U.S Constitution
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The U.S. Constitution with the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace
The Great Law of Peace was an oral constitution for the Haudenosaunee also known as the six nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. This law was written on wampum belts invented by the great peacemaker who was known as Dekanawidaras well as Hiawatha his spokesman. Its directions and instructions were recorded in symbols and pictographs. The Haudenosaunee’s were there on the night of the 1787 constitutional convention and their ideas made their way to what became the United States Constitution. The US constitution and the Great Law of Peace have similarities and differences that are based on their language and worldview.
The great law of peace employs a pictorial as well as a language of caricature. It defines things and ideas based on their appearance and habit which is a language that does not exist in the English language. The preamble of the US constitution values unity and the liberty for prosperity which has similarity with the Great Law which mandated unity and provided for the coming generations. The Great Law employs a symbol of five bound arrows to signify the strength and unity of the five nations. The Great Seal of the U.S created in 1782 by Charles Thompson had an eagle grasping in its talon a roll of thirteen arrows. The great law had its representatives comprising of chiefs, Faithkeepers, Clan Mothers and others. Conversely, the US constitution defines the amount of legislatures and senators even though it was influenced greatly by the Great law.
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The Great Law is similar to the U.S constitution since it allows for the impeachment of people in office who did not do their duties. The U.S constitution provides for the executive power which is with the elected president. Conversely, the great law provided an executive power to the Grand Council (Woods, Mary B, and Michael Woods 20)
In conclusion, the US constitution and the Great Law of peace have similarities and differences. The Great Law was oral and it employed pictorial and a language of caricature. The US constitution is written and employs the English language.
Works Cited
Woods, Mary B, and Michael Woods. Seven Wonders of Ancient North America. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2009. Print.
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