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Unemployment In Germany In The Period Of The Years 2010 And 2018


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Unemployment in Germany in the period of the years 2010 and 2018


Unemployment, forced unemployment or also called the unemployment of employees is the topic to be addressed in the following report. This forced unemployment is when there is a certain population of individuals who want or want to work but whose reason they do not are because they simply do not find a job. In societies not being able to work is a big problem. 

Because there are many factors that prevent one of these can be the human costs of deprivation and rejection, in other cases personal failure. Structural, cyclic, frictional, seasonal or long -lasting unemployment among others are the types of unemployment that exist worldwide. Making it clear that the German government takes half economic impulse to get to an end with this situation. Unemployment is one of the situations that this country has faced, for this it is important. 

With respect to this, the economic facts that every year and the reasons why these unemployment rates have been raised, determining factors that involve this situation where individuals are the injured are involved more in detail their level of subsistence have been detailed. First we must remember that there was an impact in 2009 on the production of Germany, the country experienced a defendant drop in its GDP of 4.7 percent compared to the previous year. A country where it is very compared to the GDP of the United Kingdom (-4.9), In front of France with a (-2.

Wait! Unemployment In Germany In The Period Of The Years 2010 And 2018 paper is just an example!

6), not to leave one of the great countries behind such as the United States with its percentage of (-2,6). 


A recession that leaves Spain at an intermediate point of (-3,7). Where it is concluded that Germany had a fall in production among industrialized countries. In 2010 it had an economic recovery, which expressed a GDP growth rate of 3.6 percent. Then there were in these two key points, the acute negative effect of the recession and the rapid recovery that production had in Germany. Where it is really significant, the behavior of the unemployment rate during this period. Germany began the first decade of the century with unemployment rates of the order of 7.5 percent, advanced up to 10.7 percent in 2005 and initiated an improvement, so that, in 2008, it reaches 7,3 percent. In 2009, despite the intensity of the recession, the unemployment rate only rises slightly, to 7.5 percent, and after recovery in 2010 it drops to 6.97 percent. At the end of 2014, the German unemployment rate (4.98 percent) improve those of the United Kingdom (7.8 percent), EE. UU. (9.4 percent), France (9.6 percent) and, above all, Spain (20.4 percent). Now landing in our goal in 2010, Germany closes with the lowest unemployment in 20 years. 

In that year it reached a new job record by increasing 0.5% or 197.000 people to reach 40.37 million workers, as announced by the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) by communicating the provisional figures of the year 2009 . The public office based in Wiesbaden, in the center of the country, stressed that this growth is due to the fact that, in 2009, despite the international financial and economic crisis, there was a very moderate cut of jobs of 45.000 people compared to 2008, year that marked the previous record. Likewise, the waiting for the Federal Employment Office announced its official figures, Destatis said that the number of unemployed was reduced in 2010 in 297.000 people up to 2.93 million unemployed, the lowest unemployment of the last 20 years, until then. 

The Destatis study indicates that almost three quarters of people with work belong to the services sector or tertiary sector, which in 1991 occupied 59.5 percent of the workers and in 2010 reached 73%. In parallel it has decreased in the last two decades, appreciably the number of people occupied in the primary and secondary sectors. Thus, in 1991 the primary sector occupied 3.9% of workers, while in 2010 only 2.1% carried out their work in agriculture or forestry industry. Likewise, in construction the number of workers has been reduced in the last 20 years and its figure currently reaches 5.5 of people with employment, compared to 7.3% of 1991. Finally, the productive sector (excluding construction) has suffered the broadest cuts in the last 20 years by currently giving employment to 18.9% of workers, compared to 29.3% in 1991. 

The Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) had announced Wednesday that Germany registered in 2012 a new employment record with an average of 41.5 million people with work that lies to the Social Security boxes, which is an increase in the increase in1% compared to the previous year. The public institute based in Wiesbaden, in the center of the country, stressed that it is the sixth consecutive annual increase and stressed that since 2005 the number of people with work and residents in Germany has increased by 6.8% or 2.66 million. The labor market also reacted robust at the end of the year despite economic turbulence, said the president of the Federal Employment Agency, Frank-Jürgen Weise, when presenting the unemployment figures in Germany. 

We have a stable situation for 2013, Weise commented that, according to current data, we have a stable situation for 2013, without an appreciable reduction in unemployment, but neither is a tendency to worsen up of the labor market worsening. When assessing what happened last year, the president of the Federal Employment Agency said that in the first half there was an unexpectedly good development and in the second unexpectedly bad, although he considers that the current trend is stability. From the government ranks, the vice president of the Parliamentary Group of the Union (Cristianodemocratas y Socialcristianos Bávaros, CDU / CSU), Ingrid Fischbach, has stressed that the figure of 41.5 million people with regular work is the highest from national reunification’in 1990. Also the unemployed figures have been the lowest for 20 years, said Fischbach, for whom ’Germany is in the international comparison very well and is perfectly prepared to face future challenges. 

Statistics published by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) show that the number of unemployed decreased in April by 89.000 to 2.843.000 people compared to March, which implies an unemployment rate of 6.5% and a reduction of 0, 3 points. In relation to April 2014 the number of unemployed fell by 100.000. The setback of registered unemployment is usual in April due to the improvement of climatic conditions, which mainly affects professions such as construction or agriculture. Although the remarkable thing is that in unstacted figures unemployment has dropped by 8.000 people. The underemployment, which also includes the people who participate in labor integration or labor inability measures, decreased in uneasking figures in 19.000 to 3.709.000 people, 167.000 less than in April 2014. 

According to the statistical criteria of the ILO offered by the Federal Statistics Office (Desatis), the number of unemployed was in March in 2.02 million, with an unemployment fee of 4.8%. Which means that in March also increase the occupation and affiliation of German social security. According to the data offered by Destatas, the number of employed people rose with respect to February in 10.000, 42.47 million people, 235.000 more comparison. The affiliation of German Social Security workers rose, according to provisional data from the BA, from January to February in 65.000 people at 30.32 million, 533.000 more than a year earlier. 

Other relevant economic facts of the German economy, because they affect current and future economic growth, are the following: it is a country with constant concern to maintain conditions of monetary stability and with an generally low level of inflation, with a price differentialfavorable regarding the countries around. Important data in a country with high export capacity. Upon the years in 2016, the president of the Federal Employment Agency, Frank-Jürgen Weise, accentuated that the labor market has continued to evolve positively during the month of March: unemployment has not changed in unseerative terms and increases affiliation. 

The number of unemployed registered in employment agencies decreased from February to March in 66.000 people, although in unstracted terms it did not vary. The total figure rose to 2.845.000 people, 87.000 less compared interannual. In the last three years unemployment descended in March an average of 76.000 people (2.4%). The unemployment quota decreased at 6.5% (-0.1%) compared to February. In February there was an unemployment figure of 1.95 million people equivalent to an unemployment rate of 4.6%, published the statistical data of the ILO offered by the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis). Regarding the evolution of the basic insurance of people looking for work, the number of beneficiaries of the unemployment non -contributory benefit was encrypted in March in 4.344.000 people, 90.000 less than a year ago. With this, 8.1% of the German population is in a situation of necessity. In the scope of basic unemployment insurance registered 1.956.000 people, 20.000 less compared to 2015. 

So it is analyzed that this year there were extremely high changes. In December, the index stagnated in 5.5%, according to corrected data of the stationary variations, while in the whole of the year low to 5.7%, a new minimum from the reunification, the agency for the agency for Wednesday announcedthe job. Germans are reputable to be extremely laborious. But they work comparatively little: on average 1356 hours in 2017. In no other OECD country the number of hours is so low. This value is explained by the relatively high number of vacations and holidays, and the large number of women used part -time. 

Where unemployment in Germany is decreasing to 5.7%. This means that there were fewer people without work as never before since unification in 1990. Small and medium artisanal companies that are in Germany play an important role in services, although most of them are small businesses. In 2017, around 5.5 million more than 12% of all employees worked in one million artisanal companies. Almost three quarters of all German employees work in the services sector, which has continued to grow in recent years. 

In contrast, there are less and fewer people employed in the industrial sector in this year, this figure amounted to about 24% of the workforce. More than 1% represents work in agriculture. Approximately 44.3 million people in Germany had a job, a little more than half of the total population. The number of people employed has constantly increased in the last twelve years. This is also due to labor immigration noting that the unemployment rate is lowered as employment is generated in these people. But still having jobs are generated other factors that rise and become unattainable. Where Berlin awaits German GDP growth of 2% in 2017 and 1.9% in 2018, Bundesbank, the German Central Bank, more optimistic, expects an increase of 2.3% for 2017 and2.5% for the following year. There are comments from other experts where they think they can see a brake in the good economic behavior of the steps, a cause of numerous jobs challenges. 

In other instances, demographic evolution increases and worries at the same time, it is said that Germany ages and only the greatest participation of women and senior citizens in the labor market, as well as the presence of immigrants from the European Union. The active population grew by 44.3 million. Facing on the other hand to the lack of qualified labor what this is a great brake for the economic growth of the country, says Michael Huther, direct of the IW Economic Institute. The Federal Employment Agency published on October 30 the figures related to the evolution of the labor market corresponding to that month. Unemployment and underemployment have fallen notoriously. 

The mandatory affiliation to Social Security follows its growth course and the demand for labor for companies is at a high level, said Detlef Scheele, president of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), at the monthly press conferenceheld in Nuremberg. With the activation of the autumn labor market, the number of unemployed registered in the employment agencies decreased by 53.000 people in October compared to the previous month (-11.000 in unstacted terms). With a total figure of 2.204.000 unemployed, there were 185.0000 people stops less comparison. The unemployment rate descended at 0.1 percentage point, placing 4.9%. 


The head of the Federal Labor Agency BA, pointed out the positive economic development ’during the past year, he worked as a driving force for employment growth. The decrease in long -term unemployment and the progress achieved in the integration of refugees into the labor market are especially comforting, said Detlef Scheele. The Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) reported this week that Germany closed 2018 with the employment at maximum since 1991 when reaching an average occupied of 44.83 million, a figure that represents an annual increase of 562.000 workers, which is equivalent to an interannual growth of 1.3%. Making it clear that Germany is characterized by its fiscal austerity, which translates into adequate control of the deficit and public debt level. 

In comparative terms, the country has a certain margin of maneuver with its fiscal policy in unplanned situations. which is equivalent to 1.3% year -on -year growth. Making it clear that Germany is characterized by its fiscal austerity, which translates into adequate control of the deficit and public debt level. In comparative terms, the country has a certain margin of maneuver with its fiscal policy in unplanned situations. which is equivalent to 1.3% year -on -year growth. Making it clear that Germany is characterized by its fiscal austerity, which translates into adequate control of the deficit and public debt level. In comparative terms, the country has a certain margin of maneuver with its fiscal policy in unplanned situations.