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Training Program


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Training program
The Karvonen formula assists in determining the target heart rate. The formula relies on the resting and maximum heart rate to obtain the target rate.
Target Heart rate= ((max HR − resting HR) × %Intensity) + resting HR
Maximum heart rate =220-17(Age) = 203
203- 55(Rest.HR) =148
148*15(intensity) +55(Rest.HR) = 2275 Beats/minutes
During my first meeting session with Clark, I will determine if he is qualified for physical training. This screening will involve identifying health risk elements like obesity or diabetes. I will also collect information regarding Clark’s medical history, chronic sicknesses, and current medications. I will ask for clearance form from Clark’s physician if he is in on any medication. I will perform a fitness assessment so as to structure his training regime. These assessments will help in knowing the exercise intensity of the client as well as his cardiorespiratory ability, (Fleck and Kraemer 3). Once I establish that he is fit for training, I will then encourage him to sign up for the program.
Weeks 1-4
Mondays; 4 sets of T-Bar Row (15 Reps), 4 sets of bench press (15 reps), 2 sets of lad pulldowns (12 reps)
Wednesdays; 5 sets of squat (15reps), 3 sets of crunches (20reps), 4 sets of seated calf raises (12 reps)
Fridays; French press 15reps 2sets, lateral raises 15reps 3 sets, preacher curl 15reps 2 sets
0-60 seconds rest between sets
Saturdays, jog for 5minutes
Weeks 5- 8
Mondays; squat 8-10resp 4sets, stiff leg deadlift8-10reps 4sets, leg extension 12reps 2 sets, leg curls 12reps 2 sets
Wednesday; incline bench press 8-10reps 4sets, peck deck 12reps 2sets, back extensions 10reps 3sets
Fridays; pull-up 8-10resp 4sets, DB shoulder press 8-10resps 2sets, lateral raises 8-10reps, 2sets
Resting time: 60-120 seconds between sets
Saturdays; jog for 10minutes
Weeks 9-12
Mondays; deadlift 3-5reps 6sets, stiff leg deadlift 5reps 6sets, seated calf raises 8reps 5sets
Wednesdays; bench press 3-5reps 6sets, pull-up 3-5reps 6sets, back extension 8reps 3sets
Fridays; barbell curl 5reps 5sets, close grip bench 5reps 5sets, military press 5reps 5sets
Rest period; 120-240 seconds between sets
Saturdays; jog for 15minutes
Diet recommendation
Considering the nature of the exercises, it is recommended that the client consumes meals that consist of protein and carbohydrates.

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Protein shakes assist in gaining lean muscle. Carbohydrates assist in building body mass. Clark should also drink adequate amount of water to stay hydrated throughout the training period.
First 4 weeks
12low carbohydrates days( 2300 calories), 12 moderate carbohydrate days(2400 calories), 4 high carbs days(2700)calories
Second 4weeks
12low carbs days (2200calories), 12 moderate carbs days (2300calories), 4high carbohydrate days (2700calories)
Last 4weeks
12 low carbohydrate days (2100calories), 12 moderate carbs days (2200calories), and 4high carbs days (2700calories)
Take 200grams of proteins per day
The amount of fat taken should be 20-30% of the daily calories
10% of daily calories can come from junk food as a convenience as Clark is battling cravings.
I chose the above exercise because it helps to build body mass. This makes it suitable for the client as he is looking forward to building muscles. This exercise type also helps to improve strength- something that will benefit Clark during his school game. After completing the training, the client will be able to keep up with longer periods of physical activities. The exercise will assist in minimising injuries during intense body activities such as football, (Fleck and Kraemer 5). Clark will also obtain the desired shape for football. Squats assist in shaping calves, thighs and buttocks. Push-ups build strength in muscles
Work cited
Fleck, Steven J., and William Kraemer. Designing Resistance Training Programs, 4E. Human Kinetics, 2014.

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