The Use Of Icts In Education
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This essay will analyze the influence of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. To do this, we will cover the following points: Origin of ICT, what are ICT?, Pedagogical uses and functions, advantages of the use of ICT in the educational system, impact on the educational world, positive and negative factors, education and information and communication technologies, integration of ICTs into schools and new teaching materials and, byLast, examples of good practices in education with ICT.
We live in an era where technology is present in all aspects of our life since we wake up until we sleep, this science accompanies us in all areas, whether personal, work, educational, etc. Therefore, it is important to question what influence does ICT have in education?
As authors of this essay we believe that the use of ICTs have a great influence on the educational process, either positively or negatively since this will depend on the use given to both teachers and students.
To verify or refute the thesis, various bibliographic sources have been consulted, of different libraries, as well as various web pages.On the other hand, it is aimed to show the influence that ICT has in education.
Likewise, the importance of this essay lies in determining the influence of ICT in education and its benefits for the productive development of the teaching – learning process in students, as well as the advantages that this implies with the fact that todayThanks to ICTs, multiple objects and devices can be used that continually allow us to communicate and acquire information in a simpler and faster way.
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According to García "ICTs are all those means that arise following the development of microelectronics, mainly video, computer and telecommunications systems". That is, they are those resources and programs that are used to process, administer and share information through various technological devices, such as: computers, telephones, televisions;among others.
On the other hand, education is a socialization process that allows the individual to assimilate and acquire knowledge, through which physical and intellectual capacities, skills, skills and study techniques develop. In addition, education is a process carried out by each person, of which it is subject and object, and can be oriented or helped by other people;specifically the family plays an important role.
It is important to recognize the function that fulfills the participation of ICT in education, since they are the educational innovation of the moment and allow teachers and students determining changes in the daily work of the classroom and in the process of learning the same. The incorporation of ICT in education aims to be a means of communication and exchange of knowledge and experiences. They are also instruments to process information. In this regard, the student is the protagonist of the class, because it is he who must be autonomous in his training.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have their origin with the invention of various devices that serve for the communication and exchange of information between two and more people.
It was from the twentieth century that computers were invented and assembled, which continue to evolve and therefore improve until today.
On the other hand, cell phones appear which were initially large to be reduced over time and at the same time varying their designs.
But, it was in the year 90 the true technological revolution is lived with the appearance of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) who promoted the maximum development of ICTs. As a result the world was first interconnected.
"The information theory has been progressing thanks to the development of binary coding techniques and the invention of a logical algebra, British mathematician and philosopher George Boole".
What are ICT?
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). According to Alcántara they are: “(…) Tools, supports and channels that process, store, synthesize, recover and present information in a varied way. And somehow, they meet the needs of society ".
Pedagogical uses and functions of ICT
Use as a concept is the exercise or practice that is carried out continuously and regularly of some activity. In the case of ICTs, it is linked to their daily management in addition to the benefit they provide, that is, how these resources are used or used in order to obtain maximum performance when performing certain activities. And pedagogical functions refer to the purposes of a process in the educational field where the purpose is to use ICT as a means of training and systematization that contributes to deepen our understanding about the sense of education in today’s society.
Marqués highlights the main uses and pedagogical functions of ICT:
- Motivate: students will look much more motivated when ICT tools are used in their center, it is a much more attractive method for them and much more enjoyable.
- Caring content: ICTs serve as an instrument to process information, that is, they are a privileged means of information for students
- Exercise skills: technologies can be used as means that allow you to exercise what you have learned.
- Evaluate: Technologies also serve to evaluate learning.
- Provide environments for expression and creation: ICT facilitates the development of written, graphic and audiovisual expression skills in students, and can be used by teachers to create interactive teaching materials.
- Generator of new training scenarios where environments and learning opportunities multiply.
Advantages of the use of ICT in the educational system.
The media, the development of new technologies and the use of the aforementioned Internet, shows us that it is essential to speak of an educational model where ICT play a very important role. Because all the advantages that this implies are notorious and currently manifest through the speed with which innovations and technological changes occur, so it becomes a need to permanently update knowledge, since the flowInformation is increasing.
We face a stage where computer science and telecommunications are integrated to become beneficial tools for the generation of new knowledge that the student will acquire. According to UNESCO "the rapid progress of information and communication technologies modify the form of elaboration, acquisition and transmission of knowledge"
Likewise, the integration of ICT into educational models will allow teachers to replace the traditional form of formerly employed teaching, where only this was the main actor in the teaching and learning processes and their function referred to the transmission of knowledgepreventing students from generating their own knowledge.
Indeed, the new changes lead to the generation of new forms of teaching, so education must assimilate the new opportunities generated by technologies, which improve how to produce, organize and disseminate information for access to more knowledgeIntegral for the benefit of students, technologies highlights the educational field, in this way the space and time restrictions that had a formerly and a more student -focused learning model is generated in this way.
Impact of ICT in the educational world
At present, institutions such as museums, libraries, universities and other centers use these methods in order to disseminate and therefore make more people their educational materials, thus managing to break space-time barriers.
Also, young people get more and more outside their study centers. Therefore, institutions try to incorporate these technologies in the teaching process to make learning effective and broader, thus complementing with what teachers said by teachers.
In this way, new capacities are developed such as the search and selection of true information;Critical analysis, problem solving, argumentation, self-learning and innovative attitude.
The educational centers seek to prepare their teachers and students in the use of technological equipment so that they can compete since today the management of ICT is a fundamental requirement to be able to develop labor.
In Peru, ICTs are present in the economic and educational field.
In the economic field because it allows companies, citizens and agencies to be communicated, thus allowing alliances generating a development in the economy, a clear example is the constant movement that money has in telephone companies that provide telephone sales servicesMobile.
Vega states: "The arrival of the Internet to modified the training that is demanded from school, facilitates the application of what has been learned, the possession of technological centers influences the valuation of a center"
Positive and negative factors of ICT
Alcántara mentions the following positive and negative factors:
Among the positive factors we find: the omnipresent access of the Internet in the centers, the speed of the internet and universal access, the existence of filters that allow to block certain links and continuous training in digital didactics.
On the other hand, in the negative factors: poor access in some centers, expensive Internet rates and the traditionalism of the teacher against ICT.
Education and Information and Communication Technologies
It is unquestionable to recognize the fundamental role played by new information and communication technologies in society and especially in the educational field, where the benefits of these are reflected in educational environments through programs and the integration of these mediaIn education and training systems.
Castro, Guzmán and Casado refer that: "One of the benefits offered by ICT within the educational process is that the information and knowledge of any imaginable type can be sent, received, stored and subsequently recovered, without any geographical limitation".
Therefore, students who access these tools can make use of these increasingly intensity, which makes them demand the presence of ICTs in curricula and in teaching methods.
Integration of ICT in schools
The use of information and communication technologies in the classroom has been implemented gradually and currently constitute tools with a usual presence in teaching. The role of ICT in teaching is linked to a pedagogical model, where existing conditions at the time of use are related to the presence of these technologies in schools and in the daily life of students.
The different existing tools are very useful in the school environment, in this way the use can be improved based on the computer skills of the students in relation to the general use of the new information and communication technologies and in particular to theGeneral use of a PC.
On the other hand, Ballesta and Lozano affirm that: “The role of technological media raises us a set of issues of maximum news, on the relationship between these two social systems: the educational or school and that of the technological means that we use in theclassrooms that have a powerful influence on the constructions of the world of individuals ”. This means that the influence of technological resources will increase to the extent that its capacity for dissemination and possibilities of access by society from the family, individual and educational environment increases.
New teaching materials
The new teaching materials that are now being implemented today allows us to have an idea about whether new resources are raised only as complementary or reinforcement materials of the explanations given in class by the teacher according to traditional methods, or, on the contrary, are raised as a new way of teaching that opens new possibilities.
According to Laborda "it is not the same to enter the Internet to review or complete the explanation of a topic already discussed in class, than to introduce a topic for your research through a network navigation directed by the teacher". This means that both teachers and students should be participants in the use of didactic materials, which will allow connections between subjects (interdisciplinarity), in addition that it offers different approaches to the same topic, motivates and sharpens the critical sense and increases the participation of the students.
It should be taken into account that, to teach a certain subject at a level focused on teaching, that is, for educational purposes, where teachers can find novel ways of imparting their class.
The use in the classroom of educational resources created by teachers and students, particularly on the Internet, has many advantages, but can raise some problems. For example, the quality of websites;The update, the valuation of the pages is not done with the necessary frequency, and the lack of experience of the teachers in the use of the new tools can make them waste a lot of time, not only in the preparation of the classes with these materials,but also in their development in the classroom, where technical problems sometimes arise.
Examples of good practices in education with ICT
Generating innovative practices in the educational field in relation to teachers and schools always turns out to be a task that requires commitment and dedication in search of the most appropriate way for the use of new technological resources. Therefore, the possibilities and limitations of the new technological tools in education must be taken into account, so that these can be used efficiently.
Currently many countries have a great advance in the incorporation of ICT in educational teaching., where the importance of ICT is recognized to facilitate important changes in teaching. In this sense, there are examples of schools worldwide that have opted to incorporate ICTs effectively not only in their organization, but also in the methods used by teachers in the classroom.
In Europe, for example, there are already great initiatives in the face of this technological phenomenon, many of them covered by the “Tomorrow School” program, in which ICTs are very important. The purpose of this project, has consisted of keeping the public education system at the forefront of youth education, this provides a series of recommendations or solutions that make technology compatible with the most modern pedagogical approaches.
Another example is the “Grimm” project innovative pedagogical project that seeks to integrate technology into the classrooms of the Centers for Child, Primary and Secondary Education Centers. It is a project belonging to the University of Barcelona, where there is the active participation of schools, institutions and companies. At present, the project has become a space where teachers interested in education with ICT share experiences, debates and research from their own classrooms and schools. This project has a more didactic approach and a computer orientation as a tool for communication, expression and creation, in which children’s digital production is the protagonist. The works aimed at language and audiovisual culture stand out, through the educational digital video.
In our country there are also schools that make these changes and that mark the way for other educational centers. Due to its innovative contribution, they attract attention, since they have effectively adapted to the new changes generated by ICT. However, there are still schools that lack this technology and that continue to carry a traditionalist education and others that use technology in an not adequate way. Therefore, it is evident that the problem of school education is not only access to information as such, using novel technologies, or seeking meaning to a training that is used in today’s society, or letting ourselves be carried away by the introduction of anyNew information support imposed in the school curriculum, but to transform the sense of teaching performance that is undoubtedly a challenge in schools as training institutions, where the objective must be to guide the student to access theEducation in a didactic and updated way.
In conclusion, the use and didactic integration of ICT and the type of activities that develop these technologies has meant a pedagogical renewal and innovation of educational practices, leaving behind the traditional teaching and learning, since these are at the service of activitiessuch as the support of the teacher’s exhibitions, the performance of low level of complexity, or of actions destined to expand the contents of the textbook. That is, digital technology, in many of the situations observed, is at the service of an exhibition method for the transmission of knowledge and a didactic practice in which the interest in which students use technology to reinforce and support consolidation prevailsof the contents that are worked in the classroom, and not for them to develop simple knowledge construction projects. In addition, sometimes the realization of activities with ICT is incorporated in which the development of informational and digital skills preferably is favored of search and understanding of information.
We consider, therefore, that the information that can be acquired thanks to ICTs is not static, it evolves not only to the extent that the technologies themselves are renewed, but also to the extent that its impact modifies social and professional practices, so they represent lines of work that are necessary to study in future research. Likewise, the possibility of knowing the progress of students academically opens in relation to the incorporation of technologies and digital information, with the purpose of identifying the importance of their appropriation. It is finally important to emphasize, about the importance of analyzing the student as a social subject, which responds to the parameters of a generation that has developed new thought structures, the product of a digital culture, in which, among many other things, they identifynovel forms of learning, reading, knowledge creation and teaching modes. This knowledge is indispensable for the update of curricula and educational training spaces within educational environments.
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