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Video Games, Positive And Negative Impacts On The Lives Of Young People


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Video games, positive and negative impacts on the lives of young people


Video games can impact today’s young people in various ways, both positive and negative, and for example in a positive way, favoring interpersonal relationships. The communication that exists in online videogame. Today’s children and youth are attracted to technology, online video games join two of their largest interests, which are fun and everything that involves technology.

As for this impact we can say that the author denies those prejudices that are thought of that of video games can cause only dire consequences, and that young people who occupy their time in video games are threatening their personal development, in fact, heConsider that this category of video games encourages interpersonal relationships, since young people who delight in these activities will enter to be part of players’ communities, and that in the search to achieve a common goal, participants will work as a team, which generates ainteraction between them, therefore, this type of connection will be propitious to the creation of new friendships. In this regard, Martínez (2018) points out that:

This type of communication offers some anonymity to the participants, since these cannot be seen in person (whether from different socio -economic, age, religious, professionals, etc.). Being less aware of their differences and concentrate more on common interests and hobbies, this characteristic facilitates the formation of interpersonal relationships 

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It should be noted that the creation of interpersonal relationships will be easier, since negative factors and prejudices will be made on the side that, in everyday life, could arise. Likewise, this new way of relating carries positive factors for those individuals with more introverted personalities, since in this way they will feel less frightened, and will function and, in some cases, show themselves with a type of personality that does not belong to them, butthat they would still like to have. With the advance of technology this form of communication to be more easily promoted, since now young people can make use of chat and vocal calls.

Continuing with the benefits that come from socialization in online video games, intercultural exchange can be highlighted, since people from all over the world participate in video games. The young people who participate have the possibility of interacting with people from diverse cultures and habits, and this may be positive.

In addition, in these virtual communities young people will indirectly learn other skills, such as the ability to control their emotions or behaviors. For example, the way of collaborating between the players will lead them to create a form of reciprocal altruism, since everyone will be working with the same purpose. In this regard, Martínez (2018) points out that:

Online video games require a high level of social interaction and cooperation. He interprets that most players must work together to meet certain goals and it is through teamwork that this may be possible.

In fact, each new player at the time that is added to these virtual communities, already formed, will find rules and behaviors that will inspire and emulate it. These young people will gain self-confidence to face real life, since in these virtual communities they can interact without fear.

In a nutshell, the participants of these video games will perceive this type of relationships as real as if they were going to know a person on the street, despite the distances they will share common interests that will lead them to create real friends. 

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