Unemployment And Divorces Which Would Leave Us Quarantine
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The continuous stay with family members for many can be a great experience, and that is that because of the continuous workload and commitments that were taken in everyday life, seeing our family most of the day looked like a utopia, onlyAn unrealizable dream.
Today the conditions and the scenario have changed dramatically and it may be what would cause a wave of divorces after the quarantine lifts, this could be explained with the fact that a sudden and so abrupt change in the time we spent with ourcouple and family would represent a brokenness in the psyche of many individuals.
People within their mind fight in an intermittent way to control the sadness, stress and anxiety that causes to be locked up, if we add children running, a couple that does not understand you, demands at work and school, a possible unemployment thatIt gets closer and more to be a reality, we should certainly what is called a "time bomb". The fights between couple become more and more recurring and that is that in a country like ours where the economic crisis will be accentuated in a deeper way and the conditions where most Mexican families live do not go out to clear their gardenOn the roof, they are giving a situation of despair to many people.
In Mexico only during this period about 500 thousand jobs have been lost, and the unemployment rate that was recorded in January 3 is expected to be expected.
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8% go to one of 10.7%, having a situation similar to that faced by the country in large crisis above. Mexico, like the United States, will be the most beaten economies by this pandemic, and that is that simply in the northern country unemployment rose to 14.7% in April, in addition the total number of unemployed in the United States reaches a number of 20.5 million people.
It should be borne in mind that the magnitudes of remittances that arrive in our country depend on how the situation in the nation of the bars and stars is, it is no secret that they will be reduced in a loud way while progressing with the recession.
Together with religious, political and how to educate children, the economic situation is one of the main ones that causes problems among couples around the world, and that is that the lack of money not only produces instability to make the already planned payments, but also gives insecurity, stress and frustration. These feelings if they are not well focused can overflow against the couple, children or oneself, it is why communicating what we feel with our partners is ideal to carry the problems in a more responsible and fluid way.
Communication in these moments is of the utmost importance so that the relationship does not break as much as the Mexican economy is breaking. The tips and comments between the couple should not be missing and each great decision must be discussed as a team, they should not be taken with hot blood, since decisions such as making credits, stop paying a debt, hiring a loan for effort, sell a home team or undertake some activity during quarantine must be consulted among family members.
It is no lie that ending this great pandemic there will be broken marriages, unemployed people and a great economic crisis, but our country is a nation that has always been characterized by giving the best of itself in the worst moments, so we would get up as it as itWe have done on previous occasions.
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