Unleashed Factors Of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disorder caused by metabolic problems, that is, due to problems in metabolic processes inside our body or organism, specifically a problem in the regulation of glucose levels that transported by blood, also known as theMost common form of diabetes in today.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus was said that it was only present in people with an age that exceeds 25 years of age and registered in a more uncommon ways in adolescents who did not exceed 20 years of age, large quantities have currently registeredof cases of children affected with this disease.
The figures of people affected with diabetes worldwide in the year of 1980 were estimated 35 million, then in 1990 this figure increased in a drastic way, since about 130 million were estimated and in the year 2000 atotal of 215 million people affected with this disease around the world. As you can see the figures over the years are increasing, being that in each of the people affected with diabetes it is almost double the people affected in the previous decade. It was verified that the five countries with the greatest incidence to suffer from this disease are: China, Indonesia, the United States, Japan and India, of which three of these countries are considered as world powers.
Factors that trigger the disease
- Genetic: Only about 9% of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus acquire this disease through genetic factors, which can alter the individual’s phenotype in an evident way.
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This occurs when one of the 36 genes involved in this disorder suffers a mutation. The probability that a person is born with diabetes is minimal, but this figure increases when one of the parents suffers from this disease, but this amount increases almost double when the two parents suffer from this disease, it is also considered that if a child withParents Diabetes You do not acquire this disease the following child has twice as probability of acquiring this pathology.
- Lifestyle: Bad diet can bring several negative consequences involved in our health, but especially can cause a large number of diseases involved with overweight and obesity, which occurs when the diameter of body mass (waist/hip) exceeds25. Other factors can be a poor diet in vitamins, little physical activity and a sedentary life, the intake of drinks and foods rich in sugar and saturated fats respectively. It is considered that about 10% of people affected with type 2 diabetes mellitus are due to lack of exercise and a sedentary life.
Problems that diabetes can cause in the cardiovascular system
Type 2 diabetes mellitus can cause great damage to the heart because when there is a large accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream, blood transport and other components usually decrease in a drastic way, they affect everyone cruciallyThe organs of the body, but in a special way it affects the heart, since it causes a reduced amount of oxygen transported by the blood, but this not only affects arteries and arterioles with a small caliber, but also affects main arteries such as the arteryaorta. It can also cause an accumulation of fat and lipids in the blood due to the obstruction of the arteries by glucose. Most patients who have diabetes die from heart disease, being one of the main causes of death worldwide.
The symptoms of this pathology are usually varied and multiple, but despite this there are key symptoms that are present in most people affected by this disease such as:
- Polypsia: This is one of the most frequent symptoms in people with diabetes and occurs when people with diabetes feel the need to consume large amounts daily, this is especially in these people, since it is given by the big onesaccumulated amounts of glucose in the body and because of this the kidneys to eliminate the excess of this monosaccharide by means of urine, requires the presence of high amounts of water.
- Polyuria: It consists when the diabetic patient has the need to urinate in large quantities and usually also performs it in large periods of time and five or more times a day, this occurs because the kidneys must maintain a correct homeostasis in theinterior of our body and for this to occur, they must eliminate the glucose that the body does not need through urine.
- Increase in appetite: also known as hyperfagia or polyphia, it is the increase in an excessive way the desire to eat, this causes the diabetic person to ingest large amounts of food in an unnecessary way, cause an increase in body weight.
- Weight loss without an apparent reason: although it has always been believed that only people are able to develop diabetes, it has currently been shown that some people can lose a large amount of body mass as a result of the suffering of this disease.
- Wounds with a difficult healing: this symptom is the most common and mortal in diabetic patients, because many of the time diabetic patients can perform wounds that take a long time to heal, running the risk that this wound can be infected, if this occursMember’s amputation would be proceeded. In general, these complications are observed more frequently at the level of the lower extremities and less frequently in the upper limbs. This symptom is due to the fact that, since there are large amounts of glucose in the bloodstream, the accumulation of this monosaccharide causes the obstruction and deformation of the blood capillaries and this prevents the correct transport of the elements responsible for coagulation towards the required site.
- Loss of visual acuity: the blurred vision in diabetic patients is due to the fact that the amounts of glucose accumulated in the bloodstream cause blood not to reach adequate quantities to the blood vessels found in the retina.
The best treatment for people with diabetes is considered to change their lifestyle, especially their food, in addition to exercising in a more frequent way, it is recommended to play sports at least two or three times a weekIt is also important not to be exposed to stress situations or environments with a large pollution index. In addition, it is recommended to perform a weekly or routine blood glucose check, the patient or a close relative can also be taught such as a glycemia test with the help of a glucometer.
It is concluded that diabetes figures are increasing in a constant way in addition to a proportional way with obesity. In 2014, approximately 280 million were registered, of which about 40% of people with this pathology were between 20 – 25 years and it is reported that these figures currently range between 390 – 400 million affected by this disease.
Although diabetes are considered to be present in patients with large resources, considered developed countries, it has also been possible that less developed countries as a large part of the African countries and some Latin Americans although these figures are expressed with less gravity
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