TheValue Added Performance Model
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The Value-Added Performance Model, Use and Criticism
The value-added performance model is used in evaluating teachers by considering the results of their contribution. This model puts into consideration; current exam scores of a given teacher’s students, the exam score of the same students in the past years, and the exam scores of other students who are in the same grade (Rebore 2015). This model is deemed effective because it uses contextual variables, that is, student’s performance.
However, the model has been criticized because there may be other factors, beyond the teacher’s control, that may affect the test results of the students. An example would be the economic conditions and social issues outside school. In addition, researchers have also pinpointed that this model may not be as accurate as intended due to the assumptions applied (Rebore (2015). An example is that the students are randomly assigned to teachers and but disregards the fact that some subjects are more complex than others are. The use of VAM score for teachers and administrators evaluation has received both appreciation and criticism. Some states and districts and states have fully embraced the model while others have completely abolished its use.
In my school district, some schools have adopted the use of VAM scores in teacher evaluation and others have not. However, more and more schools are shifting from the VAM method of evaluation to others like teacher observation.
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Although the teacher observation method has its limitations, I consider it more objective because it puts into consideration the intangible values of a teacher.
A report by the American Statistical Association (2014), urged the schools and states not to use the VAM model in evaluation of the teachers. Some of the most notable reasons stipulated in the report are; VAM model measures only correlation and puts no consideration on causation; VAM scores can significantly be affected by the complexity of a test and subject; and VAM system can immensely affect the quality of education, following teacher’s demoralization (Amrein-Beardsley, 2014). Overall, the selection of a teacher’s performance valuation method should consider a number of quantifiable factors, not just test scores.
American Statistical Association (2014). ASA statement on using value-added models for educational assessment. Alexandria, VA. Retrieved from:, A. (2014). Rethinking value-added models in education: Critical perspectives on tests and assessment-based accountability. New York, NY: Routledge.
Rebore, R. W. (2015). Human resources administration in education: A management approach. A Pearson Education Company, 75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116.
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