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Use Of Technology In Medicine Teams


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Use of Technology in Medicine Teams


In health, many equipment and tools are used that work autonomously or with the direction of the human hand but that is linked to technological development without a doubt, more and more sophisticated and with better results, equipment without which it would even be possible to usperform some activities that by delicate require sum precision and vision, that the hand of man and his vision cannot achieve it. It is also an important resource, which is related not only to a material part but also from the human part also because technology can be observed since the patient requests the medical appointment, during and after treatment. This process of change that includes technology is positive when it is used with ethics, accepting the regulations and laws that govern their use legal throughout the world, it becomes negative when the laws present are translated, when it is putat risk everything that is regulated by moral and legal laws.

In the field of medicine technology is currently a need to insert those products and services offered with the development of new science, focused on improving people’s quality of life. The research based on the same technology is developing new fields applied to medicine that requires not only knowledge but also the predisposition of economic investment for this to work.


The technology that can be defined as the set of knowledge of an industrial art, which results in the creation of objects, or processes to produce them.

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(Cegarra, 2012). Technology as can be seen with the naked eye is more and more developed and its expansion is such that it is found everywhere, areas and spaces. How has it been inserted in medicine?. Technology is undoubtedly part of medicine and has become almost indispensable in many ways. (García, 2017) mentions that Ehealth in English, digital health in Spanish, is the use of information and communication technology when used in medicine, in whatever its areas or services, in everything that is related to thehealth, it has also been called telemedicine, digital monitoring, and even personalized medicine affirms.

"One of the main motivations for the application of ICT by public and private health organizations is in improving management efficiency" (Ramos, 2007)

Technologies suppose a change that goes to the improvement of patient’s quality of life this because they are present in different areas such as planning and information, in the research, preventive, diagnostic or treatment field, in all centered areasIn the patient, ranging from the pharmacy, assurance, administration, home assistance, emergencies, in general medicine, nursing care, in hospitals, in the field of laboratories and images (Ramos, 2007). It is argued that technology can directly impact health care, this through an improvement in the same health system and indirectly with regard to hygiene with health promotion, this is with education. (Ongowa, S.F.).

In the educational aspect related to health, (García, et all, 2014), mentional that technologies and their rapid growth generate a great impact on the health and medical education sector. (Pérez, 2017) relates and highlights technologies in the educational process of students in medical education, for the visible need to be prepared and updated.

Regarding technological applications for medical use, several such as M-Healt have developed, which are related to sports activities and nutritional aspects;Instant Hear Rate, also to guide sports activities, in cases of emergencies there is the Firt AID for accident prevention, there are many devices for glucose control and other aspects of those who suffer from diabetes, they are also in the market in the market devices forhelp those who suffer from epilepsy and new devices focused on different areas of medicine appear every day.

One aspect to also consider that new technologies also create concerns for their application in the health system in relation to the policies that must be implemented, since this brings with it an increase in economic investment, which are considerable costs and the concern thatThese services that entail the use of technology can be poorly used and that do not fulfill their function in giving relief and cure patients;It is mentioned that technology must comply with the criteria framed in security and assess its efficiency before being implemented. (Barrientos, Marín, Becerra, & Tabón, 2016).

It speaks of the need to observe three scenarios in the implementation of technology in the health area, the first that corresponds to medical software or also known as management systems, these give electronic connectivity and also supports, have many profits betweenThose that information can be mentioned, patient health monitoring.There is no doubt that the aforementioned focuses on the fact that the use of information and communication technology is a tool that allows the scope of efficiency in many ways, the second is access to information services for professionals and patients, this as far as the almost mandatory use of the Internet, and other forms of communication that serve to communicate. The third communication support that is responsible for assistance, activities related to surgeries or surgical. (Avella & Parra, 2013). As a way to go with technological development worldwide the institutions where any type of health -related services must be added to these changes and consider the necessary economic resource to take advantage of this type of improvement opportunities, a change thatIt includes not only the modernization of equipment and tools with modern technology, but also with the preparation of health professionals, and even patients who should know how technology works evenly to be aware of the processes to which they will besubjected to achieve a successful result in your health.

Technological knowledge is weak in Latin America and the Caribbean, as noted, (OEI, 2018). who also mentions that universities are included in this analysis, but have prospered in scientific and technological research. This aspect is important to recognize that at the national level in Ecuador there has been impulse to the insertion of technology in Ecuadorian universities as a mechanism to improve the quality of learning, which also includes medical careers. In this aspect of emergence and application of technology in the field of medicine there is talk of telemedicine, communication, functions such as Big Data, Robotics, even mobile applications that seem unnoticed. The use of this and other applications have promoted a new era at work in medicine there is a faster, agil future medicine, practice with new treatments where human being will only be an architect that moves the ilos of digital intelligence. The pharmaceutical industry directly related to medicine is another of which takes advantage of all technological discoveries as a viable, efficient option and that decreases production costs, generating greater utilities in their work field.

The robotics outstanding part of technology in recent years has reached a very high level and new discoveries appear in the case of medicine, becoming as a challenge the implant of organs and tissues in humans, this with the useof structures that have been artificially elaborated, this is what makes medicine consider in the principle of the future in terms of medicine. (Delgado, 2015). It is listed that there are many advantages when it is about robotic surgery, in the first place there is a three -dimensional vision for when the cameras used have an increase in the size of 20 times more, being an important factor to better observe the organs. The movements is the other aspect that occurs accurately;The reincorporation of the patient more quickly, as a disadvantages it is mentioned that it has a lower tactile project. (Pereira, 2017)


The use of technology in the field of medicine is undoubtedly in a process of constant development this with increasingly satisfactory results, with a series of advantages greater than disadvantages, it is also true that the implementation of technologies inThe medical field demands and increasingly demands more investment in public and private health institutions, this undoubtedly also generates uncertainty in the states that have the obligation to sustain the public health system mainly.


  • Avella, l., & Parra, P. (2013). TECHNOLOGIES OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION (ICTs) in the health sector. National University of Colombia, Colombia.
  • Barrientos, J., Marine., Becerra, l., & Tabón, M. (2016). The evaluation of new health technologies in hospiitals, narrative review. Medicine u.P.B. Retrieved on August 1, 2019, from https: // www.Redalyc.org/pdf/1590/159049704006.PDF
  • Delgado, e. (2015). Robotics applications to today’s medicine and future. Retrieved on August 1, 2019, from https: // www.Elsevier.com/es-es/Connect/ehealth/robotics-y-medicina
  • Garcia, h., Navarro, l., López, m., & Rodríguez, M. (2014). Information and Communication Technologies in Health and Medical Education. Retrieved on August 1, 2019, from http: // scielo.SLD.Cu/Scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s2077-28742014000100018
  • Garcia, m. (2017). Conference of Directors and Deans of Computer Engineering. Retrieved on August 1, 2019, from Jaén Higher Polytechnic School: https: // coddii.Org/WP-Content/Uploads/2017/01/report-e-health-2.PDF
  • OEI. (2018). The pillars universities of science and technology in Latin America. Ibero -American Observatory of Science, Technology and Society of the OEI, Córdoba.
  • Ongowa. (s.F.). ICT and health. Retrieved on August 1, 2019, from http: // www.Codajic.org/sites/www.Codajic.org/files/tic%20y%20Salud.PDF
  • Pereira, J. (2017). Robotic surgery news. Cuban Magazine of Surgery, 54.
  • Pérez, m. (2017). The current use of information and communication technologies in medical education. Retrieved on August 1, 2019, from http: // www.Scielo.org.PE/PDF/RMH/V28N4/A08V28N4.PDF
  • Ramos, v. (2007). ICT in the health sector. Retrieved on August 1, 2019, from https: // www.Researchgate.NET/PUBLICATION/28168792_LAS_TIC_EN_EL_SECTOR_DE_LA_SALUD

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