The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
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Feminist Analysis of ‘The Yellow Wall-Paper’
The image and status of women in the modern world are continually changing. The transition of the woman has been written about by many literary legends, and the world has come to realize how important literature is when it comes to leading revolutions. ‘The Yellow Wall-Paper’ is one such ground-breaking book written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The book depicts the status of American women in the second half of the nineteenth century. This paper analyses the book from a feminist point of view and tries to establish how the women had long been subjected to stringent conduct expectations and self-expression restrictions. Through the writing, Charlotte expressly outlines how the woman was perceived as a weaker human being who was unfit both physically and emotionally (Knight 37).
The men of the time viewed them with contempt based on their characteristically smaller physique and the instability of their emotions especially when they were receiving their menses. In the story, she narrates an ordeal with a physician where she was told to adopt a somewhat ludicrous cure for an ailment she was suffering from (Gilman 55 ). Her reaction was hysterical because she felt insulted by the assertion of her doctor. Her response Albeit justified and sound only served to cement the notion that women have trouble controlling their emotions. Throughout her work, Charlotte portrays herself as someone utterly opposed to the idea of being weak and ultimately inferior to men.
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She demystifies the allegory that women should be controlled and boxed in while men live with pretty much no restrictions and conduct expectations by the society(Knight 38).
She cleverly uses the first person narration to better convey the message that it is unfair for a woman to live in a male-dominated society. Charlotte puts together the story in which John is continually trying to control the narrator, Jane inside the confines of the home. She is not allowed to walk outside of their home without a very pressing reason for doing the same. He also forbids her from pursuing her interest and love for writing. Gilman outlines how he does not even let her decide how to spend her own time. He does not seem to like or support her when it comes to having a social life (Knight 40). He believes that the woman belongs to her man and he can manage and control every aspect of the woman’s life as society has led him to disbelieve. The use of first-person narration strongly brings forth the pinch and pain that she is going through in the hands of men who think that society’s erroneous notion of male dominance is justified and correct for that matter(Gilman 55 ).
In the story, Jane finds herself controlled in a somewhat unusual manner through the doctor’s prescription of total confinement as a way of treating and managing her hysteria problem. Her narration gives an insight to the reader about her feelings, and thoughts towards men and the whole male society and how she feels about community and the way it treats women. Her denial of a voice in matters decision making shows that indeed women have been stifled for a long time and need to be given some breathing space to ensure a balanced and loving society. The freedom and sovereignty of women and ladies, in general, should not be compromised by physical strength or their sexuality. The confinement in a room and placement under the watch of a man shows that indeed the status of many women has been compromised and they need to start being treated, as usual, capable people just like men(Gilman 57 ).
It is literature and empowerment of the girl child that has been responsible for the revolutions that have helped create awareness in the society concerning the rights of women across the world. More literature should be designed to drum up the understanding for the kind of suffering women are being subjected to by backward societal discrimination based on gender. Women across America and the other parts of the world should now get up in arms and lobby for respect and equal rights as human beings (Knight 37). The males of society should consequently desist form diminishing the status of women who sacrifice a lot to cater to their men and children. If it were not for women, many communities would tumble and fall to rumbles because women form the basis of the family unit. They play an essential role since they tend to be a bridge between the father and the children of the family. Men on the other side purport to be the breadwinners and providers, but in a fast-changing world women are getting better opportunities and getting jobs previously reserved for men. As the equilibrium is fast shifting men, need to realize the importance of ensuring women have the freedom to make decisions, and to disagreeing whichever way they deem fit, men should also not try to manipulate stifle or regulate the way women choose to interact with each other or the society in general(Gilman 59).
Works Cited
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The yellow wallpaper. Penguin UK, 2015.
Knight, Denise D. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Study of the Short Fiction. Twayne Publishers, 2010.
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