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Violence In Current Couple Relationships


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Violence in current couple relationships

As a definition of violence, that which highlights the use of force to cause damage to someone we find central elements in the most consensus is found in this line the use of force by someone;the damage;receive such damage for one or more people;the intentionality of the damage;The purpose of forcing the victim to give or do something that does not want the general reasons, the reason for violence, that they are insinuated by the idea of forcing victims to give or do something they do not want, they are also questionedfor a double appearance. (Pacheco, 2016)

The effects that this quarantine leaves have been more influential in women, children since there is violence such as physical aggressions such as blows, wounds, threats, despised, verbal, sexual aggressions to murders. These types of violence generally occur between members of the same family, an episode of intrafamily violence causes damage to the psychological or physical integrity of a person there are homes that think that their environment is a safe space, but for others it is a space whereThey are in danger, since these types of violence suffer. In violence two or more people intervene, whether the aggressors or those attacked at times the personality of the aggressor is because he had a past of domestic violence and those acts repeat it with his own family. Staying at home for that reason for isolation if the number of violence has increased this is given to anyone imagined having to live with their partner or with his family all a time.

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(Peñafiel, 2020)

In the studies of these factors there are violence in rural sectors where communities have been studied in the province of Imbabura and these were the results: “7 focal groups were carried out in which a total of 63 people participated. The results show: a) the importance of the community environment and the interactions of victim and aggressor with the family, neighborhood and intervention agents;b) the influence of the structure of the territory and the action of the State in the management of situations of violence within the couple, and c) the effects that the pressures exerted by the different members of the community can have for the victim and their optionsto denounce the situation. Finally, the possibility that the factors identified can be explanatory and enclosure elements of the dynamics of violence in contexts similar to the case studied.”(Science, 2016)

Also, couple violence is an important health problem Campbell, 2002, Ellsberg et al., 2008. Among the main conclusions obtained in a diagnosis made by the Pan American Health Organization in 10 Latin American countries, it is important that violence constitutes a serious social and public health problem that radically affects the daily life of women. This violence is expressed and aggravated through the development of abusive power relations, the control of the victim’s relations and the impunity of the aggressors (OPS/WHO Women’s, Health and Development Program, 2000). (Science, 2016)

Here in Ecuador there are greater number of complaints in the cities of Quito and Guayaquil, the director of Ecu 911 said that many women cannot ask for help, since they are living together with their aggressor with their aggressor. The figures are worrisome, since between April 12 and April 11 in this entity 6 have been received.819 alarm calls for possible cases of gender violence most, 55%, is concentrated in Quito and Guayaquil. Zapata explained that, based on these figures, it follows that 235 women per day "will call any center of ECU because they are being victims of violence" (EFE, 2020) there are fewer complaints in these quarantine times, since the secretary of the secretary of theHuman Rights says that women who called ECU 911 is to advance psychological containment support or to ask for help. At the moment, in five host houses there are 136 people, including mothers in vulnerability and their children.

In the 37 days of confinement that are lived since the Government ordered the restriction measures for mobility to prevent the spread of coronavirus, complaints in the Prosecutor’s Office have been reduced by the impossibility of victims of mobilizing to judicial units to judicial units. From March 16 to last Monday, the Prosecutor’s Office received 677 news of crimes related to sexual abuse, sexual harassment, violation, physical and psychological violence against women and family nucleus, being Pichincha the province with the greatest incidence of cases of cases. (La Hora, 2020)

In this newspaper, the increase in family violence is said due to the power relationship exerted by the aggressor about the victim before this health emergency happens when the aggressors did not have a good day could be argued with other drivers, they go to whereFriends have distraction games and return home. Those variables that allow them to mit. (La Hora, 2020).

‘It is very likely that the rates of generalized domestic violence are increased, as the initial police reports and the direct aid line already suggest. For too many women and children, the home can be a place of fear and abuse. This situation worsens considerably in cases of isolation, such as blockages imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic, ”warned the UN Special Rapporteur about violence against women. (France 24, 2020)

Quarantine converts the home in the center of the routine. But for many women, the home is not a resting place but of work. The care of others usually falls on their shoulders and tasks such as cleaning or kitchen. For example, in Mexico women assume on average 59 hours per week of this type of work, which is also done without charging. Just as the home is not a resting place for women, in many cases it is even a place of risk. For women and girls in Latin America, the house is still the most dangerous space. One in three women has claimed to have suffered physical or sexual violence in a relationship. (France 24, 2020).

In this article, it indicates that violence does not affect only the battered women, but also on children who are exposed to episodes of violence because they are considered direct victims. Minors grow in an environment where equality between men and women does not exist, the authority and dominoes of man subject to women to a state of submission and obedience. What to do when suffering from violence? Ask for the police community closer to their home, call 911, also if there is any fear, you can anonymously report a certain line. (Carrera, 2020).

Being locked up, spending more time with the aggressor, which is also at home, the possibilities that there are these outbursts of violence increase. On the other hand, the situation around the pandemic generates greater tension within households with a healthy dynamic, of normal relationship between the couple. The tension, anguish and fear is felt, derived from uncertainty, the pain that causes the loss of family members, loved ones, and, above all, the instability and the economic crisis that exists. (Robalino, 2020)

Pichincha’s prefecture has just launched "The Red Basket" that is an aid for women who have situations of violence in their homes in this quarantine and seeks to reduce the risk for these women with this vulnerability. On March 16, the Ecuadorian government decree the state of exception before this pandemic of the Coronavirus and there is a protocol to support this problem of violence. According to the Minister of Government (Interior), María Paula Romo, then warned that social isolation could give way to an "ideal scenario" intrafamily and gender violence ". According to an official family relationship survey, 64 percent of women in Ecuador have suffered some kind of gender -based violence, 30 percent within their homes and in 43 percent the perpetrator has been their partner. (Aro, 2020)

A space can be created so that each of the individuals can have a determined corner in the house where they can be withdrawn at the time they have the need to be able to work or do different activities if in case there is not enough space in thishouse could reach an agreement to take any space. Everything seems to indicate that divorces will overcome this problem, since experts say that, in these moments of crisis, relationships will be tested. Some are going to be strengthened during this time while others, which may already come cracked, could be cracked to the point of not resisting anymore, speaking from a general or world point, exposing the case of China. (El Comercio, 2020). 

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