Urinary Analysis Lab Report
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The paper investigates the effect of physical exercising water and coffee intake on the concentration of urine and the amount and frequency of producing the same. A lab exercise was used to determine the effects discussed in this report. This paper falls under various sections which highlight essential points that form the component of the essay. At the introduction, the article emphasizes the importance of carrying out the exercise to medical practitioners. Also underlined in the document are the methods used to carry out the lab exercise which produced the results discussed. The other essential component of the essay is the result section and the discussion part. At the reviewed, the piece gives an in-depth look at the findings and relates the same with the existing literature to buck up the claims made after the exercise. The paper then concludes with a stand that the three factors affect the frequency and amount of urine produced.
Keywords: Kidney, Urine, Lab Test.
Known in the professional term as AU, urine analysis also referred to as urinalysis is a test of the urine in the laboratory to establish if an individual suffers from a given condition. The test exposes the urine to some chemicals to evaluate the result. Also done in urinalysis is a microscopic exam to establish the abnormalities. A urine analysis reveals defects such as an increase in its production, an upsurge in urinal frequency, the existence of strain in the urine or any abnormal coloring in the urine.
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The results from urinalysis give a rough estimation of the hydration of victims kidney, also significant to note is that the process can conclusively reveal urinary tract infection. The benefits of carrying out this lab analysis include evaluation of the functions of kidney and the urine quality produced after water and beverage, i.e., coffee intake or an exercise. The knowledge gained from this lab analysis is essential for medical practitioners and the sampled population since it may establish three crucial results for further medical examination. The three include evaluation of pyuria, hematuria, and crystalluria. The mentioned results are necessary for right diagnosis. Hypothetically, coffee intake increases the urine output since its falls under diuretic substances. Such substances are known to increase urination since they trigger an upsurge in glomerular blood pressure. So, my expectation from this analysis is that the amount of urine after coffee intake will increase. Prolonged exercises and a significant amount of water intake also influence the increase in the amount of urine produced and the frequency which is also dependent on the environment and temperature.
After collection of the sample within the specified timeframe, an analysis was the next step of the process. The first examination included dipping a test strip in a urine sample on a test-tube to observe a possible chemical reaction within some few minutes. Aside from the dipstick test, the paper also carried out a microscopic analysis to establish if any abnormalities were present. This observation is done under a microscope on the different samples gathered. Finally, the method also involved visual examination in creating defects like color, odor, and cloudiness of the sample.
What stood out from the analysis is that exercise increase the amount and frequency of urinating across all ages and gender but depends on the severity of the same. Conclusively, caffeine in coffee also has the same effect on both sexes but varied when it comes to age. Younger people tend to urinate less compared to the older ones after coffee consumption. Drinking water also affected the urine produced in both sexes but was increased among the elderly. Irrefutably, therefore, the intake of water and coffee plus exercising changes the frequency and urine production across all ages.
From the analysis, the report established that exercising increases the frequency and amount of urine produced within a specified period compared to someone not engaged on the same. Also important to note from the lab observation is the urine concentration which increases during physical activity. These findings are significant since it answers the concern of water intake during strenuous physical activities like long-distance running or weightlifting. After comparing the volume and concentration of urine produced by a person undergoing strenuous exercise to a relaxed one, the report concluded that the claim made on exercise and urine production correlate. These findings are in agreement with some literature that points out the relationship between physical activity and the frequency and amount of urine produced. In his analysis, for example, McKenzie et al. (2017, p. 51) point out that the components of the urinary system include kidney and bladder plus the urethra and ureters. The system, the author, posts does a lot of functions including maintaining the body fluid. He finally points out that exercising affects the urinary system in various ways. The reason for the increase in the volume of urine during physical activities includes the blood flow to the kidney which results in the loss of significant amount of fluid from the blood. On urine concentration, the author points out that hormone responsible for fluid balance when exercising known as antidiuretic conserves sodium hence the increase in frequency.
From the observation of sample that took coffee, it is apparent that the amount produced and concentration of their urine increase compared to the first zero to eight minutes. The level was at a peak for the entire sampled group regardless of age or gender at third collection when their kidney was purifying the caffeine in the bloodstream. The volume of urine produced also increased the same as the frequency of produce the waste. As observed in this lab study, some literature support our findings on the effect of coffee on urine concentration and the rate of producing it. As pointed by Suvi et al. (2017, p. 60) in their article, caffeine found in coffee can cause an alteration in the urine not only for the elderly but to everyone. On concentration, the author points out that coffee has an impact on the color and scent of urine since it prevents the reabsorption of sodium ion which in effect reduces the water filtration from the blood at the same time upsurges the amount of urine produced. In other words, the writer posits that the caffeine causes the concentration of urine with ammonia and urea among other wastes. The result of caffeine intake includes darker, colored and smelly urine. The observations made from the urine of a coffee consumer are further supported by the writer who points out that the concentration of water in the urine is low due to the prevention of sodium ion reabsorption which in the long run upsurges the urination at the same time lowers water filtration.
After water intake, the amount of urine production will increase, and the clarity of the urine will also be visible unless there are some abnormalities. From the observation of the lab exercise, the amount of urine produced by the samples group across different ages and sex increased after consuming a significant amount of water. As supported by Shelley et al. (2014, p. 60) when the body has a pool in excess, the antidiuretic hormone production reduces which would in the long run signal kidney to produce diluted urine which would happen frequently. The writer also adds that too much water intake may have a health effect on the kidney function. Unless a person consumes a recommended amount of water, the concentration of the urine and frequency of producing it will remain high.
In a few words, the test carried out in this lab exercise is very significant in diagnosing a person suffering from any form of kidney failure. The knowledge from both literature and the analysis carried out are substantial enough to know when someone suffers from kidney ailment or they just exhibit typical signs of kidney functioning.
McKenzie, A, Armstrong, L, Muñoz, C, Ellis, L, Perrier, E, Guelinckx, I, Klein, A, & Kavouras, S 2017, ‘Urine color as an indicator of urine concentration in pregnant and lactating women’, European Journal Of Nutrition, 56, 1, pp. 355-362.
Shelley, R, Kim, N, Parsons, P, Lee, B, Agnew, J, Jaar, B, Steuerwald, A, Matanoski, G, Fadrowski, J, Schwartz, B, Todd, A, Simon, D, & Weaver, V 2014, ‘Uranium associations with kidney outcomes vary by urine concentration adjustment method’, Journal Of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 24, 1, pp. 58-64.
Suvi, S, Timpmann, S, Tamm, M, Aedma, M, Kreegipuu, K, & Ööpik, V 2017, ‘Effects of caffeine on endurance capacity and psychological state in young females and males exercising in the heat’, Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism, 42, 1, pp. 68-76.
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