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Typelogies And Classification Of Terrorist Organizations Coursework Example


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One of the most common terms in America that go with terrorism is ‘September 11th” or “9/11.” Never before in America’s history has the country been shaken to the core by a single incident as it happened with the bombing of the twin towers in New York. However, since that day, the term terrorism has been thrown around, carelessly and with no particular meaning. Ultimately, it follows that there ought to be a universally accepted definition of the term. The most widely accepted explanation for terrorism is an act or a series of actions of violence or intimidation that are unlawfully used against people or property in an attempt to force ideologies that may either be political, religious or social. Terrorist organizations have crept up all across the globe and many more countries that support this indiscriminate use of violence.
To understand terrorism, even more, various categories have been created. One such type is state terrorism. It refers to the indiscriminate use of violence by one state upon another state or even on its people. The second category is state-sponsored terrorism that relates to the support, by a government, of violent actors, whether individual or state, who are engaged in acts of terrorism. Assistance may be in the form of financial funding, provision of safe havens, training or diplomatic cover CITATION Col14 l 1033 (Collins, 2014). The third and final category is the state enabled terrorism. Unlike the two previous types, this is terrorism through omission.

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It refers to where the government chooses to ignore or conceals any incidences that may be considered terrorist. A good illustration is America’s government willful neglect of the deaths of African American youths at the hands of police.
Terrorism is also based on ideologies that are split right the middle as left-wing and right-wing. The latter refers to supporting the use of unwarranted violence to advance right-wing policies CITATION Rav15 l 1033 (Ravndal, 2015), beliefs and ideologies. Some of the most common ideas include Islamophobia, neo-Nazism, and anti-communism. Left-wing terrorists aim to overthrow whatever government is in power through the use of violence and replace the capitalist system with those aligned to Karl Marx (Marxist). The U.S Department of State regularly updates countries that may be considered state sponsors of terrorism. The latest country to acquire such a status is the Republic of North Korea. America views this state as a supporter of terrorism and one that provides substantial funding, both monetary and technological, for the unwarranted use of violence. Because of its acquisition of the tag of a state sponsor of terrorism, North Korea was with significant sanctions both by the UN and the US. The sanctions imposed by America were targeted at individuals and businesses to ensure that economic growth of the country is impeded. The sanctions also aim at slowing down the development of nuclear missiles by Pyongyang. The President ordered the Treasury Department to cease any businesses with individuals or companies allied to North Korea. Even entities that support the development of weapons by North Korea have been sanctioned, and these include China’s ZTE CITATION Alb18 l 1033 (Albert, 2018). Although President George Bush removed North Korea from the list, President Trump ordered the return of the Asian state to the list.
The return of North Korea on the list of state sponsors of terrorism was primarily due to its continued manufacture and testing of nuclear weapons that seem like a terrorist threat to the rest of the world. There is every chance that the country can be struck off the list. As earlier stated, President George Bush ordered its removal from the list as part of the denuclearization negotiations. However, its continued violation of UN regulations about the manufacture and testing of weapons has seen its return to the list. All that the country needs to do to be removed from the list is tone down its nuclear weapons program and be on good terms with America’s president. North Korea is not a failed state by any stretch of the imagination. It does not adhere to some of the essential elements of a failed state which include a halt or total breakdown of the fundamental services such as water and electricity.
It is America’s Department of State that determines whether a country makes the state sponsors of terrorism list. It takes into consideration specific factors such as whether the nation has supported any acts of terrorism. Support may be in the form of money, technological development, and provision of arms or safe havens. The list is revised annually although the president may order that a country is put on the list at any time. Through Rapport’s “Four Waves of Modern Terrorism,” one can understand how terrorism has grown and developed on a global scale. It also becomes apparent that we are dealing with new waves of terrorism.
To conclude, terrorism is a global phenomenon that ought to be tackled head-on. People are losing lives daily because of the senseless acts of violence that are disguised in the form of political or ideological change. Violence against individuals and property should be met with the aggression and force it deserves to put an end to all of it.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Albert, E. (2018, January 3). What to Know About the Sanctions on North Korea. Retrieved from Council on Foreign Relations: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-sanctions-north-korea#chapter-title-0-5
Collins, S. (2014). State-Sponsored Terrorism: In Decline, Yet Still A Potent Threat. Politics and Policy, 131-159.
Ravndal, J. (2015). Thugs or Terrorists? A Typology of Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western. Journal for Deradicalization, 1-38.

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