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Urban and Rural Health Issues


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Growing up in the Rural
When it comes to the differences between growing in the urban and growing in the villages, people have completed projects and whole theses on the subject. On paper, there are gaping differences between the two scenarios, but when these are reported by someone who actually grew up in the rural they almost sound alien. My friend Joyce makes almost made me feel like growing up in the city was the greatest tragedy to ever happen in my life.
First, there is the nature and the forests. Having a big backyard and tracts of unused lands where one could wander in the woods. She describes the flora and fauna as one that possesses therapeutic effects to the wholeness of an individual; mind, body, and soul. Then there is socialization. Within their small community everyone knows everyone with small schools and friendly neighbors. Their parish priest has not changed since she was two, when she dedicated her, and has ever since presided over each one of her rites of passage; catechism, baptism, and countless confessions. Even though I found that outright creepy, the ebullience on her face barred me from speaking my thoughts. She and her brothers used to drive their grandfather’s jalopy long before they were 16, and despite my urge to downplay the village life, I found that enviable. Seemingly, the back roads of rural areas allow many things (Assist, n.p).
My memories are not devoid of fun either. City life has a constant supply of places to go like movie theatres and recreational parks.

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Growing up in the city did not deprive me of conservative values that are erroneously associated with rural upbringing. Indeed, I have grown more appreciative and tolerant of the diversity of cultures (Matthews, 2000). There is only one thing I can be envious about in Joyce’s upbringing, and that is being able to drive before I could, but wait, she still had to wait for the legal age in order to be licensed.

Works Cited
Assist, GEM. “Driving On Rural Roads | Country Road Hazards | GEM.” Motoring Advice and News. N.p., 2013. Web. 1 Mar. 2018.
Matthews, Hugh, et al. “Growing-up in the countryside: children and the rural idyll.” Journal of rural studies 16.2 (2000): 141-153.

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