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Titles Conferred In Puerto Rico


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Titles conferred in Puerto Rico


The agency in charge in Puerto Rico to establish the standards for the approval of professional titles obtained in foreign higher education institutions, is the University of Puerto Rico. This set of rules was approved by the State Department of Puerto Rico and entered into force in September 2002. Its content establishes the legal basis and procedures for the recognition of degrees and titles conferred by universities from other countries. Next, we will see some elements to know better the process of homologation of a title in Puerto Rico.


Who are exempt from carrying out the title recognition process in Puerto Rico? There are some cases in which people who want to standardize their foreign professional degree in Puerto Rico are exempt from carrying out the recognition process. First, there are those whose degrees or titles are recognized by Norma by the University of Puerto Rico. Those who are hired by the University of Puerto Rico are also in this situation as visiting professors or to carry out postdoctoral research under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff. 

Who cannot access title recognition in Puerto Rico? There are also cases (rare) in which applicants cannot obtain a recognition of title in Puerto Rico. The main one is when the degree or title has been obtained in an institution that is not properly authorized in its country of origin or is recognized by international organizations endorsed by the University of Puerto Rico.

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What documents are needed to standardize a title in Puerto Rico? The first thing a candidate must do that seeks to homologate his title in Puerto Rico is to complete a request for recognition of degrees.

And academic titles conferred by higher education institutions. To this request, photocopies of some documents must be attached, all certified as a faithful copy of the original by the Dean of Academic Affairs. An official copy of the full academic file issued by the Higher Education Institution in which the applicant studies must be attached. Copy or title must also be presented. The two documents must be apostille with the Hague Apostille. The candidate must also include some official publication of the institution in which he studied where the admission requirements are specified.

Graduation and a complete description of the courses. Finally, the applicant must attach his updated curriculum vitae. You will also have to show evidence to prove that the Institution of Higher Education that granted the title is included in the International Handbook of University, or failing that by the competent national or regional entity. What should the candidate do? The candidate who requests the recognition and homologation of his title in Puerto Rico must manage and pay for all the aforementioned documents and all those who could be requested later. This includes the respective legalization. 

The applicant must also ensure the application and all the documents attached to time. In case the Recognition Board asked for additional documents, the candidate must be attentive and respond quickly. You will also have to make sure you have the originals of all the documentation and present them to the Dean of Academic Affairs so that this certifies that they are faithful copies. Stages of the title approval process in Puerto Rico. Once the candidate has submitted his application with all the attached documents, the president of the Recognition Board will submit to the Recognition Board a report on the application process. 


The Board will evaluate the application and recommend the actions you deem appropriate. If there are doubts or discrepancies in the course of this evaluation, an external evaluation of the file will be recommended. Once the Recognition Board has all the documents and background that it deems pertinent, it will issue a pronouncement on the application. The president of the Recognition Board will then issue the written certification of recognition or failing it denial. In the event that the title approval request is denied, the candidate may appeal the decision. To do this, you must present a document before the University Board within 30 days of the date on which the decision was notified.

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