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When encountered by a dilemmatic situation in the healthcare, there are several principles that can be applied to get a rescue. As a health specialist, the method and the approach I would put into consideration will include the use of the utilitarianism approach to solving the dilemma. The utilitarianism is applicable whenever someone is faced with professional, ethical, moral as well as legal challenges. The assumption made is based on the utilitarian theory (Barilan 168). The theory explains that the result of the dilemma depends on the action that is conducted by the decision maker. The utilitarianism was discovered and used mostly by the philosopher long before 19th century. The utilitarianism was used in a way that it views the action that is right morally and that which produces most good results that are needed. In utilitarianism, it mainly focuses on the pleasure of the people. It is also differentiated by the impartiality as well as the agent-neutrality. Some of the ways that will be used to deal with the key issues in the healthcare will be through the rewards given to the caregivers especially those that work as volunteers in the healthcare (Barilan 171). The utilitarianism also comes with the desire of doing good to the society where someone comes, and for that matter, the individual is likely to choose the less paining strategy with increased pleasure to the people in the society. With the help of the utilitarian theory, the practitioners are capable of deciding any dilemma that comes on their way to duty.
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The utilitarianism also creates a sense of consequentialism and therefore determining the quality of the decision that is made by the manager in the healthcare.
In healthcare, the decision-making has a major role in ensuring that the mandate of the healthcare is delivered to the patients as required. The ethical decision is applied when checking in the quality of services that are offered to the patients undergoing treatment in that particular healthcare. Through the use of the utilitarianism principle, experts are capable of making a decision that is in the favors of the patients involved in the issues that are being solved such as the healthcare providers and also the families of the patients that are undergoing treatment (Curtin 29). The legal dilemma, however, is experienced when the patient being medicated have some court orders. In such cases, the nurses or the healthcare providers are experiencing the dilemma in providing the care to the patient who might be more worried about the court orders and therefore might develop some more complications in their bodies. There are also some ethical standards that can be used to pass information in the healthcare and these include the identification of the stakeholders or the healthcare providers that are affected and the duties that they conduct. The other factor to be looked into is the understanding of the relevant ways of assisting the health specialist in making the correct and required decision for the well-being of the patient is concerned (Furlong 31). And also the application of the multistep decision-making in the ethical dilemma gives the appropriate ways in which the dilemma can be solved with limited problems possible. The use of this method by the health providers to choose an appropriate concept to deal with the challenges that are facing them in the healthcare is of great help to the healthcare fraternity a well s the patients being treated in the healthcare.
According to the information that is obtained from the research, an ethical adjudication has been validated to put into consideration the healthcare sector. The healthcare providers should also conduct their researches about the human subject in cases when there is a drastic change in the effort of the providers. It is also assumed that in the near future the knowledge of the ethical dilemma in the healthcare should be sensitized by the researcher in the field of the healthcare or medical related issues (Aita and Richer 124). This is because most of the healthcare providers in the healthcare do not know the ethical principle of utilitarianism that deals with the human issues. In addition, the use of the researcher is of great importance since it helps to dig deeper into the moral behavior of the professionals in the healthcare. It also helps in the monitoring of the healthcare setting and the moral distress in its professionals.
The fact that there is advancement of the technology and also the advancement in the technicality of the dilemmatic issues that need to be solved by various healthcare providers in the healthcare, it is important if further research is conducted, and qualified specialists are produced to deal with the dilemmatic matters in the near future (Pellegrino 261). For instance, the issues that have remained unsolved for a long time can be researched through the use of the utilitarian theory to act as a guide. On the other hand, the ethics are determined by virtue of the people and therefore the solution to most dilemmas can only be solved and shall only be tackled when there are philosophers of good virtues.
Works Cited
Aita, Marilyn, and Marie-Claire Richer. “Essentials Of Research Ethics For Healthcare Professionals.” Nursing and Health Sciences 7.2 (2005): 119-125. Web.Barilan, Y. Michael. “Towards A Dialogue Between Utilitarianism And Medicine.” Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7.2 (2004): 163-173. Web.Curtin, Leah L. “DNR In The OR.” Nursing Management (Springhouse) 25.1 (1994): 29-33. Web.Furlong, Elizabeth. “Right Or Wrong: Legal And Ethical Issues And Decision_Making.” 1.3 (2009): 29-44. Print.
Pellegrino, Edmund D. “Toward A Virtue-Based Normative Ethics For The Health Professions.” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5.3 (1995): 253-277. Web.
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