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W6Initiating a Discussion of Values


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Initiating a Discussion of Values
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The aspect of value discussion or the major issues of the values of a client in psychology counseling have been highly debatable. Majority of the scholars in counseling and psychology recognize the fact that, it always has been of much importance to drive the customer into creating solutions as per their values, Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Callahan, P. (1998).This approach is because it is usually tough to have a client changing their values. In the case of Stacy above it can be even trickier considering the options presented and the rigorous discussion of values waiting to make sure all the facets of her scenario exhaust it to a conclusive point. In value counseling or discussion, the session is always important to understand that, a counselor who holds so rigidly to the values will find himself or herself fixing their values to the client’s problem. Promotion of counselor’s beliefs and values in a session will inhibit the exploration of client’s attitudes and beliefs (Corey, G et al. 1998). On the other hand, total lack or minimum regard to the values and beliefs on the counselor’s side will also not offer the right environment for clients to examine their values.
The value discussions with Tracey considering the three options are all clear. Tracey’s case well appears that a session with a counselor is going to influence directly the decision makes in the end. The initiation of her session on will start by the thorough exploration of the consequences and implications of all three decisions.

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The value discussion session must ensure that the client with the help of the counsel or understands clearly the decision they are considering. It has to be a session that the customer and in this case Tracey who is thinking to retain baby, abortion or adoption. In most cases, clients may fail to understand the decision they are about to take in a deeper sense. Understanding their considerations in a more profound sense not only focuses on the consequences of the decision but the process of the decision itself. Whether there is legality, and any other overlooked detail that, require clear understanding about the issue at hand, Miller, G. A. (2012).
In the session with Tracey, she will have to explain and answer questions concerning every move and the very move she will finally embrace. The discussion shall be effective by initially understanding Tracey’s background information on aspects like religion, education and another bit of her personal life that have a likelihood of influencing her beliefs and values. It is the responsibility of the professional taking she through the counseling sessions to ensure the questions she answers unveils her values and beliefs on the matters at hand. The work of the treatment, in this case, will enable Tracey embrace a choice that upholds her life values and beliefs. When dealing with a case of a client considering raising a baby as a single mother, taking an abortion or letting out the baby to adoption is an issue of value.
The underlying logic of the course of actions that the client has to take has to be clear to both the counselor and the client. Let us, in this case, examine the Tracey deciding to keep the baby. The question of how to raise the child will call for a practical answer, the discussion will even have to delve deeper to a third party. The third party in the debate is the father of the baby. The client will have to inform me her counsel or if she considers the man in the picture as responsible, or possibly inclusive in the raising the child. This part is on the possibility of trying to minimize or do away with single motherhood that sets in with its psychology problems. If the client clearly indicates a lack of trust to the father or honestly explains him to be not the responsible man to raise a kid. There will be a new approach, and it will call for assessment if she can be in a position to raise the baby. Tracey will, in this case, we develop a need to be more pro-active in looking for employment. With much help, Tracey will need to understand that much and in details all that comes with keeping up a baby on prenatal and post-natal.
Taking a case whereby Tracey completely rules out keeping the baby, and she decides to take abortion. If the counseling sessions have indicated a match of her values and the abortion, they will be less need to be imposing costs on her. Treatment of counseling always calls for bracketing. Bracketing is the shielding of the counselor’s values, life experiences to avoid contaminating the counseling sessions Miller, G. A. (2012).
Understanding clients a client in a counseling section is the root of doing the counseling practice not only practical but also produce workable solutions for the problem at hand Corey, G. (1996). To ensure that I clearly understand with clear precision what Tracy is telling out in session is a question of communication. Discussion in counseling can only be keen, attentive and engulfing observance of even the most subtle bits of it.
Understanding Tracey could only begin with understanding her profile so well and figure out her behavioral pattern. The understanding of a client’s personality, behavior and traits is an attention and cooperation demanding task, but when achieved it opens up excellent communication Corey, G. (1996). Communication has always needed to be two-way in all aspects of life. The non-verbal and verbal communication in my session will play a part to understand Tracey. To tell if I understand clearly, Tracey’s talk as a counselor one will have to pay keen attention to both non-verbal and verbal bits of the conversation.
The exhibit of empathy will enable me to understand Tracey, being able to express empathy will make her unveil more of her feelings about the situation disturbing her. Empathy is the ability to be sensitive to the client’s predicament, and it does not necessarily mean being sorry for them. It reads as an indication of being attentive to the customer enabling them to open up more and explain dark. To express empathy does not necessary need to be verbal but also silence convey being sensitive to the matter.
To ensure that I clearly understand my client I would engage into opened ended and struck a balance between my objective and subjective questions. The questions must be very relevant to the issues pertaining the decisions that Tracey want or will have to take. For grasping the whole idea, there is a need to ensure the questions asked arranges as per the goals of sessions. The right issues and relevant questions serve to attract the right answers. A successful counsel is that which embraces serious communications that comes along with many of both sides. It will have to be a very personalized talk that opens up the client and creates chemistry with the counselor.
Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Callanan, P. (1998). Issues and ethics in the helping professions. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole Publishing.
Corey, G. (1996). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
Miller, G. A. (2012). Fundamentals of crisis counseling. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons.

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