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The True Purpose Of Ethics


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The true purpose of ethics

Ethics is a discipline that studies what is right and what is wrong, makes us reason and shows us that there are many ways of acting but not all are correct. Since children our parents strive to take us along the path of good, act ethics and in a fair way, such as accepting money in exchange for favors, cheating at anything, respecting the alien, giving us respect,work straight and responsible. Ethics makes us question the reason for things and if they are right or wrong, questions such as: What’s right? How to behave? among other.

The reason to study ethics, will help us to be better people in the workplace, family and school, teaches us to respect and defend our principles and values, to be firm in what we say and fulfill our word. One of the most complicated things is to think about the consequences before doing or saying something, since human beings are more to guide us for our impulses. And ethics helps us think about answers or actions or knowing whether or not to say, to understand the advantages of behaving well and doing the right. Ethics provides us with the tools for the analysis, understanding and solution of social and personal problems, helps you acquire values and learn to make sense of life. Ethics is something that we should live day by day although unfortunately in society very few people use it or simply apply it to appear and take advantage of it. It is our work to teach future generations to act correctly, but in order to be the example to follow, it is necessary to start by changing us, since the customs and behavior of a person has to do with their values.

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Society throughout our lives teaches us values and to behave, but each person decides what advice taking into account and which to discard, although today parents do not care much to teach their children ethics and values byDedicate more time to other things, the same children little by little, including society, they will learn how to be good people and do the right thing;although unfortunately they will have to learn it for themselves based on errors.

In conclusion, it is important to manage our life with ethics within society and consequently, in order to make the difference without waiting for others to act in the same way, since it will fill us with satisfaction to know that we are acting correctly, littleLittle by learning to be assertive in coexistence with others and make fair decisions in our future working life.

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