The sea
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
DownloadThe journey begins, and the captain in charge of the small boat rows it to sea. Everything at sea is calm. The vessel is intact, and the captain assures everyone on board that everything is okay. James and Sally are on holiday, and so they have decided to take a fishing expedition to Tahoma. The summer season is already here. They are narrating stories of how they will make every hour of their holiday count. Walter, the fisherman, is also on board, accompanying them. He too seems to enjoy the journey. Walter is one humorous character, and his personality makes the ride more interesting. There is a history of vessels sinking in this parts of the world, but this does not stop the journey. Everything seems cool. Suddenly strong winds and rough storms start blowing, and the small boat appears to lose its direction. The supposedly swift journey is suddenly facing a hick-up. The vessel hits on some object and its dances to the motions of the wind. The ship is in distress, and there is an impending disaster. The captain is struggling to respond to the unexpected turn of events appropriately. The lives of the people on board are in danger, and he has to do everything possible before things get out of hand. The captain struggles to save the passengers on board but unfortunately dies in the process.
Fred Knight (The captain on board)
Walter Josh (The fisherman on board)
James Matt (Sally’s boyfriend)
Paul Brown (The Steward on board)
Sally Smith (James’ girlfriend)
Captain II (The owner of the saving boat)
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(The wind is cool, and everything around the sea seems to be at peace. Fred Knight, the captain, is there ready to start off the journey. Exchange of greetings take place and the passengers on board are ready. James and his girlfriend Sally, Walter the fisherman, and Paul the steward. The journey begins and destination will be a famous fishing ground, Tahoma. It will be a great fishing expedition)
Fred: (sitting beside the boat) Good morning people?
Walter 🙁 smiling) Good morning too, our captain. What’s in store for us? I know we will have an exciting fishing expedition together with them lovebirds. It is all exciting.
(James Matt and his Girlfriend Sally Smith come in a hurry ready to join the rest who are already in the boat)
James: Good morning? Here we are ready for the journey ahead. (He and his girlfriend get into the boat and waits for it to leave).
Fred: Am glad we are all here, now we can begin our journey. The sea is so serene, and I am hopeful that the journey will be good. (Signaling the steward in sign language telling him to get ready).
Paul: I guess we can leave; the baby is in good condition. (The journey starts).
Sally: The weather seems to be very cool unlike the other times of the year. I am hoping we will have the best fishing trip ever. I am very excited and can’t wait to have good times at sea. Finally, I will get to know how my favorite meal is caught. (Smiling as she looks at the rest of the people on board).
Walter: Mmmh…especially now that you are accompanied by your boyfriend…. (Smiling at Sally). I know you will enjoy your holiday, right?
Sally: Of course yes. The excitement in me is overwhelming….And am happy you joined us on this journey. Walter, are you not happy too?
Walter: I am more than happy. This journey must be a success. Won’t it captain? I will show James and Sally around as I do my fishing. (He picks up his fishing paraphernalia and casts it to the sea)
Fred: That’s true Josh. The Sea is cool, and the baby is moving smoothly. It has never been cooler! (Focusing again on riding the boat). I am positive we will get to Takoma safely.
Paul: Captain you are in-charge and I believe you are the best and reaching our destination is assured. You have never failed in your duty of guiding this boat (confidently). And the environment is fit for this journey. The weather is not as rough as it is usually at this time of the year.
(The vessel is approaching the heart of the sea, and the winds seem to start to take the course. The weather becomes rough and raging storms are approaching. At a distance, there is an object approaching at high speed. It seems like remains of a wrecked ship. The wind becomes extremely rough, and the vessel seems like it could overturn and sink. The captain and the steward have to do the something to save the lives of the people on board before the boat can capsize.)
Fred 🙁 Trying to control the vessel to avoid the oncoming object about to hit the boat (Shouting, but in a shaky voice). Keep cool people! Things will be alright. I am in control.
Paul: Captain! Captain! Take charge it is fast approaching. (Pacing in shock)We are in danger!
Walter: Save us! The boat is sinking! (Shaking and panting drops off his fishing net).
Sally: Oh my God! Oh my God! We are dying dear captain….. (Screaming) Help! Help! (Holding tight to her boyfriend, James Matt) I don’t want to die.
James: (Unconvinced) Things will be alright my love. Don’t be afraid, am here with you. The captain is in charge.
(Meanwhile, the captain and the steward are trying very hard to take control of the boat that is just about to capsize. The people on board are all screaming for help from nearby vessels to save their lives).
Fred: C’mon people. Things will be alright. (Trying to calm down the people on board who are terrified).
(At a distance, a boat is approaching the troubled boat).
Help! Help! (The captain shouts to get help from the approaching boat).
(The boat is approaching very fast. It seem like it is coming to rescue them)
Captain II: (Now next to the almost sinking boat. His boat is bigger and stronger. It appears as if it is dancing majestically to the wind) Hello! Keep calm. Everything will be okay. I need each one of you to be composed.
Paul: Come nearer. (Getting into the other boat then spreading his hand to rescue the other people including Sally, James, and Paul. He pulls them, one by one from the fishing boat to the bigger vessel).
Paul: Thank you for saving us Captain. Let me now get my captain from the wreck. (On turning ready to dive and go for the captain who was struggling with the sinking boat, he is nowhere to be seen. In fact, the boat has already capsized. It is too late; the captain is a good swimmer following his experience in the sea). (To the others) He can’t drown; he is an excellent swimmer following his many years on the ocean. (Shouting frantically) Captain! Captain! (Nothing. He dives into the sea and comes up after a few seconds with grief written all over his face). His foot was caught by something in the boat and therefore could not swim to safety. I am afraid we have lost the captain.
Sally 🙁 Watching in shock).I wish I could save the captain. He is gone. (Tears rolling down her cheeks).He is dead! He was trying to save our lives instead!
(The journey ends there making Tahoma became a mere dream as the group had to go back to the land after retrieving the captain’s body)
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