threemiles podcast
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Three Miles Podcast
From the Three-Mile Podcast, Melanie appears to be observant, quick thinker judgmental and she does not welcome defeat. When students from University Heights High School leave Melanie is the only student who reacts toward the appearance of the private Fieldston school by saying, “this is unfair, I do not want to be here am leaving…” (This American life 1) Melanie observes that the private school is far better than their school which over time she thought was of right standards. She discovers immediately that this school is doing more to make the future of the students better. According to Melanie, nobody should be in a position to achieve more than her. However, the exchange program turns out to be of significant impact as the experience helps her not only in the high school level but also through college life. The exchange program turns to be a mind opener and exposure to bridge the poor-rich gap.
The wealth and opportunity divide between students of the two schools represent the unfair competition and disadvantages which nature presents to some people. The reporter explains that “Any gap you hear about, income gap, achievement gap racism gap, this two groups from University Heights High School and Fieldston School exist on the uppers side” (This American life 1). However, much the gap was, students from University Heights High School had to compete for the same life opportunities with the other students who had no hunger or poverty as the podcast explains.
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Students from University Heights High School had to go through the long unpromising process to achieve the same level as the other students from a well of school. Melanie did not have a shorter way to college but to follow the scholarship path which was uncertain. However, the division between the two schools gave a Positive challenge to University Heights High School students like Melanie to achieve their life goals.
Work Cited
This American Life. “550: Three Miles – This American Life.” This American Life. N.p., 2015. 14 Nov. 2018.
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