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Virtual Education, The New Age Of Knowledge


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Virtual Education, The New Age of Knowledge

In a surrounding world that is constantly evolving and where in the last two decades virtual globalization has been the dynamic axis that has broken borders and has joined cultures in constant social interaction networks that are part of the digital age, the needseducational becomes increasingly innovative to go to the avant -garde of what the system offers and demands us.

In this sense, at present, educational needs transform the traditional teaching – learning methods since the rhythm of life is increasingmaster classes, in addition to the necessary acquisition of technological tools in a competitive world, virtual education constitutes a new era of knowledge that manages to adapt to the time and needs of the student.

As noted, any change or transformation generates concern if these new methods would be the most appropriate or not to achieve a good learning, which is why it is significant to answer some questions such as: What should characterize a student under the modelof virtual education to be successful? For this, it is important above all a change of mentality since, as mentioned by the MG Rafael Neftali Lizcano Reyes “The student in Virtual Learning Environments (AVA), he is the main actor of the educational process. It must be the agent that interacts, builds, appropriates and transfers knowledge in the virtual educational environment ”. (Lizcano, 2010).

In this order of ideas, the student under virtual modality to succeed means developing a series of skills and actions based on voluntariness, motivation and disposition to: develop relationships in virtuality both with the teacher, classmates and virtual environments, to have a special commitment to virtual education where it is participatory, creative, original, and above all with the attitude of assuming responsibilities, development of self-motivation to motivate actions, the will to learn, and the fulfillment of the goals, development of the development of theself-control to strengthen leadership on the process of training, development of self-training to face and overcome difficulties, limitations, risks that may arise in the virtual educational process and the development of self-discipline to organize time and space, infunction of the responsibilities of the virtual training process.

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(Virtual learning environments, 2013).

In the same way, it is important that the student in virtual training has basic knowledge about the use of technological tools such as email, chat and navigation on the Internet pages among others, to carry out a good autonomous learning where the studentLearn to handle your time and space in an organized way that will be the way to achieve success on the virtual campus.

The foregoing is not only the only thing that is to be taken into account to be a successful student in virtual learning environments, it is also essential to develop attitudinal skills that are directly related to the "knowledge-being" or "know how to act" that forThis case would be the norms of behavior and communication that have been adapted to the electronic world, that is where another question arises: what is the importance of the use of N-Estirqueta rules when interacting on any virtual platform? Just as there are standards of ethics and good manners in all face -to -face areas, in the digital world there are also that set of rules that facilitate online coexistence. (Netiquetate)

Therefore, as Yovany Ramírez, director of digital strategies of me expresses.COM.Co ‘The Netiqueta refers to the appropriate language and format on the different platforms, the good manners, the relevance of the content, respect for other opinions and privacy, among others, which are grouped as a code of conduct in the network ”(Ramirez, 2017). In this way, the virtual training student must appropriate all these codes of conduct that consequentof annotations, chat, etc.) whether of healthy coexistence and more human also fights problems such as fraud, cybercrime or bad relationships.

So far the competencies that a student on the virtual campus must develop and the importance of the rules to have an educated behavior in the network have been mentioned, however it is also appropriate to refer to what are the advantages and disadvantagesVirtual versus the face -to -face as it is worth making a comparison to have a broader vision.

Let us see all those aspects that are part of the unspecified educational methodologies which is the best since it is not about questioning what type of education is more valid than the other, if so, it would be like denying centuries of history in theEducational field where this generation has certainly been participating in both the traditional and face -to -face method where all the professions that are currently active at the service of society and the new education technologies that the world of today demands us have formed. It is rather about reflecting on all that evolutionary line that, as in all fields there have been technological revolutions.

In this way, we give a critical look at which are the advantages and disadvantages that virtual education versus the face -to -face education can have taking into account that the two methodologies are necessary vehicles that are intended to make efficient the acquisition of knowledge and train professionals inknowing how to be and know how to do for life. Starting with the advantages of virtual education as I mentioned in the first lines did not arise overnight, nor as a proposal in competition with face -to -face education, but you are going well has been part of that necessary evolution, and IDare to underline this phrase since the same need for globalization and bring cultures closer to the exchange of communication knowledge added to the accelere of life was inescapable.

Taking as a reference the archive of cybersociety in its article entitled ICT: its use as a tool for the strengthening and development of virtual education written by Jimmy Rosario refers to the positive aspects for virtual education students between what he mentions:The study can be adapted to a personal schedule, you have an active role, all students have access to teaching, not being harmed those who cannot go to classes periodically for work reasons, distance …, time savings and money, you do not have to focus on the place of study, the student is the protagonist of his own training process, I would also add that it allows to be updated of all the technological tools that make life easier, it helps us to be more competitive in our labor field, and to develop attitudinal competencies by being more autonomous, self-taught and responsible in our activities. The author also points out positive aspects at the institutional level such as: allowing institutions to offer companies without the displacements, accommodations and diets of their workers, expand their training offer to those people who cannot access the present classes,Improvement of efficiency in the educational institution due to technological advance. Improves teacher’s performance among others (Rosario, 2006).

Now, let’s look at the other face of the currency mentioned in the same article as negative aspects such as: unequal access in the population, technical failures that can interrupt classes, lack of standardization of computers, can be slow and byThe demotivating, an effort of greater responsibility and discipline by the student (Rosario, 2006) is required, to this added that depending on the learning style of each person can become an obstacle since there are those who need a more explanationDirect, visible, and of interaction in person with the teacher guide to better understand the contents, in addition to that as usually happens, there are also technological tools that are complicated to manage students who have never interacted with these media, whatthat can lead to demotivation and defect of this type of virtual modality.

In conclusion, societies continue to advance more and with it the technological revolutions where we must all go to the avant -garde and assume these new challenges, virtual education wants or does not part of that technological evolution where we are all immersed and where alsoIt is not just luxuries or vanities but is present in all areas of our daily life and even on personal, family, corporate communication, etc., in other words, welcome to the new era of knowledge. 

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