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United Nations Chile System


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United Nations Chile System


Canada throughout the pandemic has collected a total of 452,740 cases and 13, 348 deaths, and under the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Canadian Government, it took several measures to be able to protect Canadian citizens and residents within thecountry. First, Canada made the decision to first protect all the people who live in a street situation, since it is a problem that is present throughout the country, so new houses and shelters were opened in the cities of Guelph, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, Ottawa and Edmonton, just as existing ones around the country extended. 


These same shelters would have the needs to protect and prevent Covid infection, and for all those people who were already infected, they would be given medical care and the appropriate quarantines for their condition. Only in the event that shelters present cases of total quota, some people can be given depending on their danger range to the virus and their physical condition, however they will continue to anticipate preventive materials such as mouths, gelantibacterial, food and personal hygiene articles.

Among the preventive restrictions that my delegation implemented was the immediate closure of all schools, as well as the mandatory use of mouths and social distancing, Canada also implemented a very quick COVID testing system which allowed the country to better isolate betterthe sick, track contacts and limit the propagation.

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It is important to mention that in Canada unlike many medical systems, it has a universal system of medical care, so it has fixed funds and the beds to some extent are unlimited, coupled with the fact that the medical system is free for the entire population, withoption to have certain particular insurance for the citizen who wishes.

On the other hand, as a restriction, Canada also kept its borders with the United States and Mexico closed, especially for the United States, due to the situation in the North American country. The Canadian Public Security Minister Bill Blair, last October he said publicly that non -essential trips will continue to restricted until November 21, 2020. All decisions will continue to be based on the best possible health council to keep Canadians safe. However, these restrictions were extended until December 21, which have been established since March 21 of this year.

Also, Canada concerned about the situation worldwide, especially for the high numbers of cases presented in Latin America and the Caribbean. So Canada will contribute 7.5 million Canadian dollars to the Pan American Health Organization, so that, mainly, these countries may have greater access to personal protective equipment for medical equipment and the general population, focusing on populations thatThey suffer marginalization or vulnerability. If you take into account the money that Canada had already injected at the beginning of the year and the one that injects annually.

However, it is important to mention that in Canada, the system failed a bit in the protection of its senile population, since at least 81% of deaths are mostly older adults. Therefore, in order to guarantee the safety of all Canadians and residents, as one of the main objectives of its internal and foreign policy, the health authority in Canada, Health Canada already approved the Vaccine against COVID-19 by the company Pfizer Inc andBIONTECH SE. For the first three months my delegation will apply 3 million doses, however a strategy is lacking in order to apply the same.


With the help of UNICEF, the Pan American Health Organization and the International Air Transport Association will transport about two billion doses of vaccines in 2021. To this, the one billion syringes that must be sent through maritime media (news, UN) are added. This help will be directed towards more than 92 countries with the help of many airlines around the world, in order to put an end to the pandemic worldwide. Canada will help with a couple of aircraft to help the cause.

Canada proposes the following as a vaccination strategy option. How the main deaths are concentrated in the population of the elderly, and due to a problem of lack of population in the country, the first part of the vaccination will be directed has this population, then it must be focused on patients suffering from diseasesthat can cause aggravation when infected with the COVID, subsequently the health personnel and public personnel must be vaccinated (foreign ministers, public servants, etc.), and then the rest of the population can be vaccinated, this in order to protect the most vulnerable population and to protect people who are spreading and thus gradually reduce the number of infections, deaths and restrictions and distancingsocial of the rest of the population,

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