The Seven Habits Of The Highly Effective People Of Stephen Covey
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The book tells us clearly about the paradigms and principles, in the first chapter the theme of principles and paradigms and the way this can affect the way of being with the problems and the solution we give it is addressed. The paradigm as written is as a person interprets or sees their surrounds with which perception we manage to understand or see the world, this perception means that in certain situations we react in a certain way. The principles are laws of society.Basically, our character is composed of our habits. Habits are powerful factors in our lives. The book also brings us the main to treat the 7 habits that people must have to exercise good leadership anywhere or day by day and to make some change or improve something always depends on each one to do so to do so. We will find the first three habits that are personal and we have as the first habit the proactivity, the second habit begins with purpose in the mind and the third to establish first the first, these three as we said before are from the personal area instead the next three principles are interpersonalThinking to win/ win, followed by trying first to understand and then be understood and synergy, we have the last habit of the Sierra this seventh inhabit applies the ability to apply the previous six. All these habits if we put them into practice will help us be better people, being effective and lead our life first.
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Taking into account they are sequential habits that this means that we must apply the first habit to continue with the second habit we cannot jump to the room without first applying the first.
We will begin by expanding something about the paradigms because in order to understand you must understand our own paradigms and know how to make a paradigm change is when someone manages to see the same image differently having a clear argument to justice it, both the ethics of character and ethicsFrom the personality with very clear examples of social paradigms is based on a fundamental idea that there are principles that govern human effectiveness, but before we can understand we have to first understand our own paradigms and know how to interpret them.
After having a little clearer what they are paradigm, when I read the book the first thing that came to mind was that to date I have done things wrong not because I wanted them to be so but I did not know their true meaning or perhaps I did themotherwise and I could understand that for things to go well or do well you should start changing as a person first and then changing the rest to be effective as a person.It is important to have the paradigm of the clear world and but to start changing its vision, getting out of the common to see it with some crazy or different idea to others.
We can take as a reference that it seemed important to learn in the theory of the needs learned that are the need for achievement that I refer to the need that the human being has to carry out complex tasks and solve problems, the need for powerwhich refers to the need of the individual to control the behavior of others and the need for affiliation that relates to the need that the person has to associate with others in a friendly way (David C. McClelland, 2010, p.9)
We begin to analyze each of the seven habits, as the first habit we have to be proactive in relation to the social mirror that speaks to us in this habit we can say that psychic determinism is the fault of the parents in changing environmental determinism is the fault of the bosses or asThey can also be called in common pattern forms and genetic determinism says that it is the fault of the grandparents that we want to say with determinism is a philosophical doctrine that maintains that every physical event, including human thinking and actions, is determined by the cause chain.consequence. The defined proactivity does not only mean the initiative but that as human beings we are responsible for our own lives and what hurts or damages us is not what happens to us but our response to what happens to us that does not mean by this that ourparadigm or way of seeing or responding to what happens to us is what affects us, in relation to taking the initiative we can say that it is to recognize our responsibility to make things happen not to expect to happen to take care of them becauseWe have to be clear that the people who occupy the good position are the proactive people those who are solutions for the problems no more problem. It should be clear that the direct contempt is that it involves our own behavior, indirect control is that it involves the behavior of other people and the absence of control is the problems about which we cannot do anything.
The second habit of starting with the end in mind is nothing more than starting with a clear understanding of its destiny so that life is right to be a vision that they want to achieve as a person, often people are achieving victories and empty successesthat they only achieve them without any reason or end, it must be taken into account that there is always a mental creation and then a physical creation since it works with the mind until reaching a clear image of what one wants to achieve what allows to applyThis habit in many areas of personal life, we have leadership is the first creation of people in their mind because that person would not like to be a leader but not a simple administrator for the simple reason that we have to be leaders of our lifepersonal and then leaders of others. Personal mission can cover several modalities and forms. To perform it properly, it will sometimes be enough to make modifications to the work of each one, so a person can fulfill the same task, but in another context;perfected continuing some studies;change attitude towards their employment;become autonomous and work on your own, etc. (Monbourchette, 2000)
In relation to the third habit of establishing or doing first, we can say that many people feel suffocated by the programs and plans that lead them to a stress situation for not knowing how to organize their time, there is a picture of how to administer theTime, in first quadrant we have how urgent it is what needs immediate attention, the second quadrant of what is not urgent but important at the same time, in the third quadrant the urgent but not important and in the last quadrant the non -urgentAnd not important, this time administration picture is very important to apply it in our daily living to know that it should be done immediate. These would be the three habits that refers to the personal and then we will continue with the habits of the interpersonal. (Covey, 2018) tells us that “First the first thing, create your action plan, work with your goals and your dreams and you will see that you reach inner peace and happiness."
In the fourth habit thinking of winning/winThat it is nothing more than if I get what I want you do not get what you want, another is loses/desire here the person’s courage to allow the other person or the opposite to win, the loss/losing approach is thePhilosophy of the conflict, war that does not accept the defeat where the two sides must lose to not feel inferior, there is also an approach that is winning in the we can highlight the people who only support winning as it gives rise and the last approach of winning/win or no treatment is that a solution that benefits both parties or there is no treatment must be found. There are five dimensions of win/win and are the character, relationships, agreements, system and processes. This is a common good or benefit.
Followed by the fifth habit of trying to understand first and then being understood is the essence of respect for others, it focuses on the need we have of being understood, good communication must be had to understand us, knowing how to listen with intention to understand,because when you learn to listen deeply to other people, it is discovered what your vision is and it is also the first step in the process of winning/winning the habit previously appointed. Then try to be understood this refers to the fact that the people who want the information to arrive to understand clearly and for them they must use the correct language because the person or group of people interpret it differently.
Synergy as a sixth habit is nothing more than acting together to carry out communication with synergy that is to open the mind, heart and its expressions to new possibilities, alternatives and new options, many people have never experienced synergy or in the classroom,Neither in the company and that is important to apply it to be able to meet the objective of the synergy with communication because if clear communication or respectful communication nothing can be developed, there is also the negative synergy that occurs in people in peopleinsecure that think that all reality must be docile their paradigms and in order to conclude with this habit it is said that nature with synergy is related to everything, in this habit we can learn that you must work with synergy or together for a common benefit for a common benefit. Until this habit are the three interpersonal.
And we have the last habit of the Sierra that is "feed back" or feedback that is the ability to apply the previous six habits because as its name says if we use the mountainSolution is to sharpen it to return to functional that is why this habit is titled a feedback, which is to use our ability to renew ourselves in the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional dimensions where we find a balance in renewal because when renewingOur spiritual dimension, we reinforce personal leadership, by renewing the physical dimension we reinforce our personal vision and renewing the mental dimension.
I can say that the book was of great personnel to be able to change or improve as a person because you must first start for oneself to be able to change the rest and as the most important habit for me it would be the last to the Sierra because it is to make a feedback ofMy life applying the previous six habits.
It is a very important tool for the time administration picture that teaches us the book because thanks to that little picture we can apply it in our daily living, in my case as a student it would be helpful to create my own picture of tasks or duties to performIn college and in my life to be a free proactive person to choose the best alternative.
- Covey, s. (October 7, 2018). first thing’s first;live, love, learn and leave a legacy . Obtained from https: // = e1z7dwaaqbaj & pg = pt59 & dq = first+lo+first & hl = es & sa = x & ved = 0ahkewjgsc3vvd7lahwlrfkkhc-ucqgq6aeiptad#v = onepage & q = first%20O%20Primero & f = fals
- Monbourchette, j. (December 2, 2000). To each one their mission. Obtained from https: // = qa4tpypb9qwc & dq = mission+personal & hl = es & source = gbs_navlinks_s
- Stephen, c. (1989). The 7 habits of highly effective people . Barcelona, Spain: Paidos, Iberica .
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