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Two Battle Fronts In World War I


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Two battle fronts in World War I

In the last third of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, two military blocks of similar power were formed in Europe: the triple entente and the triple alliance. It was a period of continuous tensions in international relations, caused by colonial interests, ambitions and mutual fear, which promoted climbing in the purchase of weapons. This period is known as armed peace. Within this context, on June 28, 1914, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Francisco Fernando II, was killed during his official visit to Sarajevo. This fact was the trigger for the most terrible war that humanity had lived until then.

The Great War was fought on two fronts, the eastern and western front respectively. The battles that took part in the borders between France and Germany were designated as the eastern front battles, while the battles that took place along the border between Germany and Russia were called Western front battles.

Because Germany was aware of the need to fight on two fronts, to defend its territory of France and Russia, develop an attack strategy called the Schlieffen plan, in honor of its creator, General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen. Following this plan, Germany would execute an attack, in the first instance against France, since they thought that this would be the easiest border to win, and then attack Russia, since this country did not have a good railway system, which, according toThey would take the mobility of their troops to the border with Germany.

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The Germans did not have the great help of Great Britain and the United States on the eastern front against France, which would leave their troops in a fierce battle that would last many years, called Trincheras War. In this war death was the order of each day, the decomposed bodies of soldiers were mixed with huge rats that lived next to them, piled up in these huge holes. The soldiers covered with earth the bodies of their fallen companions in combat, which caused the trenches to become smaller and smaller, leaving them exposed to the enemy fire, which is why thousands of soldiers lost their lives while the battle was still frozen andstill. The loss of thousands’ life resulted in a gain of a few meters from the won territory.

In the western front, the Russian forces launched an attack against Austria and Germany. At the end of August, Germany counterat school near the town of Tannenberg. In December, the Austriac beat the Russian soldiers, forcing them to leave the battle. Due to the lack of resources, Russia was forced to leave war and a civil war began to take body in this country, which changed the history of this nation forever.

War implications

The consequences of this war were devastating for Europe not only because it lost its influence on colonial territories. In economic terms, the first war produced that international finances were vulnerable, there were many monetary difficulties, capitals moved from one country to another and international investment was reduced.

In the midst of all this, the United States replaced England as an international creditor, as it granted short and long term loans. From 1918 to 1929 there was a growing influx of gold to the United States. With the increase in loans, debtor countries became dependent on the monetary situation of the United States. The economic situation forces the migration of population amounts towards the rest of the world;Canada, United States, South America, etc. (Ortiz, 2007).

As Palmara (2015) points out, despite Latin America, not having participated directly in this conflict, if he suffered his repercussions, both in the political and economic and social sphere. They occurred;North American expansion and penetration to still uncomfortable areas of South America. Between 1914 and 1915, problems in Europe affected the foreign trade in Latin America, reducing the demand of its raw materials;Some Latin countries broke diplomatic relations with Berlin.

When war began, Latin American countries declared neutral. This position was motivated by various causes;Geographic departure can be considered, not to end up a purely European conflict and the growing influence of the United States that were proclaimed neutral. In addition, several countries maintained economic relations, especially commercial with countries at war. Neutrality allowed them not to choose a side and continue with business and conserve peace among societies (Compagnon, 2015).

For Ecuador this was a determining moment in the economic field, it was the deepest footprint that World War I leave the country;The so -called "Monetary Law". The Ecuadorian State began using money without support, segmenting the basis of hyperinflation and the terrible economic crisis that unleashed from 1920, when the war had concluded and cocoa exports collapsed.

Pallares (2014), in a publication of newspaper El Comercio, mentions that on Friday, August 7, 1920, the public without foundation tries to withdraw the funds from the commercial and agricultural bank and that, cocoa exporters and the agriculture society rejectThe fruit, stating that they do it because it is not possible to export it.

The effects of inflation were felt quickly. When time passes;Cocoa exports began to normalize, this occurred because it stopped exporting to Europe and began to go to New York. Ecuador stopped depending on Europe and step to the political, economic and commercial dependence of the United States.