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The Woman In The Resolution Of Conflicts Over Time


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The woman in the resolution of conflicts over time

Since ancient times, motherhood has been an element framed as a fundamental aspect in women;Society has treated women as their own being to generate life, with a main role in education, although relegating them to the issues in which the brute force should be used due to their physical inferiority with respect to men, leaving themabroad in matters. hunting and defense of its territory;Therefore, he was confined to domestic tasks, education and tillage, while man was in charge of the tasks that required more physical effort and the power to make important decisions for his community.

The life of the Colombian State has been characterized by a series of political confrontations with their respective and obvious consequences for Colombians and that lead to the violation of a number of rights, ranging from kidnapping to homicides, which causes them to beTransform society, roles, the structure of the family, culture and for the case in reference the role of women in society and conflict.

The Colombian armed conflict is the longest conflict in the region. The country has been at war for more than 50 years, however, it is currently in peace dialogues to put an end to it. The Colombian armed conflict has been characterized by its enormous magnitude, ferocity, degradation, territorial presence, and especially by the consequences and impacts it has left in the civilian population. The Colombian armed conflict can be classified within the concept of new wars developed by Mary Kaldor.

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This states that the new wars "are wars freed by networks of state actors, and not state, often without uniforms […]. They are wars in which battles are rare, where most of the violence is directed against the civilian population in line with the tactics of counterinsurgency and ethnic cleaning. They are wars where tax collection and the financing of war effort are collapsed through theft and looting, illicit trade and other income generated by war. They are wars where the distinction between combatants and ex -combatants or between legitimate and criminal violence is blurred.

The armed conflict has led women to assume new roles, leaving their role as a victim aside and becoming a more active participation in the conflict, either as an active member of confrontation both in the ranks of organizations outsidethe law, as a combatant and in the political sphere, on the one hand. On the other hand, despite the fact that women have been active members of social claims and struggles, in the course of the conflict they begin to become more visible and transform into spokespersons or peace promoters from their closest social spheres, be ityour home, your neighborhood or community. In turn, the woman has been empowered recognizing themselves as a subject of rights, so she begins to exercise lobbying activities and work in previously unknown spaces such as politics in favor of social justice and the construction of peace.

It is important to highlight two important aspects of these new roles that the conflict has led to assume the woman. On the one hand, the fact that the woman has assumed these roles, does not take away her victim status, the woman is still a victim in Colombia. On the other hand, women can have an important role in the active stage of the conflict and at the same time in the construction of peace, that is, women can assume different roles at the same time, they can be victims, important actresses of the active conflictand peace builders at the same time. All of the above leads to the actors to analyze in this work are women in the different roles they have assumed thanks to the armed conflict, armed groups outside the law, the Colombian State and the women’s organizations that have organized forseek peace.

A way of understanding the Colombian armed conflict is through their victims, and women, like children, are the main surviving victims of this violence. The violations exercised against them through sexual abuse, forced displacement, kidnapping, disappearance, death and social control are reliable samples of their situation of vulnerability and the rooted macho culture that makes them weapons of war and whitesof intimidation.

The armed conflict in Colombia has a woman’s body. Through their eyes, hands, wrinkles and blows that are no longer seen but still hurt, anguish, terror, escape, death and rape are reflected. Men are the owners of war, women and children the main victims. She is the orphan woman, widow, single mother, raped, displaced, kidnapped, missing and murdered, who lives the terror that occupies the country.

Finally, within the framework of the Colombian conflict, armed actors have conceived women as a gun of war, so they are deprived of their dignity and life through sexual violence, kidnapping, torture and murder. Such a problem is based on a deeply rooted patriarchal culture in which male domination prevails;control that, in numerous cases, is exercised through physical violence. In a society that seeks peace it is necessarybut as an individual.

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