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The Woman, Main Cause Of Feminicide


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The woman, main cause of feminicide


Feminicide is a very argued issue in Peruvian society and a reason for discussion in recent times, reflecting on why a woman attacks in the current era. Find the connection between various topics that have emerged from their own development. The current situation demands more effective responses to stop violence against women and femicide. Aiming to resume the unity out of the feminist movement and leave the pending debates, which are necessary, but that cannot be more important than the defense of the life of women who need it most in today’s society in which we live. Therefore, the present essay has the purpose that women are not the main cause, since for any reason no one has the right to violate against the integrity of women, it is also carried out with the sole purpose of reflection and raise awareness about the serious consequences that occurs against women, thus affecting physical and mental health.


Feminicide covers a wide range of acts. From harassment, abuse, both physical and sexual so much, to the point of getting the murder towards women, by an unscrupulous individual, who the only thing he intends is to violate his victim. While our understanding of the femicide problem is limited, we know that a large proportion of femicides are committed against women, some involved in violent relationships, while others are violated despite not having any link with their aggressor. Many people say that women are those who cause these acts, to sow the provocation of the assailant and also violate them causing femicide.

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In this project we will defend our aspect, since the woman is not the cause of this totally unscrupulous act.

In feminicide it is said that the perpetrator is sure of the need to humiliate, violate and cause death to a woman. The male uses different means of violence, Baza rely on the psychological, physical and carnal, however it is said that all abuse men do so for beating the taste. However, the woman must be subject to pre -existing factors and pre -established by a certain society. In addition, the said belief that the will of the male must be made to prevail, since he is the one who has the power and is legitimized to make it assert, since women are those that must obey.

The Ombudsman’s Office (2010) defines femicide as the murder of women perpetrated by men for the mere fact of being women and who is based on gender discrimination. Actually, it must be seen as the last chapter in the life of many women, marked by a ‘continuum of violence and terror’. Often the media present the murder of women as ‘passionate crimes’ which distorts their character and that helps to reinforce the stereotypes that place women in a position of subordination and devaluation against men.

It is very clear to note that the violent man against women is not exposed from one moment to another, he is an individual who shows himself with unexpected violent reactions in different circumstances that for most people are very sociable to handle, but that the aggressor is They are very frustrating and lead to a crisis of violence.

According to Hernández (2018) he mentioned that a woman who is a victim of violence at risk of femicide, undergoes physical consequences that affect her mental health in three ways: depression and increased depression (lack of energy, anxiety, changes in appetite, concentration problems, sleep alterations, among others.), therefore, it means a high impact, because it can cause significant difficulties in your daily life.

It is said that when the victim reacts, he begins to speak and demand his rights and denounce the abuse, one of the probabilities is that the victim elevates his complaint to mothers and friends, they also begin to the mantle of impunity with expressions such as “it is that you causes "," is her husband "," why she married ", among others. (Wright, 2016)

The aggressor uses different ways to violate her victim, looks for any means of guilt to violently attempt against her. He tries to impose the rules of her restricting her the victim of her, which she also has to obey everything he imposes. The victim begins to have different changes of, psychologically, fear comes to make the protagonist since then. He blames her victim, tries to blame her at all times, he treats her as a lower person, unable to. After that he begins to take the role of aggressor, violating against her integrity. Is the woman responsible for them to add to her in such a way? The woman is not responsible for anything, she is simply one more victim, nobody because violating her, or making her feel inferior to anyone, for the same fact that, maybe get married without having known it much and then he has changed her behaviors , none of that comes to justify violence.

WHO (2014), feminicide is a social problem and requires society’s work. Since, this phenomenon has social and formative roots, which is related to the imbalance in power relations that can exist between men and women. 21 percent of women’s deaths in the world are due to gender violence. Regardless of their age, skin color, social status, if they are married or single, thousands of women around the world are victims of gender violence, which can be psychological, physical, verbal, economic, heritage and feminicide; The latter has the fatal outcome of the violent death of women. In the years of 2009 and 2018, 1525 femicide and 1106 femicide attempts were recorded in Peru (Ministry of Women).

After the victim is violated by her aggressor, she begins to have different emotional changes, as we see she no longer arrives as before, she suffers depression, frustration, guilt, because she simply thinks that it is what causes all that feels guilt for Having committed to his aggressor, feels inferior to others, isolates himself, prefers not to speak with absolutely anyone, so as not to generate any more problems. She tries to shut up everything that has been happening, she prefers to maintain much of her life in reserve, without the daring to denounce such a crime.


Concluding with this essay, we continue with the position that women have no responsibility to give such acts of violence, no one has because our integrity, our body, our soul. The authorities must have a more severe penalty with these criminals who only threaten our lives, every day the figures continue to increase and until time nothing is done for stopping everything, this can no longer follow.

In conclusion, all women should account for these situations if they are mired in them, they must examine the aggressive man and examine the necessary help to flow from those varieties of situations. Feminicide is the speech that define the deaths for the life of stumbling of women who have not had the opportunity of these situations. Let’s enhance our rights.


  • Ombudsman, 2. (2010). Feminicio in Peru: study of judicial files. Lima: First edition.
  • https: // www.Defensoria.Gob.PE/WP-Content/Uploads/2018/05/Feminicide Report.PDF
  • Hernández, w. (November 12, 2018). Feminicide and attempts how does the woman and their sons and daughters affect? National Observatory of Violence against Women and Members of the Family Group.
  • https: // observatoryioviolence.PE/feminicide-and-temporary-as-Affect-a-la-mujer-y-a-sus-humjos-e-hijas
  • MIMP, m. d. (2019). National program against family and sexual violence. Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. https: // www.MIMP.Gob.PE/CONTE/CONTENTS/PNCONTIGO-.PHP?CODE = 39#
  • Sánchez, a. (30 of 05 of 2015). 68.2% of women were victims of psychological, physical and/or sexual violence, once for the husband or partner. National Statistics and Information Institute. https: // www.INEI.Gob.PE/Press/News/El-682-of-the-women-Fueron-Victimas-De-Violence-Psychological-Pystics-and-Sexual-Alfuna-For-by-EL-ESPOSO-O-COMPAENER-9772/

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