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Turning The Game Addiction Into Teaching Method


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Turning the game addiction into teaching method


The game is commonly called physical and mental activities that are carried out for purposes either recreational or educational. Children play from their initial stage, it is a process that they perform spontaneously, in which they have the opportunity to create their own rules and draw their goals. In addition to this, it is one of the first ways to communicate with their adults.

Thió de Pol, Fusté, Martín, Palou, Masnou claim that the game is: a free and flexible activity in which the child is freely imposed and accepts guidelines and purposes that can change or negotiate, because in the game he does not count so much The result as the same game process.In the field of education, the game is a relevant factor for the integral development of students; This allows children to have freedom and autonomy, in addition to creativity which can be applied in the knowledge you have acquired.

Karl Groos, is an activity that will prepare children for the necessary functions that are fundamental for their survival and adult life; that he defines how: the game is the object of a special psychological investigation, being the first to verify the role of the game as a phenomenon of development and activity development.

Jean Piaget coincides with the theory proposed by Groos, since he says that it is part of the child’s intelligence, because it represents the functional or reproductive assimilation of reality according to each evolutionary stage of the individual ”.

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He also established that he has benefits for infants in sensory development, balance, coordination, social interaction, among others.

Piaget focused on describing four stages of cognitive development.

  1. The first is called as sensory-motor game, which includes from 0 to 2 years; This children focus on themselves without taking into account the perspective of the other called as "egocentric behavior"; During this stage children learn through experimentation, and generate interest in activities with sensory reactions such as songs, striking colors, etc.
  2. The second stage is called preoperational and goes from 2 to 7 years. In this children imitate experienced scenes daily, imitating roles (playing the mother or teacher). At this stage there is talk of the "magical thinking" that arises from simple and arbitrary associations that the child does when he tries to understand how the world works
  3. The third stage is of concrete operations, including from 7 to 12 years. Children begin to solve concrete and abstract situations through logic and egocentrism disappears.
  4. The fourth stage is called formal operations, which begins at 12 to adult life. At this stage, a greater capacity to generate conclusions from logical thinking is developed, hypotheses about reality are raised and, includes that there are different ways of thinking than yours.

Playful strategies

The playful is considered as the need of human beings to express themselves, communicate, feel and produce emotions, which encourages psycho-social development, personality, and the acquisition of knowledge, which takes into account creativity, pleasure and joy. In education consists in creating a fun, pleasant and pleasant environment, in which the contents of the curriculum can develop playing.

Jiménez regarding the importance of playful, considers that: playful is rather a condition, a predisposition of being in front of life, in the face of everyday life. It is a way of being in life and of relating to it in those daily spaces in which enjoy, enjoyment, accompanied by the distension that produce symbolic and imaginary activities with the game with the game. The sense of humor, art and another series of activities that occur when we interact with others, without more reward than the gratitude produced by these events.

The exercise of learning should be pleasant, therefore, teachers must innovate looking for playful strategies that facilitate the teaching of contents presenting tools where children play a leading role during classes. Given this Núñez, he considers that: the well -applied and understood playfulness will have a concrete and positive meaning for the improvement of learning in terms of qualification, critical training, values, relationship and connection with others achieving the permanence of students in the students in the Initial education .

This is why the playful must be present in each learning space, because it benefits attention, concentration, motivation to learn generating new knowledge. Develops creativity, mental, physical and moral skills; In addition to favoring communication.

For Motta; The playful is a pedagogical procedure in itself. The playful methodology exists before knowing that the teacher will promote it. The playful methodology generates playful spaces and times, causes interactions and playful situations. 

Waichman, states that: the modernization of the educational system to consider the student as an integral, participatory being, so that the playful ceases to be exclusive to the leisure time and is incorporated to the effective time of and for school work is essential. The playful must be understood as a necessary resource within the classrooms and that turns out to be beneficial to the construction of knowledge when oriented for specific purposes and purposes.

Learning motivation

Motivation is a process that depends on the attention, interest, need, or desire to have an object or the activity to be carried out, that is why students should be taken into account at the time of teaching.Motivation is a fundamental factor that motivates students to learn. According to Woolfolk; Motivation is usually defined as something that energizes and directs behavior; This is where students-maestro interactions influence, since they induce their students to voluntarily and taste the exercises proposed during classes during classes.

Strategies in the teaching of mathematics

Mathematics has always been considered as the most abstract, complicated and domain science only for some people, this conclusion has surely been drawn by the implementation of inadequate methodologies and/or strategies, in which the interaction between the student and The teacher being the bearer of knowledge; Due to the aforementioned, the process of teaching mathematics with the traditional methodology (memorization of concepts, formulas, theorems is analyzed; giving more importance to the contents, than to the applications and utilities of knowledge) and with innovative methodology as To the application of the playful (the human need to feel comfortable, fun, entertaining, satisfied, to have a pleasant time) where it positively impacts the motivation towards mathematical knowledge.

The teaching -learning process is more effective, when to define the methodological strategy to be used in pedagogical activity, the ways are taken into account, what their needs and interests are; And it is shown that children learn and discover the world playing, always feeling the need to feel comfortable and funny.

The playful and mathematics have a close relationship regarding their natural features when applied in the classes here, the game’s activity becomes an essential process in which the appropriation of the established rules and conditions is presented to interact easily with the knowledge that is acquired.

Rafael Flórez Ochoa states that: Current education requires people with critical, analytical, reflective capacity and this is achieved through the development of thought. A person with high intellectual development is trained to interpret, argue, propose, propose and solve problems in different contexts, therefore, for the acquisition of numerical sense it is necessary to provide children through the game rich, varied and significant situations that stimulate intelligence and imagination as the curricular standards raise.

The use of mathematical learning game has allowed students to develop thinking skills that enable them to face problems and develop logical and spatial thinking easily, and additional to this, it promotes affective, sensitive, motor and intellectual development. Motivation fulfills a vital function in the development of mathematics since, as Ernesto Roque-Sábato states: motivation is the main advantage of games because students immerse themselves in activities and, after a while, their attitudes improve around the matter; It is also a way to put aside the monotony of practice and give variety to teaching. 

In the playful the aforementioned process, it is taken in time to facilitate the significant learning of the mathematics that will be carried out through the activity of the game, this is how Mike Oldfield mentions when he expresses that: in addition to agreeing with the paper Motivational game and highlight the emotion, participation and positive attitudes that teachers report, indicates that games are valuable to promote social skills, stimulate mathematical discussion, learn concepts, strengthen skills, understand symbology, develop understanding and acquire some strategies problem solving.

One of the purposes of mathematics is to instill, involve values ​​and develop attitudes in the student, for this, the use of some strategies that allow developing capabilities to understand, associate and interpret the knowledge that were acquired to face the adversities that To present themselves; One of those strategies worthy of being used is the "playful" since it is through the activity of the game motivates, favors and facilitates significant learning including what is mentioned above about the purposes of mathematics and as a clear example we have the concept by Jaime Hernán Echeverri and José Gabriel Gómez:

The playful can contribute and find more effective ways to get satisfactory responses to the modern world, to the world of technology and that is in fast and especially constant changes and if there are no rapid solutions, it will not be achieved to get children to provide the Required Attention.

Impact of game or playful mathematics

Strategies facilitate teaching to students with different methods. According to Villalobos Perez, they are the set of actions carried out by the teacher with clear and explicit pedagogical intentionality. The author defines strategies as the resources used by teachers to achieve significant learning in students.

Beltrán Leiva mentions that strategies are great thought tools placed by the student when you have to understand a text, acquire knowledge or solve problems. Therefore, for a student to learn easily, the use of strategies is important, which benefit learning and the teaching-learning process would be improved.

Students use different study techniques for solving problems or exercises and teachers significantly reinforce each topic in a creative way, using constructivist strategies, they favor teaching to raise the level of students. According to constructivist strategies they make learning easier and favor the development of positive attitudes, skills and skills for cooperative, independent and autonomous work.

As explained by this author, constructivist strategies facilitate the learning and metacognition process. For Flavell, metacognition refers to the knowledge of the cognitive processes, of the results and of any aspect that relates to them. With this the author explains that metacognition is the ability to manage and involve learning processes.


Creativity is a ability to the human being and is one of the highest and most complex potential that implies strengthening thought to integrate cognitive processes from the lower and easier, to those known as superior or difficult to achieve an idea or thought new.

Creativity is shown by giving existence to something novel. The essential here is in the novelty and the prior existence of the idea or product. Creativity is demonstrated inventing or discovering a solution to a problem and in the demonstration of exceptional qualities in their solution. The creative process in mathematics is related to the ability to create ideas, solutions or questions that are novel from the perspective of the one who generates them (the development of this ability is important at a professional and school level).

Creativity is the process of being sensitive to problems, deficiencies, to the lagoons of knowledge, to the elements overlooked, to the faults of harmony, etc.; to summarize valid information; of defining difficulties and identifying the not valid element; to look for solutions; of making assumptions or formulating hypotheses about deficiencies; of examining and checking these hypotheses and modifying them if necessary, perfecting them and finally communicating the results.

The main objective of teaching mathematics is to develop thought. A route that helps to achieve this objective is to perform tasks of invention and problem solving. When an individual faces the task of inventing a problem, he is forced to think, to critically analyze the statement, to examine the data that he presents and to manipulate different resolution strategies that allow obtaining the solution of this problem.

Creativity is not a kind of fluid that can flow in any direction. The life of the mind is divided into different regions, which I call ‘intelligences’, such as mathematics, language or music. And a certain person can be very original and inventive, including a classically imaginative icon, in one of those areas without being particularly creative in any of the others.


Meaningful learning can be defined as a way to build your own learning and give it meaning. According to Ausubel, meaningful learning depends on some way on knowledge that should be learned as the subject that learns it. Knowledge must be organized in a logical structure in such a way that its elements relate to each other, in a non -arbitrary way.

With this he says that in order to have meaningful learning there must be motivation on the part of the students (the one who learns) and by the teacher (the one who teaches). He also tells us that knowledge must be intertwined and not depend only on a person. Then this learning is based on the previous knowledge of the students and their new learning.

According to Novak, cited by Flores states that: His theory is a mixture of learning theory, a theory of knowledge and a didactic theory, focused on the main purpose that education is to train apprentices to take care of their own construction of meanings. What Novak means is that institutions must return to students more aware and capable of creating their own concepts in order to have their own knowledge.

The teacher is the mediator of children’s learning, they should look for strategies for students to be motivated and willing to learn. Jerome Bruner exposes the student’s ability to assimilate and memorize what has been learned and, subsequently, to transfer that learning to other circumstances of his visa, being carried out from his own vision. Bruner loves us tells us that teachers should look for dynamics or materials that captivate students and encourage them to learn.

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