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War Art And Different Military Tactics


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War art and different military tactics

The Sun Tzu War Art Book is a work that covers different military tactics, shows the process of a conflict or war from its beginning, course and end, in order to become victorious in it. This text has inspired numerous historical eminences such as Napoleon and Machiavelli. It is pointed out as a treaty that instructs the supreme strategy to apply with intelligence and wisdom the knowledge of a human nature in moments of conflict and confrontation.

The objective of this great strategy compendium is to understand the origin of a conflict and help find a solution to it. Sun Tzu points out that the nucleus of his philosophy close to war is based on two deep principles: "All the art of war is based on deception", and "the supreme art of war is to submit the enemy without fighting". These apply not only in a civil war, but also in business, sports, diplomacy and the behavior of a person.

Sun Tzu addresses his philosophy in thirteen chapters. The first of them is called "on the evaluation", and covers the war, which is the domain of life or death, it is forced to handle it well and value it in five factors, the doctrine, which makes the peopleThis in harmony;time, which is defined as the opposite poles, verbigracia, the ying and the Yang;the terrain, which implies distances;The command, which covers wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage and, discipline, which is defined as the organization. That person who dominates, will always win, the person who is not defeated.

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In a conflict, the situation should always be taken into consideration, and it must be acting in accordance with what gives an advantage. "The art of war is based on deception", the enemy must be put in, and it must be attacked when it is not prepared.

The second chapter is called "about the initiation of the actions", he mentions that people should not be mobilized more than once by conflict, immediately after obtaining the victory, the same place should not be returned to rebuild another conflict. When all resources and power are exhausted, the country is ruined, people from their profits are deprived. An intelligent leader or general struggles to exhaust enemy’s resources, and he will always deviate imprudence. If you use the enemy himself to defeat him, you will be powerful anywhere wherever you go, this is called to overcome the adversary and increase your own forces in addition.

The third chapter is entitled "On the propositions of victory and defeat", it refers to that it is better to keep an intact enemy than to destroy it, the person who gets surrendered without fighting, is the best teacher of the art of war. Prudence and firmness comes to tire and dominate, and if you know others and yourself, or in a hundred conflicts you will be in danger. "Those who know when they fight and when not, know how to discern when using many or few troops triumph, they have troops whose ranges have the same goal, they face preparations for unsuspecting enemies and have competent and not limited leaders," these are ways of knowingTo a future winner.

The fourth chapter is appointed "about the measure in the disposal of the media", teaches us that becoming invincible means knowing yourself, waiting to discover the vulnerability of the enemy means knowing others. If a person is only able to ensure a triumph facing an enemy in an armed conflict, that triumph is hard. On the other hand, if a person is able to see the subtle and realizes the hidden, breaking before the battle order, the triumph is easy. The triumphs always stand out of power safely. Military rules are measurement, which gives rise to valuation, is to calculations, these to comparisons and comparisons give rise to victory.

The fifth chapter is titled "About Firmness". Force is the accumulated energy or the one that is perceived, this refers to achieving a perception of strength and power in the opposition. Whenever a discreetly conflict is entable, victory is won by surprise. Order and disorder are a matter of organization, cowardice is a matter of courage and that of impetus (precept), strength and weakness are a matter of battle formation. The force of impetus has to when there is enthusiasm, conviction, order, organization, resources and commitment.

The sixth chapter is named "about the full and empty", states that good warriors make their enemies come to them, your strength will always be full, and theirs empty. Be extremely subtle and discreet, mysterious and confidential, so you can direct the fate of your enemies. In the event that an enemy is in a favorable position, you must tire it, confuse it and fill it with uncertainty;This means that the more defenses induces to adopt your enemy, the more weakened. You should always make an assessment about your enemy to know your plans, so you can determine a strategy to overcome it successfully. Induces your enemy to adopt specific formations to know their weak points.

The seventh chapter is designated "about the direct and indirect confrontation", argues that, if a person pretends to be far, he begins his way and arrives before his enemy. “Use order to face disorder, use calm to face those who agitated."If the person knows every detail of the condition of the land in which the conflict will take place, she can maneuver and war. The one who first knows the measure of what is far away and what is close, this is the main rule of the armed struggle expires. Avoid confrontation against ordered formations and not attack large battalions constitutes the mastery of adaptation.

The eighth chapter is called "about the nine changes", when a person is on a closed land, he must make a strategy and move from there, if he is in mortal terrain, there is nothing left but to fight. If you are able to change the strategy according to the impetus of the forces, then the advantage does not change and the only injured is the enemy. Tired this keeping it busy and without letting it breathe. The general rule of military operations is not to count on the enemy not to approach, but to have the means to face him, to possess what he does not have to be attacked. It is important to remember and be attentive to danger even and when it is safe, and chaos in times, even if it has no form;Avoid them before they appear.

The ninth chapter is entitled "On the distribution of the media", it teaches that you should always fight being downhill and never uphill. You never walk against the current, or against the wind. You should always be located in the best part of the land, and take advantage of all its beneficial factors, since this gives you an advantage. If the enemy sees an advantage and does not take advantage of it, it is tired;If he acts in isolation, it means that he lacks strategy and ends up being defeated. Being violent at first and ending fearing, means ineptitude. He directs human people and benevolently, and unify them through regulations, thus, if they are given an order, they will accept it. When orders are reasonable, fair, simple, clear and consistent, there is reciprocal satisfaction between leader and group.

The tenth chapter is called "on the topology," says that some lands are easy, when so, the first to establish your position;Other difficult, if your enemy is not prepared, you will overcome, on the other hand, if he is prepared, you will have many difficulties to return;Some neutral, which means that the terrain is unfavorable for both the enemy and the person;Other narrow ones, in what if you are the first to arrive, you must occupy the ground totally and wait for the enemy;rugged, which must be occupied at their high points;or open, here the force of the impetus is matched. Do not calibrate the number of forces, the absence of a clear system of rewards and punishments, training failure, irrational passion, the ineffectiveness of the ordered law and the failure of not selecting strong people are various ways of being defeated. It is important to emphasize that when you know yourself and you know others, victory is not a danger, when you know heaven and earth, victory is inexhaustible.

The eleventh chapter is named "about nine classes of land". There are different kinds of land, such as dispersion, in which local interests fight between their own territory;The light, where it enters an alien terrain, but not deeply;the key, which is advantageous if you take it;of communication, which is accessible to all;of intersection, which is surrounded by three rival territories and is the first to provide access to all, be the first to occupy it;The difficult one, which is when it enters deeply in a foreign territory;The unfavorable, when it is difficult to cross;The fence, where access is narrow and greets tortuous;and the deadly land, in which you can survive fighting in quickly. “Do not fight a dispersion terrain, do not stop in a light terrain, do not attack in a key terrain, do not let your troops be divided into a field of communication. In intersection land, it establishes communications, on difficult lands, provisioned entrance, in unfavorable land continues to march, in surrounding land, make plans;In mortal land, fight ". In conclusion, if you get the advantage of the terrain and know the plans of Losemigos, you can overcome them. Find out what you want, adapt and anticipate it.

The twelfth chapter is called "about the art of attacking by fire", fire is used to sow the confusion in the enemy and thus be able to attack it. Acts when beneficial, otherwise, give up.

The thirteenth chapter is entitled "On Concord and Discord", it addresses native spies, internal spies, double agents, liquidable spies and floating spies. The remarkable point of them is that a brilliant and wise person uses the smartest for espionage, and thus will be sure of the triumph.

The text is an interesting summary of instructions and advice on how to direct a war and to do to overcome the enemy, using resources, coupling circumstances, obtaining an advantage over it, acting intelligently and astutely. The conflict is an innate characteristic of the person, and will always prevail anywhere.

It is really interesting and entertaining, it fully envelops you when you start reading its pages, with it the origin of a conflict and the types of solutions to be able to overcome it is explained. It can be applied to any context of our daily lives, and even in our law of law degree, since the context of war not only focuses only on a battle or armed struggle, it widely covers a meaning. It is an immense orientation on how to act, guide, coordinate and organize to solve problems and situations.  

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