The Virtue That Selfishness Can Have
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DownloadThe virtue that selfishness can have
Virtue of selfishness, selfishness is that concern for self-interest becomes the essence of moral existence. However, this is criticized for being an anti-value from the point of view of not sharing feelings of solidarity, compassion or altruism. Opening the way to the conclusions that selfishness is bad for seeking its own good and not the common one, being more individualistic than collectivist. Creating a thought in our subconscious that tells us that looking for our satisfaction or happiness is a wrong concept.
Selfishness is normally understood as a negative character feature, however, Ayn Rant affirms that selfishness is a cardinal virtue, along with rationality. A man cannot survive if he does not know about a code of values, without knowing how to act. The man is not born with a survival instinct even though he has the desire to survive he has no knowledge. On his way, man acquires knowledge of how to live, what aspects or factors would help improve his life situation.
This is forced to think, but for any reason he decides to suspend his thought will have a very high probability of not surviving. Therefore, philosophy provides it with a code of values with the aim of improving your life. We constantly seek to do good for others, sometimes by obligation, teaching and rarely for love, because as the saying says "he who does not live to serve, does not serve to live".
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The question is; How much do we occupy to feel that we live? There is nothing wrong with being selfish, looking for our own good without waiting for anyone to satisfy that desire.
If we do not look for our own happiness and manage? From baby they teach us to share, doing this as an obligation, but he who does not do it with love with love. To help others we occupy be well with ourselves, therefore, you must start with being selfish. What an ironic idea or perhaps opposed to everything they have taught us, but it is objectivist.
Sometimes we help, love and try to fill others in search of filling our own needs. How are we going to love others if we don’t love ourselves? We have to get up every morning and admire, try to fill each space where insecurity and sadness are inhabited. That is one of the problems that the 21st century presents, we intend to give how little we have while we are drowning and shouting a little oxygen from others.
Let’s take when we have enough and then not feel that something will be missing. Let’s love ourselves without fear of being selfish for looking for our own good. By this I do not mean that we do what we feel like and satisfy every whim, but to practice the virtues and values that the survival of the human being requires, managing to understand the adequate selfish morality. A morality where man does not have to sacrifice himself for others, nor others for us.
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