on effective international cooperation. Therefore, controlling these issues require understanding that the wider consequences of environmental degradation are irreversible. For example, destroying forest vegetation has a permanent adverse impact on water and soil conservation.

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