The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?
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The world is made up of different people with diverse talents and abilities such as the way an individual gets to learn quickly. There are four methods of learning, and they are aural, read/write, kinesthetic and visual; every person has a way they learn best. My preferred mode of learning is kinesthetic. The best learning strategy is when an individual applies body movements and participate in practical sessions, but that does not mean they cannot learn from the other styles because there are different approaches used to pass knowledge. The best learning mode is kinesthetic or tactile learning that works best for most individuals.
Kinesthetic or tactile learning puts emphasis on carrying physical activities rather than listening to lectures. These kinds of learners are good in practical subjects such as chemistry and are talented in sports and acting. Kinesthetic learners have a good eye-hand harmonization. Kinesthetic learners understand well when they are in movement and confining them would interfere their way of understanding (Fleming, 2005). Most tactile learners use their bodies to express their ideas; this could happen through dance, gymnastics, sports and laboratory experiments.
Kinesthetic and auditory learners use sound to get clear instructions of what is going on. For kinesthetic learners change in tone will determine the kind of moves to make; their movements have to be in line with tonal variations. Aural learners also depend on tonal variations to get a clear picture or the importance of the message.
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Different messages have different tones and, therefore, call for different moves and listening strategies. The changes in tone of a message from an instructor have an impact on these two types of learners (Pintrich, 2000)). One similarity between visual learners and kinesthetic learners is that they have to maintain a good vision so as to get the point. Precise observation of what is happening gives the visual learners or kinesthetic learners a good understanding of what is going on and what is expected of them. A kinesthetic learner, for example, cannot learn dance moves without looking and monitoring the instructor; in the same way a visual learner has to observe diagrams see what a teacher expects of them. These two types of learners depend on using their sights to make detailed observations hence get to understand what is happening and in the process they gain valuable knowledge.
Read/write learners learn well when they take notes as they read and, in the same way, kinesthetic learners have to write down details of procedures to follow during experiments (Murphy & Bogert, 2004). These two learners have to pay close attention as they take notes because a single mistake during the process could mean they get the wrong outcome. The learning process requires an individual to get clear instructions and, therefore, both kinesthetic and read learners have a similarity when they take notes so as to achieve the desired outcome.
Classes are composed of students from different backgrounds and who have varied learning styles. People have diverse ways of learning and viewing things; teachers should, therefore, have good knowledge of their students. Teachers should, therefore, learn to apply altered methods of teaching the same thing to their students because the class is a mixture of people with developed learning styles. To become a successful teacher, you have to put all learning strategies into practice to ensure all students benefit. Use of visual aids, body language, field trips and demonstrations will be an approach that puts all students into consideration hence positively contributing to their learning process (Leite & Shi, 2010).).
Students are diverse and, therefore, teachers have different ways of imparting knowledge to their pupils. Every person should have a hint of their best learning strategy to ensure that the message conveyed by a teacher or lecturer is absorbed. A speech is considered effective if it reaches its target audience but with learning every student has to play their role so that the message is active. Teachers apply different strategies to impart knowledge, but each student has a way they learn best. Each student should know which learning approach whether the auditory, kinesthetic or visual applies best in their learning process. Learning is a continuous process, and each student should know which method is best applicable to their situation, but this should not limit the student from getting information conveyed in a channel that is not convenient for them. Knowledge is diverse, and so are the learning processes, and that is why all students should be prepared to get any useful information even if it is not passed in the channel they learn best.
Leite, W. L., Svinicki, M., & Shi, Y. (2010). Attempted validation of the scores of the VARK: Learning styles inventory with multitrait–multimethod confirmatory factor analysis models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70(2), 323-339.
Fleming, N. D. (2005, July). I’m different; not dumb. Modes of presentation (VARK) in the tertiary classroom. In Research and Development in Higher Education, Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Conference of the Higher Education and Research Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), HERDSA (Vol. 18, pp. 308-313).
Murphy, R. J., Gray, S. A., Straja, S. R., & Bogert, M. C. (2004). Student learning preferences and teaching implications. Journal of Dental Education, 68(8), 859-866.
Pintrich, P. R. (2000). Multiple goals, multiple pathways: The role of goal orientation in learning and achievement. Journal of educational psychology, 92(3), 544.
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