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Types Of Drones And Their Various Uses


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Types of drones and their various uses


The drones began being for exclusive use of military circles and received the name of non -manned combat aerial vehicles (CACNT), were used in test operations to know the advantages they could offer and then in missions together with active soldiers to benefitof information and land visualizations that only the drone is capable of making. In recent years, the prices of the manufacture of a drone descended and various companies invested in the creation of this machine expanding its use to civilians with a more intuitive and simple design to use.


So that they can use it in other functions such as scientific research, explorations or by fun. Now we explain everything you need to know about this intelligent apparatus, starting with its definition, followed by the parties to form it, the types in the market and the benefits that can fulfill. The non -manned aerial vehicle (Vant), commonly known as drone, is a small aerial machine managed with a joystick style remote control or through mobile or tablets applications. 

It has a factory lock which supports it to fly up to 120 meters above its takeoff point, being the ideal height to achieve incredible photos or videos. In the parts of the drone the flight controller plate is achieved, it is responsible for making each of the drone movements, receives the orders that are sent by remote control and transmits them to each of the other systems to perform them,It also controls the speeds of the gyroscopes, accelerometers and engines.

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Some may include a self-power, that is, you can program flights so that the machine does them without the need to supervise it.

The RC transmitter and receiver, the pilot from the ground sends an order using the remote control so that the drone fulfills a specific function, the RC station is the one who receives this signal and sends it to the RC receptor that the signal must be transmitted to the plateFlight controller for the Vant to make the movement, whether to turn, go to a specific address, record or take photos, etc. The propellers fulfill the work of raising the drone by the air, you can get propellers that work in the same direction of rotation or vice versa. They are manufactured with various elements such as plastic, carbon fibers, nilón, among others.

The most acquired designs are two blades, although there are others with three blades, stability increase but generate greater energy consumption. For security, propulsion protectors must. Speed regulators are also known by its acronym in English ECS (Electronic Speed Control), it is an electronic circuit that meets the work of maintaining engine speed at the right level and can intervene as a dynamic brake. It is linked to the battery to turn part of its energy into the impulse to run the engines without brushes. 

The gimbal is the mobile mechanism keeps the camera stable and linked to the Drone to capture the images of it and send it to the video transmitter. There are two types of gimbales: those of two axes that are mobilized vertically and horizontally;Those of three axes that move horizontal, vertical and lateral, its movement will always be on the X-Y-Z axes. The battery is in charge of providing energy so that the drone works correctly, they must produce the greatest amount of tension to reduce the current and the machine works with great efficacy. They are composed of liter polymers and can be known under the name of "lipo", there are several voltages and sizes.

The recommendation is to buy the one that best suits your machine and have a spare of prevention. Sensors, its function is to execute the flight plan, obtain all the command data to be processed and analyzed next to intelligent software. There are two types of sensors, the assets originate a radiation which creates a pulse that allows measuring and registering the rebound of it. Liabilities reflects the radiation produced from an object. There is a camera called multi-spectral that works to visualize all light spectrum stripes that your drone produces, it has five lenses to observe each one specifically which are: blue color, red, green, close infrared nir and imagesCompound RGB. 

The altimeter is the sensor that regulates the flight height automatically, granting the recordings and/or photographs maintaining a stable height and controls the distance so that the drone progresses, backward or rotates according to the instructions sent from the remote control by thepilot without losing stability at any time. The gyroscope measures all the angles of the place where the drone is located while in the air. The gyroscope is located next to the accelerometer so that the work is linked, one does the job of calculating the exact position during the flight and the other calculates the angle where the machine goes. 

The accelerometer works using an XY plane to measure static acceleration in the vertical axis and dynamic acceleration in the horizontal axis of the drone. With this information, both the position and the orientation during the flight are known so that the pilot keeps control during the machine trip and with the help of a camera you will see exactly where the machine is flying. The landing gear is to avoid damage to the internal components because they have a sudden descent, you must have a landing train to maintain the stability of the machine when it begins to get off the air until the time it touches. 

Some can be fixed and other retractile, this will depend on the drone model. All drones include a high -tech electric compass so that the pilot knows at all times where the north is and thus keep the flight orientation. It is located in an area passed from other components such as battery, magnetometer or speed regulators because it emits an electromagnetic field that can interfere with the operation of these elements. The GPS with this navigation system will be able to know the exact coordinates of the drone from the initial point, the distance of the journey and the total travel time. 

It has other characteristics such as adding altitude, telemetry and speed data, professional and civil models contain a GPS since it is of great importance and utility before/during flight. The FPV camera means "First Person View" (first -person view), this instrument will transmit the feeling that you are flying and observing the view for yourself. If you want to acquire a drone, make sure the FPV camera has good resolution and the images are seen with the best quality. OSD’s initials mean "On Screen Display" in English, translates into Spanish as "display on the screen".

 This instrument is a monitor that warns the pilot of the coordinated GPS, the battery level, the speed, the current of the engines, the altitude and the coverage of the drone in real time and can be monitored at all times. The video transmitter, you can see in real time the view of your drone with the FPV transmitter, is connected to two components: the power supply and the FPV camera, work together to send the signal of the images to the video receiver thatis responsible for sending it through a screen so that the pilot can visualize it.

Fixed wing drones

This drone style has an alar profile that allows a fair distribution of pressures to support the flight and move in different directions when being in the air. The greatest benefit is its great autonomy, with a battery it can fly for several hours and cover many kilometers of land. The inconvenience would be that it is not able to take off or land in an upright position, so the pilot must take off the machine manual and the landing surface must meet two requirements: be wide and be in good condition, so youwill avoid damage to it.

Rotary wing drones

The livelihood of these drones is through the power generated by propellers from their rotors, they are very versatile because other cameras can be installed so that it can fulfill various functions such as changing the camera to a thermographic or multi-spectral. These machines can take off and land vertically from any form of land. These drones are of several rotors and engines (depending on the model), therefore consume a lot of energy in a short time and it would be recommended that one or several batteries be recommended to replace them. 


MultiRotores are classified according to two important features, the first is the amount of engines it may have: three engines are tricopter, four engines are quadcopter, six engines are hexacoptera and eight engines are octocoptera. The second is the configuration of the arms: they can be located in Equis, Cruz, I Greek or Inverted Greek. There are also some coaxial multirrotores, these are two engines for each arm. Its benefit is to distribute the weight and disadvantage is that aerodynamics and autonomy remain. The more arms the drone will be more stable and safe, the more engines the consumption and propulsion will be greater.


This model has only a large engine and propeller, it is less heavy and consumes less energy if compared to multi -trotores. It has high aerodynamic efficiency and the engine can be changed to an explosion to increase in flight time up to an hour without changing the battery in all that time. Although at the mechanical level they are complete and require constant adjustments or checks so that functions at a hundred by the way, it also takes practice to get used to flying this drone because it is complicated to dominate it.

Terrestrial drones

Terrestrial drones are the newest models, they are two or four side wheels and are linked to the rest of the components. They can jump up to 85 cm, 90º or 180º angles turns and pirouettes up to 360 °, dodge various obstacles and reach different speeds being the highest 15 km/hour. Advanced LED and mini camera can be integrated to take photos or videos in high resolutions to be stored in 4GB internal memory. It has a microphone and a speaker to capture all the sounds around or communicate with other people.

These machines are able to perform different jobs depending on the pilot’s needs. There are two ways to use it: the military and the civilian. For the army, they can perform varied tasks such as surveillance of a specific area, enemy recognition. Civilians can use drones to fulfill tasks in their work areas or as entertainment during leisure moments. 

Drones are recognized for capturing angles that a camera could not get and is able to show us shots that the human eye is not enough to see. They can be used at events to obtain in detail all the movements you want to highlight, for example in football games, fashion parades, music festivals or protests. In some countries such as China, Israel and Russia use drones such as food delivery or other types of low weight and size purchases. This is a measure that is being tested in other countries to be included in the near future.

There are drones models for aeromodelling fans, they can be used to play with family or friends, in competitions or to record videos and create a cinematography. They are the most accessible include good quality cameras and are designed to be very intuitive so that all the public can access them. In the event that a person is lost in mountains or forests, systems have been developed so that drones recognize messages with locations to be sent to a recognition mission and the pilot can see in real time the person (s) (s (s)) and proceed to a rescue.

Drones can guard territories in little crowded or border areas, managing to have greater control of the area and avoid misunderstood or know if anyone is making an improper use of the place. These drones are sent to areas that have a signal of possible fire to notify the situation in real time and prevent their expansion. If the fire has already boomed, you can know the amount of territory that it covers and thus take all measures to extinguish it quickly.

When using these machines, the state of a volcano can be known the activity to prevent citizens who live near it, help visualize the movements of the center of the Earth for scientific research or know the route of a hurricane, to predictits changes and know the area that could attack. Drones can be used to notify the status of an area that is too dangerous for a human to approach, having all the necessary knowledge is created a conform, cleaning and prevention plan of accidents.

For farmers buying a drone is one of the best investments, with this ship they can monitor large extensions to visualize the status of their land, they maintain greater control of herds and to avoid the exploitation of their workers can spread fertilizers or pesticides to their entireland. They also allow collaborating in an investigation without putting the risk their physical integrity, they have been used in archaeological studies to take photographs of areas with old remains or in biological studies, they are incorporated into a part of the animal’s body under observation and theirroutes or customs. 


In conclusion, drones have an objective and various uses depending on the area in which the person is, what you want to make and the utility that you create appropriate as long as it is for a good, people are benefiting more from technology every dayAnd this only indicates that it can create small advances and above all change the day to day, since more and more people are joined to obtain a drone, either by collecting, helping in something specific or by hobby, it depends only onwe know how to use it for a benefit.

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