Types Of Negotiating In The Market
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In this research, both types of negotiation and negotiators are going to be treated and the development of the negotiation itself affects one other group. But first of all, we have to reach an agreement what it means to negotiate. All authors who are consulmethods that are not violent to solve a dispute situation or that is conflictive.
In this way there are authors related to the marketing branch of sales that deny that there is always a situation of confrontation, since if two people (minimal) sit down to negotiate it is that they know at least that at least they will have to give insome aspect to achieve a better situation than they had previously. In addition, this same author underlines the idea that negotiations not only occur in work environments but also constantly and in addition.
For this reason, it is why the different modalities of negotiators are broken down, depending on the set of characteristics of each individual, conjugated with the mode of interaction that presents with the environment added to its formation and level of knowledge.
On the other hand, the author Hernández adds to these four characteristics, others such as: generate confinement in the intelocutor and behave with that goal, know how to communicate and listen;create a climate conducive to cooperation;and be willing to be flexible and put yourself in the shoes of the other to accept changes and propose creative solutions.
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In this way, if these four aspects are controlled we will be dealing with an effective negotiator, which is not always given since, although one of the parties meets these keys, the development will also depend on the other parts involved.
Negotiation profiles and psychological connotations
- Thomas-Kilmann model
This model reflos. Being in this case the one that most worries and collaborates, the collaborative profile;the one who cares for himself and the one that least collaborates the competitive profile;The one who cares for others most and tries to collaborate by leaving his claims, the accommodating profile;and the avoidative profile that does not care about collaborating with or its own goals in the negotiation. In addition, if there is an ideal profile that is the compromising.
- Competitive
This type of negotiation is also called confrontation or win / lose since each concession that this type of negotiator does will feel that it has lost power and shows weakness against the adversaries. In this type of negotiations reserve information is essential since all the information that the other party has will be considered as the loss of competitive advantage. This negotiation has as its main objective not to move from the starting point achieving the most favorable situation for itself and is used in cases of: discussion for a topic of great relevance for us and the time she for the opponent;if the dominant power in negotiation is being arranged;When the time resource is very limited and you want to solve the fast problem;And finally, if you are in the position of taking an inflexible position and does not affect the relationship with the other part in the long term. Puchol, adds more situations in which this style can be used: when they have abused our trust, before a competitive negotiator and to avoid ignorance itself trying to hide underlying security ignorance.
It should be noted that this type of negotiator will have a problem if this is the only facet with which he knows howother part.
This type of profile usually loses sight of easily the ultimate goal of negotiation by getting carried away by their emotions. Of all the profiles is the most prone to climb the conflicts without realizing that it can be hurting the other party, so it does not expect any reaction against it from the other parts involved taking advantage of any pressure factor that is within the reach of the negotiatorTo get the agreement. This profile has great capacity to impose its own arguments with the objective of making very specific results, visualizing the perfect moment for closing. In addition, Salas and Iborra admit that it is very difficult to find pure competitive profiles since they usually combine with collaborative ones, especially in the use of negotiation techniques.
- Avitative
Avitative negotiation or losing / losing should be used when the intention of arriving consensus does not exist, or that, if done, that is not beneficial for any of the parties. In this style, the fact that negotiation has to be planned in a planned and calculated way is imposed, the fact that the opposite party can be resent both when the interests are of more value for this.
The negotiation may be denied has become when it is considered that due to this attitude the conflict will be scaled between the parties and both interests and the integrity of the negotiating parties are affected, being able to assess that resume this negotiation later or from a better position will have advantagesfor the process.
This profile is characterized by being very analytical, shines in the early stages of the negotiation for its concentration in analyzing several scenarios and testing how feasible each of them are. To understand the negotiation process well, this profile needsWhat its greatest weakness is the lack of commitment.
- Collaborative
The collaborative profile is characterized by the ideal that is to achieve in all negotiations, that is, win / win. Being the ideal, a condition must be given for this model to advance and succeed;that the compromised parties both follow this model.
This profile typology is assumed that people are resolutive through the fact of, although each of the parties is interestedof each of the negotiators, reaching an equitably positive / negative solution for them.
Within this type of negotiation, the assisted collaborative negotiation is included, by a third party, since in the event that the parties have not been able to agree or the negotiation has been stagnated by some psychological component, the assistance of aThird figure of the mediator or arbitration.
From a competitive perspective, the fact of carrying a collaborative negotiation can generate some suspicion in the other negotiating part due to the selfish vision that the human being of itself has as it is only tendesomething of the other part is really needed.
Its main characteristic is the exchange, it has the ability to identify the interests between the parties, evaluating the different degrees of interest that each in the agreement. Its value is the opening since the necessary consideration for the exchange of ideas and manages the times well. The danger of this profile is to fall into the trap of dribbling. You identify with the phrase you owe me one, in which its ability to give in some points is latent, with that touch of threat and stubbornness that make it can maintain durable relationships.
This type of integrative negotiation, when configured from the win-win perspective, in which positive results are sought and consists in making a better distribution of the benefits among negotiators based on a cooperation situation in the search for common or complementary interests,in which a series of soft tactics are carried out to reach the agreement, including: transparency must prevail at all times, the actors must be honest and make the truth of their approaches prevail, without being able to use any tactics ofThreats.
According to Dumas, Kakabadse, Heylings and Cabrera, the characteristics that a good negotiator belonging to this group has to have: be curious and perceptual with skills to discover both the implicit and the explicit and the explicit within the negotiation, be discreet, subtle and comprehensive,Have great mental agility to respond to doubts quickly, be motivating and transmit optimism to the other party to have a productive negotiation and have emotional and physical resistance to endure negotiation processes.
In this type of negotiations, the strategy called the conflict can be used, where the use of commitments is made to reduce the margin of indeterminacy to the most favorable point for it. The operation of these commitments requires that the other party be convinced that we cannot make concessions beyond a point that has been raised in that negotiation, from there the idea will be reinforced that you cannot give up anymore and ifThis negotiation will be abandoned. Used constructively, this will help us to limit the space in which the negotiation will take place, while the two parties continue to maintain the position, this will avoid taking the agreements to limits that we are not willing to accept.
- Accommodation
This guy is the most ambiguous of all since he is defined as win-perder / losing- winning. In this case, the negotiator opts for a passive position, gives way to the other parts of the negotiation because you may not have the confidence to handle the situation. It is characterized by having a soft approach, which is characterized by being kind, giving in situations accepting that you will do what they tell you, and the meeting or negotiation will end quickly. However, if this system is adopted, you will get few or none of the things you have proposed, you will give the impression of weak and the next occasion they may be prepared to get more beneficial conditions, you will give the feeling of little security as a negotiator and surelyI give more than you should in a better situation.
- Commitment
This is a type of negotiator that occurs in the event that there is assertive behavior and is an intermediate point between all types of previous negotiators. This profile has a balanced interest between relationships and their objectives;This profile is recommended when collaboration is difficult;When there is a time limit to resolve the conflict, it is an effective negotiator since it combines the management of agility, tactical sense and speed in equal quantities.
Its characteristics are creativity when giving ideas to resolve conflict and empathy. In addition, it is easy for a bridge between negotiators due to their ability to understand, in situations of very pressure usually yield because they feel anguish in conflict situations, and thinks that it will be corresponded by their samples of good faith. Its worst defect is frustration if the end of the negotiation does not come or this is broken since it will not know how to identify the origin of this negative.
- Types of behaviors
As each of the previous profiles has already been intuit, it corresponds to one of the following three profiles that Ury, Fisher and Patton explain in their work.
The hard negotiator corresponds to the profile that has been studied as a competitive. Winning is its only objective, it doesn’t matter the media, it will remain firm to its strategy and will not take into account the consequences on future relationships, it is oriented to short -term success.
The soft or relational negotiator is identified with the collaborative style. It is oriented to long -term success, long -term relationships are very esteem but it also gives much importance to results, pleasant and friendly communication is its main .
Negotiator by principles corresponds to the commitment profile since it can be adapted depending on the characteristics that the negotiation presents at that time. It is able to separate the personal part of the professional, that is, it has the aspects of the hard negotiator applied to the circumstances, and aspects of the soft profile reflected in the treatment of people.
Negotiation phases
- Preparation
Within this first phase the preparation of the physical environment is taken into account since according to the analogy with Pineda football, it is not the same to play as a visitor than play at home. In addition, it is advisable to study whether a private junction is chosen such as the privacy of an office, or public to make the most relaxed meeting. The time to be dedicated to negotiation as such and each of the issues can be a pressure element. The information that you have of both the other parts of the negotiation and of the objectives and motivations they pursue;and the preparation of our objectives and limits.
- Invitation or presentation
To bring a negotiation first, the other parts must be invited to participate in it. For this and according to Neu, there must be minimal: that there are a minimum of two parts present, that the parties have default objectives and that within these there are one that is not shared between the parties. That there is the possibility of reaching an end, believing both parties that this end is attainable. As for the facts, that both parties want or can modify their position, and that the immovable minimums do not coincide.
Although there are different types of negotiators, the profile of the effective negotiator must be taken in mind, for this Viana and Borges cite a technique belonging to Albert Humphrey, in which he identifies this negotiator with the foda acronym;Strenth since the negotiator needs to know his behavior and his style to adapt to the other and thus obtain competitive advantages.
Weakness, just as you need to know strengths, you need to know your weaknesses to be able to counter them and identify the negotiating processes that are more complicated to work them;Opportunity, it is necessary to know the means that it has to solve the negotiation in the most favorable way possible;And finally, Threats or threats, this point tries to try to advance the threats that can be presented to me.
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