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The Transphobia: Definition And Sociological Analysis


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The transphobia: definition and sociological analysis

What is transphobia?

Transobia is fear, hatred, lack of acceptance or discomfort against transgender people. In general, transphobia does not distinguish between transgender people and transsexual people. To better understand the concept of transphobia you have to understand, then, both notions.

Before, even, we should know how to differentiate between sex and gender. Sex is defined by certain physical characteristics such as genitals or hormones. Gender is an identity factor that is related to our personal experience (currently 37 genres are recognized in Spain).

"Transgender" refers to all those people who do not feel that their gender is consistent with their sex. On the other hand, a "transsexual" person is one who submits or has undergone hormonal and/or surgical treatment in order to adjust their gender identity with sex.

Once these terms are clarified, it is important to talk about the historical and cultural context. Although it is true that the term "transgender" as we know it today was born in the West and in modern times, transgender people have been recognized in all societies (regardless of whether or not they are accepted) and times of history: For example, in Hinduism the daughter is recognized as a religious group made up of men who refer to themselves in female, dress as a woman and even decide to undergo castration. They are very famous in Mexico, in the Zapoteca region of Tehuantepec, the Muxes, a third genre that encompasses people who were born with male genitals but who adopt female roles and marry both men and women with women and women.

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We found in Greek mythology the Castalia goddess, who accessed “to the wishes of female souls locked in male bodies.”The priestesses Gallae, from ancient Rome, were men (regarding birth genitals) who decided their gender and opted for castration.

As a general rule, transsexuality has been a fairly ambiguous idea in many aspects and persecuted or accepted by the same society. For example, the first case of transcution in Europe was given in the fourth century D.C., When Christianity harassed a group of Galli priests in Lebanon (these venerated the goddess Cibeles, representative of transsexuality and intersexuality; they dressed in very luxurious woman clothes and proceeded to castrate the male genitals). Gender transgression is condemned in the Old Testament: (Deuteronomy 22: 5) “Women will not wear men’s clothes, nor will the man wear a woman’s clothes;because anyone who does is abomination to the Lord your God ". (3) However, if there was a medieval Christianity to St. Onofre, for example, a holy born woman and asked God to become a man.

The first known public transsexuality case is given in 1952, when the New York Daily publishes the story of George Jorgensen JR., American ex-American that undergoes a sex change operation and becomes Christine Jorge. There is proof of other cases during the 30s in Germany, but they are not taken into account because they were not as successful as Christine. In Spain a law is approved in 2007 that allows transsexuals to rectify their gender, and in 2020 the "trans law" was submitted to consultation, which once approved would allow the fact that transgender people change their sexand name in the ID without the need to submit medical reports or undergo sex change treatments.

Primary socialization

To explain this thought about transphobia, we have taken news about British writer Joanne Rowling, better known for being the author of the Harry Potter book saga. June 6 J.K. Rowling wrote a tweet in which she shared a link to an article called "Opinion: Creating a more equal post-covid-19 world for the people who menstrua", to which she added a comment in which she put "‘ People Who Metruate Menstruate.’I’m Sure There used to be a word for those people. "Translation:" Those people who menstrúa "I’m sure we used to have a name.”This caused a controversy to arise because for some users his comment was discriminatory towards people from the transgender or non -binary gender collective, and even to those women unable to menstruate for certain reasons. After that he tried to give his position on the matter, which made him get worse.

Taking into account this information, we will try to develop the reasons why this person could have acquired such an idea during the stage of primary socialization, in which family and school are fundamental elements.

Starting from the fact that primary socialization begins from birth, we will begin with this stage. The parents have previous ideas about their desires and expectations even long before they were born, since from the moment they know the baby’s gender that identity is imposed according to the assignment depending on. This will affect the next stage (from birth) in aspects such as tastes, expectations, ways of thinking, etc. 

From the year and a half, the parents instill that the boys are boys and the girls are girls and there is no other possibility due to their biology, excluding any idea that there is some option beyond that of woman and man. They teach that sex is what you have when you are born, it is what has touched you and cannot be changed. Next to this phase we can point out the time of dressing the boy or girl, because caregivers tend to buy and use garments in the child according to their gender, discarding the possibility that a boy can wear a girl and vice versa garment. To this we must add the predisposition of imposing the idea that the pink color is feminine and the blue color is masculine.

From the age of six, when the little ones begin to be aware of belonging to one sex or another, the function of not determining what are the games or activities that they can do according to the child or girl is key. Therefore, if that “fan” of options closes and they are prohibited from playing certain things such as boys to dolls and girls football, then they will end up learning that they can only do certain actions according to their biological assignment.

Between the age of six and eleven. At this stage the teaching of the group of peers is essential, since it is crucial here to name the different realities about sexual diversity. So if the nearby tell the child that only families formed by same -sex couples exist and that marriage between men and women is the only valid, or that you cannot change the sex with which you have to be born, thiswill stay with this representation.

Subsequently, the time will influence rewarding and punishing certain behaviors that "differentiate boys and girls" thus perpetuating, once again, gender roles (the behavior that is expected of them and them for being boys or girls). When in school they teach about body parts, it is made from sex, making it clear that there are only two and that "the boy has a penis and the girl has vagina", and that people of the same sex do not procreate.

In the puberty period, sex education plays the role of clarifying that when girls are lowered for the first time, they are pointed out that "she is already a woman". That is, there is the idea that women are women because they menstruate: someone who cannot menstruate is not a woman. 

In summary, taking into account all this information, we can clearleave the established (like a man seen with women’s clothes, or like the toys considered of "girls"). These beliefs, in addition to finding a narrow link with another idea such as homophobia, significantly affect the relationship of a person with other subjects than

respond to the "transgender" or "transsexual" label. It also emphasizes that in primary socialization the signifiers introduce you to an objective social world in which they teach their ways of behavior or ways of thinking;That is, since you are born, you assume all those ideas that instill, as in this case, the idea of the existence of two biological sexes (what will be your sexual identity). And once we internalize it, they end up identifying with this thought.

Detailed Analysis of Transobia

Detailed analysis of the parts of said thinking, idea or belief that are expressed as stereotype, prejudice, or labeling, especially what trait attributed or perceived them induces or shoots, is conscious or not and how it realizes it, how it affects thecarrier life and interactions.

In this case, talking about author J.K. Rowling, this defends "biological sex" as the only way to determine a person’s genre, and that trans women have not suffered the same discrimination for not being born women.

States that sex cannot be canceled, because if so, the reality of women globally would be eliminated.  In turn, he claims to respect the right of all life of trans people to live their lives in a comfortable way. He would manifest with them if they were discriminated, but their life has been molded for being a woman. Part of this thought comes from the author’s past experiences, where she claims to have been a victim of sexual abuse and gender violence, for being a woman. Rowling points out that a man who does not intend to operate or take hormones cannot be considered a woman. 

From these comments, that many would qualify as transfers, J.K. Rowling could suffer negative consequences. Being a public person, his ideas reach many more people, and of all ages. Given to his works he has 14.2 million followers on Twitter, a social network in which he published these statements.

In response to the comments, several celebrities charged her, as the leading actors of the films of the Harry Potter saga. The most repeated phrase was "Trans Women are women", referring to the previous Tweets mentioned.  Apart from them, he received comments from people by calling it Terf, whose meaning in English is “trans-excuse radical feminist’;In Spanish "Trans-Excucent Radical Feminist". 

On the other hand, to explain what perceived feature it induces them, we could say that from the "other generalized" that he assumed in the process of primary socialization, J.K. Rowling identifies transsexual people only as a biological man who wants to be recognized as a woman, but for her that is impossible. Being a feature attributed in childhood this would manifest unconsciously in the author’s daily life. This involuntary act can affect the life of the bearer, at all times to interact with a person belonging to the characteristics of the stereotype that has conceived, or when I speak on the subject of sexuality.

Explained in several examples: let’s imagine that J.K. Rowling goes, on New Year’s night, a party organized by his friends. Even taking into account that, possibly, the closest circle of the writer will share her ideas, masculine people dressed in wigs, dresses and even wearing makeup could be found at that party. Perhaps this group of people are not really identified with the "transgender" label because their biological sex and gender agree. However, Rowling could experience negative feelings towards these because the stereotype of transsexual people is wrong, and is not able to assume that a person is seen or has behaviors that are traditionally considered of the opposite gender (even in the case of aparty). The author could then decide to move away from that group of people, try not to maintain any contact with them during the night, have derogatory attitudes towards them or even leave the place if the idea it has about transgender people is so negative that theI would feel uncomfortable in the evening.

Thought or feelings have been born unconsciously in J.K Rowling, since it is what he has learned during primary socialization. The attitudes that derive from those, however, are aware.

Suppose Rowling has a child whose biological sex at birth is a man. Probably, during the early stages of growth and development of the child, the writer instills the male gender roles: what can and can do, what he should and should not like him … for being a boy. If at any time his son decides to ask his mother clothes considered as a girl or began to have attitudes that Rowling did not assume according to his gender, he would try to change them, being able to end this in insecurity or even conflict if the son realized, at some point, that it is transsexual.


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