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The True Freedom Of The Human Being And His Reflection


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The true freedom of the human being and his reflection


Today, one of the most reflected issues by the human being itself is. Are we really free? As in all aspects, there will always be different points of view and their respective opinions. Therefore, having raised such a question, I will only dedicate myself to give my opinion about this issue and not to express the choice of the same.

Are we really free? To answer this question, the origin and meaning must have a concept (even if conceived variable).

The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as follows: Natural Faculty that man has to act in one way or another, and not to work, so it is responsible for their actions.

After having made a small subsection to leave the definition of freedom clearly and thus be able to guide us during the execution of this work. The RAE, in other words, tries to clarify that he has freedom that has the ability to act according to his own will without being moved by any factor with which he runs into the day to day.

With this little introduction we have been enough to realize that it is not, the human being, in his day to day, is always influenced by all the factors that surround him.

To explain with greater clarity I will propose an example which has gained a stir in recent years with the "recent" appearance and evolution of computer science. This is the case of video games. According to bad languages, violent video games end up producing more aggressive behaviors in those who use them.

Wait! The True Freedom Of The Human Being And His Reflection paper is just an example!

But is this true?

According to a study carried out by the Center for the Study of Violence, at OWA State University and aimed at 3034 children between 13 and 16 years old in order to know if violent video games cause hostility in children deciphered that a person to As it is making more acquire maturity and with it the violence decreases, but separating this case, 85% of the students who spent several hours playing videogames were more likely to respond that would violently react to certain situations. On the other hand, those who did not use violent video games or simply video games gave answers in which there was no violence.

The previous study has shown yes, and this is a small summary of the multiple studies that can be found. Perhaps those children, not acquiring total maturity, do not internally establish the sufficient differences between the real world and the virtual world (in which there are no consequences do what you do).

Not only does it occur in the case of video games, just by looking at what happens around, it will be able to understand how everyone is guided by external factors at all times, even in such simple and absurd things that simply View do not seem.

In summary, a person when he lets the way of acting of it for any external factor, would already be correctly saying (always speaking from my point of view) that he does not enjoy total freedom.

Now we will resume the question, are we really free?

If with the previous example someone does not agree, make it reflect, it will be the only way to convince that person that she has no total freedom. We will not always end up convincing it, but with this question we can "unseat it" with a simple question what is the following: have you ever stopped doing something for what they will say?

This is something so human, the human being, although he does not want to confess him so as not to feel unprotected, he always acts conditioned by what another person can think. A good example in this case is to shop? Because in our mind certain standards are accepted that we have to follow, and these standards have been established by the person to "avoid being criticized" and being totally accepted. In this case, the person does not act freely, it would already be conditioning to act in a certain way.

It is difficult to show reasons that deny the validity of the theses contrary to ours since having different points of view either do I know what other people are based to affirm that the human being is totally free. That is why I have decided to choose the argument of someone to defend such an idea. The subject quotes:

We live in free and democratic societies because they allow different voices to express themselves and that everyone chooses their information. Fabrizio Andreella, current Italian thinker

The argument most used by those who defend the existence of total freedom is that used by the appointed Italian thinker, freedom currently exists, it is something that was lacked in the past. He affirms that a person can now manifest himself in the way he creates necessary and thus will be acting freely.

Regarding the previous statement I want The way he wants and this is how he feels free), but we should not confuse this thought with freedom in general since one can do what he wants, but his actions will always be totally influenced by all kinds of factors. Looking for information to guide the dissertation, I found that the best example to explain this is advertising. A barbecue is announced by television and our well -known Fabrizio decides to buy it by stating that thanks to the current existence of freedom he has been able to acquire it, but he has not taken into account the way in which he has been manipulated by advertising to buy it. That’s when he has not had his own criteria, and therefore there has been no freedom. It is just an example that shows that total freedom has never existed and there will never be.

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