volunteer trends
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Volunteers in Service to America
Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) is an American Volunteer organization which was started in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The aim for its creation is to assist fight poverty in the United States through community-based projects with different organizations and individuals. Illiteracy, poor health, and lack of quality housing were some of the issues to be addressed by VISTA (Wells, 4). The volunteers of VISTA when it was founded were of any age; they were given a little poverty-level stipend up to one year of service to cover their expenses. In 1993, it became a quasi-independent organization. According to Wells (9), the pioneer volunteers started their service in January 1965 and offered services in the poor urban Hartford and the rural poor in Appalachian areas. The VISTA projects support the creation of jobs, financial asset programs and steer volunteer service at local levels.
Response to Classmate
The American Red Cross (ARC) is a volunteer organization whose primary role is to offer assistance to victims of natural disasters and mother emergencies such as severe road accidents. Besides, ARC does blood collection which is supplied to various hospitals in the United States by the United States Military and assists soldiers and victims of war. The fundamentals of ARC are independence, neutrality, impartiality, humanity, unity, voluntary service, and universality. The ARC works as a National Response Framework whereby it feeds, shelters and offers mental health services to victims.
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These services enable the victims to resume their normal life. The ARC also provides community education and outreach through health and safety education programs. In these programs, the citizens are taught life training and babysitting to become lifesavers themselves.
Work Cited
Wells, Ryan. Volunteers in Service to America. A Journal of American Volunteering Organizations. New York, USA, 2018.
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