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The Use Of Cell Phones Within The Classroom


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The use of cell phones within the classroom


The use of cell phones in the course generates a debate with opinions for and against. Some experts agree that the device can be used for pedagogical purposes and that prohibiting it is not the solution to improve the care or student’s academic performance while other experts say it is a distraction in the school environment and generates deconcentration. The objective of the essay is to analyze the pros and conscell phones in students and check their advantages and disadvantages within the course. Doing adequate investigation with contributions from experts on the subject to inform the university student community about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of cell phones in the classroom.


The use of cell phones brings many advantages for students, but also brings with it a set of inconveniences for them which have to deal with the consequences for the inappropriate use of their cell phones and their irresponsibility at the time of studying. For Alonso, González and Muños (2016), the student is placed at an endless information, easily updated, flexible access in space and time, increases student autonomy and provides just information in time. Another advantages is that it implies a more active role by the student in the search for the information you need to perform some class activity and pound the teacher of certain questions because the student can consult it on the Internet and have an answerclear and concise of any doubt that it has.

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In addition, the advantages of using these media, supported on the Internet, can be summarized in the speed with which you have true information, favors group interaction, collaborative and interactive with students with each other.

López Méndez (2009) points out that students can acquire a series of capacities using these technological tools, such as learning to search, select and analyze information on the Internet with a specific purpose. In my opinion, using cell phones in an adequate and responsible way brings many advantages in the academic field because we learn to make good use of technology and also learn to be more focused and focus on a research topic for a certain activity in which we needinformation. But disadvantages are not far behind, one of them is the distraction that is the first concern of teachers who consider cell phones in the implementation of the classroom are not necessary, the lack of concern of students who are distracted or occupied in theirsocial networks and not paying attention to the class harms them in their qualifications as the teacher because it seems that he does not do his job well and remains as a bad teacher.

Rockmore (2014), a professor at Dartmouth, points out that, despite having established a regulation on how, when and how to use these classroom devices, the advantage of comfort to take notes was overcome.For the disadvantage of the number of students that was distracted by performing other tasks, whereby the fixation of knowledge is lower, as has been demonstrated in a recent study by Mueller and Oppenheimer, Princeton professors. Another disadvantages as mentioned in the previous paragraph is the little fixation of knowledge in students because they are distracted when carrying out a workshop or activity in classes on their phones and they are easy for them to ask for work responses toHis friends through social networks and the student to what he dedicates himself is to copy and this dishonesty deceives the teacher but at the time this student is in a test he will realize his mistake but even aware of that he will continue doing the same thingRegrettably. Making this essay I gave myself the task of observing the behavior of my classmates in classes in what I could notice is that most use their phones in classes, some use them properly while others are distracted in classes.

Those who use the phone properly, that is, strictly in academic activities to consult information, a good result is seen in the academic field, they get good grades in activities in classes, lessons, exhibitions and are attentive to classes and answer the questions that the teacherAsk in classes because they are responsible at the time of studying while those who use their cell phones inappropriately are reflected in classes at the time that teachers ask them questions do not answer them or at the time of doing activities in classes they are lost withoutKnow what to do and finally the lessons where they get low grades due to lack of attention although some of those who go on their cell phone in the evaluations copied disguisely through the cellThat remains in your conscience.

The influence of cell phones has two faces, the first is that for several of my classmates it does not necessarily help them in classes when a workshop or activity is carried out because they can obtain information through their notes and what they learned from the teacher and theAnother face is that the cell phone is indispensable for some colleagues to the point that they care too much when they stay at home and call their parents with a borrowed cell phone to take them by demonstrating that they depend on a cell phone to be finebeing able to have nomophobia or also called the disease of the 21st century that is a disturbance that suffers, without knowing it, half of the population that is the irrational dependence on cell phones.


In conclusion, current university and pre -university students, belonging to millennial generation, are a generation born and developed in a digital world that implies that in the way they live is different from previous generations such as communication and communication andThe way of learning. There are several studies that indicate that the use of cell phones in the classroom encourages certain risks and generates clear disadvantages in the learning process among current students as well as generates notable advantages.

In the contributions that I investigate and in the observation that I made through I wrote the trial is that the advantages of having the cell phone in clasin their academic activities, but as long as the student is responsible and aims to approve their subjects in an outstanding way. However, there are several students who allow themIn classes or series and results in low grades in its corresponding academic activities having problems and difficulties to approve the semester dragging subjects.

These data are interesting and attract us attention to remember that studying properly paying attention, taking notes and reading are the best methods to really learn and capture the knowledge that transmits us being demonstrated that traditional and current methods can be combined to have resultsGood always remembering responsibility and leaving the vagrancy, temptation and distraction aside and not giving inappropriate use to the cellTo grow as a person every day.


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