Venice Tax To Foreigners
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The Venice City Council announced earlier this year that it would begin to charge a tax for all tourists who do not spend the night in the city (the rate for those who did spend the night in the city was already previously imposed). These types of decisions have as many detractors as followers. The former are usually the tourists themselves;The seconds fed up from the industry.
The Italian city is one of those that are in danger of disappearing engulmed by tourists. Reasons that make this think are, for example, the constant uploads of the sea or the simple fact that every year the city receives more than 30 million people, which makes the efficient management of resources unfeasible. But Venice is not the only place where they can charge us this type of taxes. Today we review the reasons that lead the municipalities to make these decisions, as well as the places where we will have to pay the rate.Why a tourism tax? The answer is very simple. We just have to think about the number of visitors in certain cities, such as Paris, Lisbon or Barcelona. Its resources, like those of all places, are limited.
Therefore, if large waves arrive in tourists, water, garbage and other services cannot be offered. Another objective of this collection is the maintenance of city assets as such. In this way, if the monuments are properly preserved, tourism will be encouraged. But always one of responsible and respectful of the environment and with the residents of the cities.
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What types of tourist rates exist?Mainly, there are two types of tourist taxes. That charge one or the other (or even both) depends on the country that is being visited. The first guy is what they charge for plane transfers. However, the most widespread is what is charged depending on the nights. The City Council of the Municipality is the one that decides the amount to be paid, as well as the maximum of nights that would be necessary to do it.How much is that rate? The price of this tax depends on different factors.
As we have already said, it is a decision of the City Council, so it depends first on them. It also depends on the type of accommodation you have. Visitors who sleep in a five -star hotel will pay more taxes than those who spend the night in a campsite. As for concrete cities and the amounts to be paid, for example in Barcelona they must be paid between 45 cents and 2 euros with 25 per night and person. Of course, only the first 7 nights of accommodation and those over 16 years old. In Venice, the case with which we began this article, must pay between 2 euros with 50 and 10, depending on whether it is high or low season.
Recall that this new rate is only for those who do not spend the night the city, therefore it is paid on each visit.Where do I have to pay it? There are quite a few cities that, not only in Europe, have decided to collect this rate for their tourists. One of the first to make this decision was Paris, which for 25 years has charged its visitors between 20 cents and 1 euro with 50 per day. Even for some years those who have a reserved room exceed 200 euros per night have charged 20% more. Italy is another country where this tax is widely extended. For example, Florence and Venice charge 1 euro per person, night and star that the hotel has, that is, a person who is five days in the city in a 4 -star hotel must pay 15 euros. Milan and Rome also have this tax, especially taxing the highest category hotel establishments. In Spain we also have examples of tourist rate, as is the case of Catalonia in general, and Barcelona in particular.
That is, it is not the same to stay in the Catalan capital than anywhere else in the community. But it was the Balearic Islands the promoter of this measure in our country, since during the years 2002 and 2003 this rate imposed on its visitors. However, this lasted little and decided to remove this tax.
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