Types Of Licenses For Open Source Software And Shell Commands
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DownloadTypes of licenses for open source software and Shell commands
When you want to carry out a study or use of a certain code to implement it either in a program or application, it is necessary to have knowledge if said code has any restriction of use or what are the conditions to be able to use or distribute it, that is why it arisesThe need to know about these aspects that will be established depending on the license you possess, since it is not correct to use software ignoring said license, since as a consequence it could involve problems of law.
Open source can be found in free operating systems, which are increasingWith this system, using one of the most outstanding features for this type of systems, Shell commands, which not only allows the operating system to be administered but also interact with computer applications and act as a basic programming environment.
Therefore, the need to cover the issue of open source software licenses arises, since many people often confuse that due to the open source, any action can be carried out with it, and the reality is that the scope ofIts limitations or benefits will depend on the type of license, said the above, the types of licenses that exist for said software will be detailed below, among which is weak, strong and permissive robust licenses. In the same way, it is important to deepen the interaction that can be established with the operating system through Shell’s commands, knowing its advantages, even the fact that allows a certain programming, so that this topic will be understood later.
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License in open source software
The licenses that are used for computer software refer to the provisions established by the owner or author of the program (software), in order to govern its operation and the attributions or limitations that the user will have when using said software. The aforementioned limitations or conditions may vary, depending on the software class, for this case it will be deepened when it is open source (Open Source) with which it will be possible to have access to the source code only if you have your respective license, then, this, this.Software has been created and published under the regulations of a license.
Open source software not only allows access, use and study of it, but in certain cases it could allow other actions such as modification or redistribution, doing so based on the clauses established by the license of said software and equalway by applying the benefits or restrictions for anyone who is distributed, without excluding the distribution to anyone. Therefore, an open source software license allows you to enter the source code without having to make a payment to the original author, adapting to the rules that it imposes, since this type of software is not free to incorporate conditions that theRijan.
License types in open source software
Due to the different restrictions or conditions that can be imposed on this kind of license, different types arise, among which are robust and permissive open source software licenses, on the other hand, what is the public domain is found. The first type mentioned encompasses those licenses that apply certain restrictions to the derivations of the original software and depending on the end that the same have, they can be classified as open source licenses strong robust or weak robust.
A strong robust license (Copyleft strong) stipulates that the changes made have to graduate respecting the same terms that have been originally established. For this type, the GPL license (general public license) is found, which establishes that duplicates and changes to the source code can be made or said code in software always retaining the original conditions, rights and stipulations. In the same way is the AGPL (General Public License of AFFERO) which is clearly a derivation of the GPL with the difference that has a condition focused on the use of software through Network, and the code of said saidprogram with each of those who make up said network.
A weak robust license (weak copyleft) stipulates that it will be optional to license under the original terms those works that result from changes that have been made to an original program. Within this type of license you can mention the LGPL (Reduced General Public License of GNU) which focuses on the program that possesses it can be freely shared. There is also the MPL (Public License of Mozilla) focused on defending the powers of the original author of the Code and those who have made changes to it.
An open permissive source license totally yields the privilege of creating or sharing software projects from the code that has an original program without having the commitment to license this project, so it is said that this type of license does not have the famous termCopyleft that forces the owner or author of the original software to recognize, it is characterized that it does not impose any type of restriction. An example of this type is the BSD that has so few restrictions that resembles the public domain software, changes and even software implementations can be made even private, provided that the authors of said original code are recognized and thesame name.
The public domain software, despite being a software that mostly contains open source, is characterized that this program is not recognized by an author and therefore does not govern any license exactly, and although there is aAuthor, it releases the software to make the modifications, changes, distributions or implementations that are desired. In this classification we find the WTFPL, a license that practically gives freedom to make what you want with the code.
Shell commands
The term shell is considered by some programmers as an interpreted language and by others as a computer program, which will depend on the interface that is occupied on the computer. To visualize the shell of a computer, it can be done through natural language (NUI), which implies as an entry some gestural movement, it can also be through graphics (GUI), this form is the most usual for users who do notThey have computer knowledge oriented to programming or coding, since interacting last way without such knowledge could be complicated.
Finally, the interface of a shell can also be represented by means of text lines (CLI), where to interact with the operating system, the translation of the source language to the object of each of the text lines thatThey are entered, this translation is made of line in line of text, which are made up of commands. This form can be visualized by a graphic interface, which is known as a console or as a terminal, where the different commands that will allow interaction with the operating system will be entered.
When the execution, compilation or translation of a line that has been written in the Shell is carried out, a series of steps are carried out, first, the recognition and separation of words, operators, blank spaces, among others, saidSeparation is subsequently processed for the type of command, and once the command (s) have been detected, the execution of the same is carried out and expect that execution to end. A command is defined as an order that is given to a computer, so that a specific job or task is carried out.
The commands recognized by the Shell, are established for the user to interact with the operating system, since they allow access to folders or files, parcel management, downloads, facilities, configurations, among others. The commands must be written correctly to be recognized. Both commands and command types will vary according to the Shell that possesses the operating system. The objective of the commands is to use the user interface through orders in the Shell, these commands are stored in a historical archive. Some examples of commands for Linux would be LS (Listar), RM (eliminate), MKDIR (create directory), among others.
Programming at the Beash Shell
When we use the term Bash we refer to the shell interpreter that is more used for GNU/Linux and compiles in any UNIX system, so it is considered a language that is intended for the processing of text lines, which does not needGoing through a compilation process, since to be executed the line to line is carried out because it is a language interpreted as already mentioned, but it is also considered as a programming language because it includes sentences that allow supporting assignments, functions, conditional, repetitive cycles, also establishes its own orders, instructions, variables, arithmetic or logical operators.
That is why the programming term arises in the Shell of the Bash, this programming is considered truly profitable compared to other programming languages because it is not necessary to implement long lines of code to perform some task, but just enter commandswhich are sometimes represented through abbreviations or aés with respect to the name that identifies them, which is why commands with very long names are not usually found. Even so, it should be noted that the use of the Bash Shell is limited, since it does not support the handling of large amounts of files or the realization of operations that are complex.
The Bash Shell programming consists of the creation of Shell scripts, but now what is a Shell script? It is considered that a Shell Script is a small program which receives as an entry a line of text formed by commands that have been admitted to the respective operating system shell, these commands of being written correctly will be executed. The Shell script contains a series of files that are necessary to carry out specific tasks. With the Shell Script it is possible to carry out the execution of activities such as initializing programs, managing files, among others.
There are various types of licenses for open source software, which differ according to the limitations or benefits it offers for the use of the code as such. In order not to incur legal problems, it is important to know these types and thus avoid committing some infraction for the incorrect use of the software. Among the types of license is the Robust Fuerte license, which establishes that any implementation or distribution of the original source code must incorporate the clauses that have been established in the original license, while in the weak license weak said action will be optionalFor derivations of changes in the code. For the permissive license there is no commitment to license according to the original terms.
On the other hand, Shell commands are totally functional when you want to interact with the operating system, giving it very specific task orders that the same must perform. Due to the importance of commands for an order interpreter, that is, for a Shell, the concept of programming in the Shell of the Bash arises, in which the Bash will act as a task control language for what would be the Shell, this programming allows writing programs without the need to introduce long lines of code, although this programming is not efficient to solve complex problems of the operating system, it is considered that programming in the Shell is possible because variables, flow control can be included, betweenOther functionalities.
For these descriptions mentioned above, it is that the open source software license issue and Shell commands together with the SHELL programming of the BASH are considered very important for the operating systems course, since the first provides the guidelines to be governedAt the time of studying, modifying or distributing a foreign code, while the second topic facilitates the administration of an operating system through specific orders provided to it through the Shell, managing accessing the files, programs or applicationsthat this system has either allowing programming through a basic environment.
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