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Theoretical Orientations Name Institutional Affiliation Theoretical Orientations In the counseling process, theoretical orientation is a crucial concept which involves individual a...

Drawing Conclusions: How Does a Poison Affect Cellular Respiration? Name Institution Drawing Conclusions: How Does a Poison Affect Cellular Respiration? Cellular respiration is vit...

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Advanced Practice Nurses Name Institution Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Advanced Practice Nurses Interprofessional pract...

Roman's Story Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Roman's Story Diagnosis The video is about Roman who is an 11 years old boy who is suffering from cerebral palsy. Roman dis...

Internal Organ Injury Student’s Name Institution Internal Organ Injury Description of internal organ injury in athletes Majority of athletic events demonstrates the possibilit...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date CAP # 9 Feedback Points Title page with the focused clinical question Provided with all information 10 points Provided howeve...

CAP # 7 Feedback Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Points Title page with the focused clinical question Provided with all information 10 points Provided however not comple...

Hypertension and Treatment during Pregnancy Name Institution Patient's Personal and Medical History At 22 week gestation period, a woman aged 25 was diagnosed with hypertension wit...

Student’s name Professor’s name Course number Date Practicum In this journal, I will generally reflect on a patient who showed the signs of Postpartum depression in my practicu...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Critically Appraised Paper Peer Rubric (CAP) 100 points Points Title page with the focused clinical question Provided with al...

Answering Questions Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation What philosophies, approaches, and interventions do they have in common? Rood, PNF, Brunnstrom, and NDT are tradition...

Name Professor Subject Date Critically Appraised Paper Peer Rubric (CAP) 100 points Points Title page with the focused clinical question Provided with all information 10 points Pro...

Grading and Comments Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Critically Appraised Paper Peer Rubric (CAP) - 100 points Points Title page with the focused clinical question Provi...

Occupational Task Oriented Therapy Post Stroke Name Institutional Affiliation Date Almhdawi, Mathoiwetz, White& Delmas (2016) conducted an approach to assess the functional and...

Discussion Board Post Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Discussion Board Post During the first year of my graduate training, I got to learn about various theories that ...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Arthritis PICO Questions Does provision of hand and wrist splints to arthritis patients help reduce strain on joints among ar...

Neurobehavioral deficits Student’s name Institution affiliation Week 2_ Application Assignment_ Neurobehavioral Deficits Implication for: Intervention Perseveration -is a disorde...

Title Name Institution Date Trisha Duperval Top of Form Topic 2 Pain Psychosocial concepts in psychology draw from a combination of psychological and sociology principles. Accord...

Week 1 Visual Perception Application Assignment Name Institution Week 1Visual Perception Application Assignment Implications for Function Intervention Idea Figure-Ground An individ...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Reflection Paper The paper demonstrates the aspects of occupational therapy (OT) evaluation by focusing on my observations and exper...

Name Professor Course Date Types of Orthopedic Impairments Cerebral palsy It is an impairment of movement and posture and is common to school-age children. It results from an abnor...

Histopathology and Clinical Considerations. Name: Institutional affiliations: The article clearly articulates the findings that were discovered by the Histopathological in common, ...

Theo Progress Note Name Institution Progress Note Student: ________________________________ Date: _________________ Theo continues to make progress in handwriting and paying attent...

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date SOAP Note S: The client stated, “I did not complete an art painting today in the morning. I felt pain in my wrist and......

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Neuroscience Student name Institution Course Date     Neuroscience Romberg test Romberg test is the conventional method used in quantifying balance. In my opinion, it is the be...

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Week 9 Discussion Student’s name Institution Week 9 Discussion Question 1 Shyness refers to the state in which one experiences nervousness in the company of other people (Shin &a...

Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation How do the cerebellum and basal ganglia effect movement? The basal ganglia denote a system that allows the b...

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Mrs. Jones Case Study The patient has difficulty performing most of her Activities of Daily Living (ADL) after undergoing a l...

Schizophrenia Name Institution Schizophrenia Q1. Psychosocial treatments used with the people with Schizophrenia Cognitive behavioral therapy- involves the therapists talking wi...

Journal Entry: Pediatric Treatment of Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Journal Entry: Pediatric Treatment of Oppositional defiant diso...

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Wound Care Name Institution Wound Care Clinical Question For patients with recurrent wound infections, is ultrasound a better method of assessment compared to Bates-Jensen Wound As...

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Journal Entry-Renal Disorder Name: Institution: Journal Entry-Renal Disorder The patient I am going to discuss is J.D who I observed during this week’s practicum experience. J.D ...

Journal Entry: Renal Disorder Student Name: Email address: Practicum Placement Agency’s Name: Preceptor’s Name: Preceptor’s Telephone: Preceptor’s Email address: Journal En...

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Details Date Journal Entry Musculoskeletal Disorder Case study for this journal entry-An army sergeant with mysterious back pain: Crack ...

Table for one trauma Student Name Institutional Affiliation Table for one trauma Burn Injury in the ICU Stages of care Preparatory methods Purposeful activities and occupation-base...

Nursing Student’s Name University Personal and Medical History: Mr. Kevin is a 65 years old retired government worker. He has four children and two grandchildren. His wife died f...

Suicidal Client Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Suicidal Client To determine whether a patient is suicidal, some factors such as depression are examined. A depressed cli...

Name Institution Course Date Social Work Case Study 1 Domain 1 for Nina’s condition is post-traumatic stress disorder. She has had some negative experiences and was sexually mole...

Anxiety Name Institution Anxiety In psychotherapy, depression is a severe but regular medical illness that negatively affects how one acts, how one thinks and how one feels while a...

And the Band Played on Name Institution And the Band Played on. Q 1. a. There was an increase in cases of people dying from pneumocystis which was not a......

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